Rose Combos and Glitches

Nope, the image of Rose doing Scissor Kicks and Head Stomps frightens me.

I’d love to see Rose have that much stamina though. she becomes some crazy possessed bitch who doesn’t flinch from a heavy combo. that’d be my kind of woman. :rofl:

Perhaps it’s listed in this midst of the 17 pages of this thread, but I noticed no mention of

Hit confirm > mp.soul reflect xx super

as a combo for her.

you on crack? lol.

FUUUUUUUUCK why do people want to do reflect > super so bad

because it’s all that reflect can juggle into! lol.

You clearly haven’t heard about the glitch you can do with that where he super ends up doing 150% damage :rofl:

share this info!

She damn well needs reflect > FADC > ST.

But that reflect > super glitch is neat stuff if its real.

No, I don’t think that’s real.

ok things you need:

  1. Bad Ryu player
  2. 7 reflects
  3. full meter
  4. do motion

this is a secret glitch, nobody has ever posted it on the internet and I will delete it in 72 hours.

hahahaha :slight_smile:

LOL…“Bad Ryu Player”…

  1. disagree

  2. agree but I would rather have rose’s ultra

  3. agree

Im mad that Rose cant Reflect-FADC into ultra but can catch u with a focus attack out of the air and dash into her ultra =/

Hello people! How y’all been? I gotsa quick question for ya.

Have any of you experienced the delayed second hit on EX Spark when used in a combo? Where whatever move you comboed into the Spark with made the opponent’s hitboxes wonky enough where the EX Spark gets staggered? I’m trying to find if there are any replicable circumstances be they setups/character specific/et cetera. Any info on this or at least a match vid where you’ve seen it happen maybe would be greatly appreciated.

Yo, when trying to be flashy with Rose and doing FADC in combo’s, which setup do you guys use?

I tried training the most logical one:
-> C MP xx LP spark FADC C MP x LP spark.
But this fails me a lot. The C MP after FADC usually ends up blocked. It’s possible, but hard. So I changed it to:

-> C MP xx LP spark FADC C LP xx LK drill

I love that cancel, and it’s a knockdown, but it’s not great damage since it’s just a C LP there ended with special. In the corner this worked sometimes;

-> LP Spark FADC C HP xx MK drill, but really this is hard.

I tried looking into the theory behind to calculate how many frames I have and the answer would be:

Animation after hit from LP spark : 52 (total) - 14 (startup) = 38
and Frame advantage after hit: -8
thus hitstun LP spark: 38 - 8 = 30

Roses forward dash: 21
Bonus for dash out of FA: 1
thus total dash costs= 21-1 = 20

hitstun: 30
and uncancellebale frames: 4
thus frame advantage for FADC: 30 - 20 (dash) - 4 (delay) = 6 frames

Lots of math, and I might be off one frame. This is actually harder than others because Rose has no hitstun listed on her specials. But the conclusion wuld be that anything that hits on the 6th frame is plausible after a LP spark cancel. That means a C HP as well, but no C MK for example. The numbers migt differ though due to spacing, if your fireballs hits a frame or two later because it travels (who knows?) you might gain some advantage.

Mainly against Dhalsim, Sagat, Blanka and Akuma. You can (combo of choice) >> EX Spark >> FADC >> Ultra them from anywhere when it happens but I havent found a way to MAKE it happen routinely.

BTW, have any of you noticed the slide glitch that happens in Rose mirror matches??

i mean, one Rose player walks forward, the other one slides. And the player that is walking forward goes thru the slide without getting hit at all!

i happened twice to me. it was like WTF!!??


Happens with Blankas beast slide too.