Rogue rushdown techniques

any body have a video of rouge…?

can you guys tell mewat moves are Sj.xx wth rouge so i can follow thatup with a tri-jump? and also where can i find a good rouge vid:( i wanna see her in rush down overdrive mode in a tourny but had no sucess on finding one:sweat:… appreciate the help.
thanx in advance:D

Well the best/easiest moves Rogue can super jump cancel are s.LP and c.RH.

c.RH xx sj. xx sj.D + RH actually combos and you do GNS or Snap Back after, so a good combo would be:

c.LK, c.MK, c.RH xx sj. xx sj.D+RH xx Snap Back
c.LK, c.MK, c.RH xx sj. xx sj.D+RH xx GNS

Hey ya’ll, I found this simple guardbreak that isn’t that impressive, but it does land a hit and keeps them in the corner.

When they’re falling in just sj lk then dhk. You’ll be able to hit them with the dhk and keep going after that. Any of ya’ll fast enough to do something cooler after the sj lk? I haven’t sat down and tried it that much.

Hey Mixup, was that you that I was playing in XvsSF on my laptop at the Break(or was it Infinite?) If it was u, how do you do that other infinite wit Rogue. I was doing the other one (jump XX ad(f) lk, hk, repeat into GNS) But I think you were doing one simular to the speed up infinite on MVC2.

Anyway, when I use Rogue, I usually call sentinel drones, air dash above them and lk lk(dosent have to hit them, just confuse them) so the Sent drones are behind them, usually they are confused by then, and I can launch or whatever I want. OR I XX super jump XX down + hk, super or whatever I feel like doing after that.(I noticed its much easier on XvsSF tho) But I cross people up with ad lk lk alot when they are close to the corner.

With Magneto as point, using Rogue throw assist, I >> + rogue,, (rogue grabs them) Dash BACKWARDS, then jump + hypergrav, or just Magnetic tempest. And if you are good enough, just do ROM infinite after Rogue throws them in the air.

Sadly C,HK SJ cancel D.HK only works once against skilled players, well for me at least.:frowning:

Probably my favorite anti-Sentinel flight stomp combo is call Sent ground J.LK, J.MP, J.HP Sent G hits J.LK, J.MP, J.HP XX Power Drain. MMM…MMM…Good!!!:evil: Oh and Sent needs to be flying at normal jump height to work effectively. :stuck_out_tongue:

damn, but if they’re sentinel is any good, they wont stay at normal jump height unless they are c.hp XX fly, unfly repeat from close up. Most of the time they are stomping the hell out of Rogue.
BTW How do you fight Cable/commando with magneto/Storm/Rogue once Cable has his distance from you. I cant stand Cable :mad: Why did Capcom put him in this game. :mad: To give n00b’s a cheap way of beating the damn game.

I rarely get a chance to play Rogue anymore… But I may be able to assist here.

Fighting sentinel’s stomps… depending on the assist sent has you pretty much thrust block and use the opening to jump with her light punch or kick… those beat everything sentinel has.

Fighting Cable/Commando with that team… requires putting Storm on point if your Magneto isn’t up to par. Mags can absolutely do it… but it’s just easier with Storm. As for Rogue… I personally have a CapCom assist problem when I have Rogue. Storm’s alpha assist will take CapCom down to cover your forward movement… but Cable will likely start shooting people so that’s not particularly safe.

That’s why I super jump when I do the combo, SJing gives me the additional speed I need (hey that rhymes :lol: ) to do the combo. Trust me it happens.

Oh and I hate playing against Cable too but just be patient and force them into the corner.:evil:

cable is easy!!! i’d say storm is the hardest cuz if she starts flying…dammit i can’t super jump that high!!:lol: luckily commando will do some of that for me :cool:

Runaway Storm is too hard, luckily most players around here use rushdown Storm.:evil:

what ive been doing with rogue is that i start poking with 2 low kicks, then roundhouse and follow up with weak punch, weak kick, wp, wk and fierce punch… I end up landing on their other side and start all over again… this is what i used to do with spiderman and i discovered it worked with rogue too…

ive done it like 6 time in a row against a oh so much hated cable/bbhood/jin player at the school’s arcade muahahaa

the guy was like wtf… umm… roll? :stuck_out_tongue:


C.LK, C.MP, S.LK, S.RK is better because people often pushblock and C.MP will stay on the since it travels.

I wanted to learn Rogue as no one here uses her and I see some great potiental in her. Though I wanted to know, whats the commands for her jump in kick, few low hits, repeat? The CPU does it on me sometimes and its damn FAST! It looks like tri jumping stuff. Also the combo where she ends up on the other side you you. Sorry Im asking things which will be in here but Ill only be home a few minutes, check and goto the arcade later on. Ill probably use her with Sent, Storm, IM probably. Shes on my list of next to learn, so Ill read this thread but right now its time to go out!

Go to the a much older Rogue thread made by Timeflip for a comprehensive guide.:slight_smile:

where’s that one? i already looked from the beginning but there’s no thread by timeflip there

Awww man they deleted it, I’ll chack somewhere else.:slight_smile:

hehe… ill check back to see if u found it

^ Go here for some non-advanced Rogue info.:slight_smile:

link doesnt work…
and what do you mean by non-advanced?:bluu: hehe