Rushdown Characters: Who is the best?

Shin Akuma, Maki CvS 2
Jam, Bridget GGR#(Pretty much almost anybody imo if u can false roman cancel.)
Talim Soul Calibur 2
Ibuki Sf 3rd strike

CvS2 Shin Akuma is comedy, i remember the first time i got to him, he killed my r1 and i was still waiting for them to say Fight!.

You know, you’re right. “Broken” is probably a slightly too strong a word to slap ont MSF Wolvie, especially considering BS from other games. Plus, I could have sworn that he could combo into the speed-up super (into the infinite) in the arcade version, but it looks like I was wrong. Whoops… He’s just way too good. And yeah, it’s not an infinite isn the strictest terms (you only build about 80% meter back, but considering it’s Wolverine, who gets meter for free anyway…), but it does ~100% damage to most characters, assuming they took no hits beforehand, and you can link supers during/after the speed-up ends. 1.5 meters will kill anyone, assuming you can somehow land the combo from the begining of the speed-up super, that is (or at least have enough time to get the first dizzy).

And online play is awful. I played some A3 matches once, and I had a full 2 seconds of lag, and of course got swept…and then the dude started talking shit…wtf I was on a keyboard and playing the match from YESTERDAY, there was so much lag. Anyone who thinks they’re hot shit on A3 because they win kailera matches, please, please find me at Evo.


Oh man I so know where you’re coming from. I usually don’t like saying anything, cause hey, a win’s a win right? But seriously the delay was causing me to miss correct blocking. I’d get hit overhead with no time to get up, get tripped with no time to crouch. But in the end, I commend the other players, especially if they strive through the lag and input commands beforehand. It’s easy with Guy though - high, low, chain, slide, slide, slide, chain, random super slide, slide, slide, throw … He has a lot of options and can come at you quickly with both highs and lows. Man some epic matches I had on console though with Guy vs. Chun - obviously better there cause I could break through the RS with no delay.

But yeah I’ve got caught in Wolvy’s rapist super in MSH before. It’s not so bad. With BH, if you’re smart, you’ll be in the air whoring mk like a 2 cent prostitute on 20th street. No chance for Wolvy to really get ya. Of course I don’t recommend that shit with every character (staying airbourne).

Why do I see Eddie in GG series here
Its rushdown, not lockdown

In rushdown you can still consider what to do and react within 1 frame or 2
In lockdown you dont, you just block.
In Eddie case, not even dead angle nor Burst could save you from lockdown, that mini Eddie just takes the hit for it


(MvC) Wolverine
(MvC2) Magneto
(SF2:st) Balrog
(SF3:3s) Akuma
(KoF:any) Iori
(GGxx) Chipp
(Fist) Toki
(Rumble2) Hazama
(Soul2) Talim

Uhh, can Chris rushdown in KOF '98? I know he has all these death combos and such, so can he be considered a rushdown character?

About the best RD: Mags and Storm are at the top of the food chain, but don’t forget the Tae Kwon Do characters in T5 (I think), Lau/Akira (VF4), Makoto (3s), and whatever else. Oh, and one question: Is there any kind of rushdown in the SS games? If so, list who are the best at it in each game (1-5 SP, Tenka), and why. Nothing seems to combo in these games to me (maybe because I suck at the games, or because SS4 is the only one that lets me combo things).

Kanae in Dual Blades.

Vampire Savior: Queen Bee or Zabel
GGXX: Venom that shit the FUCK down

Yun isn’t even close to being a good rushdown character in 3s… half of his game is keep-away, and he has a limited amount of combos into the only thing that makes him worth playing at all (SAIII). Yang’s a little better just because his EX Mantis is so nasty. What makes Yun a good rushdown character? Cross-up dive kicks on wakeup that are easily parried or blocked? A slow command throw? Unless they have GJ ready, every good Yun I’ve ever played has backed off as soon they scored a knockdown and mashed on Cr. Strong… that’s less scary than trying to wakeup against Sean.

Makoto is a crazy rushdown character, but Akuma is tops (regardless of the fact that he takes hits like a 5-year-old girl) because he has more options than anyone else, most of them are safe, and all of them are scary. Even if you take his dragon-kick mixup out of the game (because the best of the best will knock you out of it every time) he’s scarier than the rest of the cast.

And don’t say Remy or Ibuki just because you play them. :stuck_out_tongue:


EDIT: I know this makes no sense theoretically, but good Ryus also scare the shit out of me on wakeup. Don’t know why.

The ONLY reason why I said Yun is a rush character is because his SA3, that shit will rush you down.

Makoto rush is more like Slayer to me. You either get hit, or grab/bite

But after I thought about it a little more, Akuma it is top

The thing about Yun is that, 90% of the time, good Yun players will combo into GJ instead of using it to pressure. If they randomly activiate GJ, they’re going to burn half of their meter just trying to get in the first hit (which they may not even get). The only time I see GJ used outside of combos for pressuring is during matches where the Yun is either within a few hits of a win (so no juggle is necessary), or during matches where the Yun player is getting desparate.

And yeah, Makoto’s rush is sort of like Slayer’s (from what limited GG knowledge I have)… but she scares the shit out of me because she has so many tools with such high priorities, and they all force you to make split-second decisions because you don’t get knocked down too much (instead of a normal wakeup, where you have a second or two to think about how you’re getting rushed down). If she can keep you disoriented, and keep guessing correctly, she can take half of your lifebar before you realize what happened.

Hm, I’m not sure about Makoto. She seems horribly random. As long as you zone her within dash (her dash) distance with random light pokes she can’t really realiably get in, and basically anything stops her dash. Once she’s in, there are several ways to beat her out with any character. However, thus is the nature of SF3, slightly more defensive than offensive. Regardless, Makoto players will constantly trying to be going for her command grab.

Random is sorta accurate. She has her off days and on days. But when you’re on… SAIII and genocide. Apparently she’s top tier, but not higher then all the rest I think. If she had a more reliable method of getting close, then she would be the best.

She’s top tier in Japan, I’m pretty sure it’s Yun > Chun > Makoto > Ken.

Yes he can. I already listed Chris, but this is a thread that asks a question that encompassess ALL fighters, then chooses to ignore SNK characters, and focuses on characters from either series from dead (fighter-wise) companies, or games that get only updates every 2 years or so.

Sol and Millia (GGXX and GGXX#R)

Chipp (GGXX/) Looks that way at the moment considering his upgrades

Steve Fox (Tekken 5.0)

Gato, Oswald, K’ (KoFXI) Don’t believe K’ is then check this vid

Taki (Soul Calibur II)

Yun SAIII, Makuto SAII maybe Yang SAIII (3rd Strike)

B Janet and Kim Dong Hwan (Garou)

Kyo (CvS2)


I don’t know about A3, mainly because there’s no dashing, running or small jumps, but I suppose Guy is a rushdown.

most people will say magneto here because the vast majority of people are just mvc2 fanboys and played nothing else or dont know anything about any other game. Pure ignornace another words. Here’s my list in no particular order:

  1. Vanessa: One of the scariest characters in KOF2K2 or in any fighting game period. You can’t get any more confusing then her, high/low games with no knockback resulting in almost an endly array of ground games + infinites with a single hit = one sick rushdown character. All this without doing a single jump. Would like to see magnus do this.

  2. Melty Blood/Act Cadenza. Has anyone seen these in high level jap play? Almost every character in this game makes magnus rushdown look like a pile of poo. I can’t even get into a basic rundown on what you can do in this game, just look at jap play and you’ll see what I mean.

  3. Darkstalkers/Vampire savior in general: Same thing as the above. Almost every character in this game is just total rushdown. It almost seems broke.

Other characters:

  1. Milla
  2. Chipp
  3. Eddie
  4. Wolverine

And a comment about magneto, if you notice all of magnus’s rushdown capabilities are based off of almost CONSTANT tri-jumps with short kicks with assists. WOW, lots of varieity there, nuff said.

KOF: Chris, hands down.
CvS2 and SF2: Vega
CFE: Jedah

EDIT: oh shit I forgot one
DS: Hsien-Ko

I have to say, I think Wolvie really does have an advantage over most of the cast in MvSF for the simple fact that he just builds meter so ridiculously fast and has dizzy combos. What some people might not remember is that if you catch the speed up infinite and happne to land a hit early enough, you can get enough reps to lead to a dizzy combo. By that time, you would have built enough meter to repeat this combo, or just go for a XX BBX for good damage. Armor Gief certainly is Wov’s toughest match, and I can see other characters giving him some problems, but it’s hard for me to really say who.

Anybody remember the tiers for this game anyway? Wasn’t it something like

Top-Wolvie/Dark Sakura/Omega Red/Spidey

Mid-shotos/BH/Shuma/ both Giefs/Chun/Sim/Bison/Cyc/CapAm/Mephisto/US Agent

Low-Dan/ Sakura(might have been mid)/

Oh yea, and my votes for top rushdown
keep in mind, I just recently got into SNK games a while ago, so excuse my list for being mostly Capcom related. Also, the games listed next to the character is refering to the games they were actually good in, and is not meant to signify all the games they were featured in.

  1. Magz (XvSF, MvC2)
  2. Storm (XvSF, MvC2)
  3. Wolvie(MSH, XvSF, MvSF)
  4. Blanka (SF:CE, CvS series)
  5. K-Rock(CvS2) or Jedah (Vampire series/CFJ)

Yea…my list sux.

Hardly anyone here seems to know what rushdown is really about.

The only possible candidates are: Anji, Servbot, Sean, Dan, and 'Gief. =/

Note: Anji > magz.

Also, zand wins thread for best av. :lovin: