Rogue rushdown techniques

I’ve been experimenting with rogue(after playing pats rogue you sorta think she doesn’t suck:lol: ) and i wonder why not use

Sj(that way you will auto turn around for airdash) airdash fp, neutral fk(this seems to be the only attack that will come out this low to the ground, keep in mind you cancel into your airdash really really fast)

This is pretty similar to what you see magneto doing vs sentinel i’d just like to discuss pro’s/con’s

:mad: :fury: :mad: what r u doing mike how dare u touch my girl. just playing nice to see u playing with her but r u confidence to use her at mid-west or ECC8? I would love to discuess rogue with u but u r my enemy and I just can’t talk to u about that:lol: hope to see u and the florida peeps at our tourny.


Hahahahaha naw i wouldn’t use her at a major, i just like to use all of the characters bc there are so many. Plus it’s fun to see what works vs who. I guess i’m just bored with the game:lol:

I think it’s best to use her with tron although rog/im/sent is good as we’ve already said.

P.s i can’t go to ecc8 bc i gotta start saving up for another place to stay, lease is up in aug:(

I gotta start worrying about more important things now:bluu: :mad: :bluu: :frowning: :mad:

Re: Re: Rogue rushdown techniques

yeah I hear you, well if u can try to come to our tourny or Mid-west if u can. and I have a lot to deal with as well so I guess I won’t see everyone untill EVO2k3 this year.
And mike your not getting tired of MVC2 but the comp there and as soon as u go to a touny out of state your get that feeling back again.


I know how you feel Vegita. When I see someone else using Rogue I’m like… HeY!!! That's my bitch!!! >_< I was hearing something about some Floridian peeps trying to get a caravan started up to go to ECC. I’m like… o_O; fo’ real?! Although the details are pretty not thought out yet but… we will see. Anyways…

Always… backwards tigerknee + two punch buttons, or I think j.fp is a little slower to come out than Not sure… well unless your in speed up mode then that shit is really quick!

Oh I got a question for you Vegita. Storm did a grounded LA xx LS on Rogue [with speed-up]. I got hit by the LA but Rogue got out of the lightning stun and was able to block the LS. Crazy? I don’t know… maybe they just did it wrong. Or maybe Rogue is a weird high since you can’t do LA xx LS on Sentinel cuz Sentinel will be able to block.

Oh and the funniest shit that happened the other time when I used Rogue with stolen hyper armor… I did her GNS and it went through the HSF! Both of us were like… WTF?! Crazy stuff lol.

Nice rush down stuff:

Rogue: j.fp, call sent drones/storm typhoon, dash in, s.lp,, s.fp [typhoon/drones hit], s.rk, aircombo into Power drain.


instead of air combo, just sj.fp and do her airthrow.

Whatever floats your boat ya know?

U don’t need Hyper Armor to go through GNS, GNS has invincibility at startup.:wink:

he’s right for that certain frame she is invincible.


well i agree with VEGITA-X rouge can be very dangerous lady when she got you on the corner u cant move ryt away cause of her speed cancling in the air she like wolvorine in MvsC1 the way she goes down and smacking it!.. but wat im curious of how u do the other super move when she just keep smacking your face like a pies of unfaithfull person… how do u do it…???

well i agree with VEGITA-X rouge can be very dangerous lady when she got you on the corner u cant move ryt away cause of her speed cancling in the air she like wolvorine in MvsC1 the way she goes down and smacking it!.. but wat im curious of how u do the other super move when she just keep smacking your face like a pies of unfaithfull person… how do u do it…???

how do you approach a complete runnaway cable(…like there’s any other type…)

well you just have 2 be very timing when running aways the best way and i really hate it when they use againts me is cable/dr.doom/blackheart i bet you just can get closer very much unless the player made a misstake about it!

Doom covers Rogue’s Rushdown extremley well and chips the crap out of them. Use the cmp a lot since it pushes her right back to the opponent even if they pushblock, plus it chips.

so u mean 2 tell us that rouge can do a trap same as strider…:eek:… what character u mix with her rouge

mind goes like this mag./cable/rouge<— i use rouge the kissings assists 2 set a super or a air dash combo… wht abt you…???

My teams usually consist of Rogue/Storm/Tron, Doom, Cammy Cyke, or Psy. And you can hold someone down with Rogue/Doom, just gotta work at it a lot harder and be more flexible with the way you rush them while Doom is out. Of course, getting them in the corner is ideal since outside of the corner they got a lot better chance of escaping.

so you mean u have 2 be really flexible using rouge… :smiley: :smiley: well what are your combos on Rogue/Storm/Tron, Doom, Cammy Cyke, or Psy. i cant seems 2 figure out on your character’s how you stay alive when you fight those hit and run player’s

One combo I do is jump in with jfp or jdhk dash in lk lk hk, call Doom, sj lp lp fp, the sj fp should slam them right into the rocks, sj dhk and you should be behind them when they recover from the rocks so you can have a free power drain. After that you can dash fp xx into GNS.

Remember if you’re backed into the corner you can powerdrain, clk (unrollable) xx into launcher or GNS.

As for runaways, just stay on them and don’t let up at all. cmp keeps you close to them if they try to push block. Rembmer that jfp has a lot of priority on ground moves, so don’t be afraid to use it. jdhk has slightly less priority so remember that.

i’m thinking about trying to learn rogue (just for kicks), but i don’t know anything about her. should i start with her or put her second? i was thinking about using her with iceman and cyke, but i don’t know if this really works out. what’s her best assist, and what assists work well with her? is there a link/post that answers these questions?

Yeah, click on Rogue for the Strats section and click on threads “from the beginning” and you’ll find the old big thread. Lots of combos and info on her there.

Anyway, for some quick answer, start her out on point. She’s gotta quick 1 frame start up on her super so she can DHC safely into another combo if that becomes necessary.

Her Good Night Sugah allows a lot of different supers to connect afterwards. Even Cable’s Time flip and Jill’s Tyrant super will connect.

Doom helps cover Rogue’s Rush down very well and gives her chipping power. Rogue/Tron combos deal UGLY damage. Sent is a good partner for anyone and his assist also helps rushdown. And Rogue/Storm make a nice pair as well.

:mad: how manny super’s has rouge has i all i know is only one but there’s one more that i saw that she did to me same as like Good Night Sugar but she only do the punching style not with the kiss how do you that…???

if your last character is rogue or only have 1 bar of super meter, press both assist buttons (i think it’s called THC) and you’ll do rogue’s dashing super. she punches like 50 billion times.