Rock Strategies and Match ups

I was afraid of that. Sagat’s c.hp has pretty good recovery for a strong attack. So I’m guessing you have absolutely no time to walk up closer and punish, right?

Run, yes. Walk…maybe. Vega, Chun, Bison…anyone with a really fast walk

I’m playing Rock this past few days and i’m still having hard time using footies with them.

does Rock has poking abilities versus long arm characters?

I think footsies just aren’t his forte. Since IMO xx something would be your preferred whiff punisher, you’ve only got a chance vs characters that don’t outrange you. Too bad there’s no magic bullet for mathups like the one vs sagat.

Sweep goes under Sagat’s far s.HP. Rock can naturally duck under Sagat’s far s.HP. Sweep hits faster than Sagat’s crouching fierce. K-Rock has high prioriy low jump HK’s. Rock also has outstanding zoning abilities against all big characters with his reppukens and far s.HK.

Once you get a knockdown, the trick is to not let up on your mixups anyway. Play him like the momentum character he’s meant to be played as and stop complaining that he’s not the footsies specialist like a character such as Guile, Sagat, or Chun might be.

When Sagat whiffs a d.HP for example, you need to be on the lookout and really quick on your reaction time to take the opportunity to run in and sweep. You might not cleanly punish the whiff, but if Sagat tries anything outside of just block or dp (and dp is risky/semi-random), he’s going to get counter hit sweep. Run up 360 grab counters the block and grabs from MAD far away. Either way, as long as you’re successful with the knockdown, you have to keep following up on Sagat with the mixups until he’s dead. Like you guys have all said already, footgames isn’t Rock’s strong point, so stop trying to play him like he’s all about them.

edit: Oh yeah, random jab elbow all day. You guys aren’t fighting against Sakura with her cheap, 3 frame far s.LK and you guys have K-groove to shorten your elbow recovery time. What’s K-Sagat going to do when he’s running at you and you throw a random jab elbow at him for example?

thanks i’m looking forward to use this strat hope it works tommorow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Random Jab elbows are good, don’t do it too close or you get killed. High priority, he counts as being airborne so if he gets hit, he’ll pop back. Good safe way to get in (when distanced correctly) if people try to attack you, JD because you can JD 1 frame before you are allowed to block. After JD, usually you can punish with a sweep.

Random Note: Elbows go over Rolento’s Tripwire.

s.HK is a good anti air, but that isn’t his only anti air, people need to realize this, c.Fierce works well since Rock’s elbow sticks out and the rest of his body is below his elbow. c.Strong is good as an anti-crossup.

Don’t use Rage Run: Dunk (lk) too much, sure you might catch someone off guard once or twice, but that is so rare its not even worth the risk.

Rage Run: Stop (mk) is not good, even RCed its not that good, you can run through fireballs but most normals recover in time to punish Rock.

Rage Run: Shift (hk) master Rage Run: ShiftXX 360 Throw XX whatever you want. Rock has 13 frames (IIRC) of invunerablity when he actually shifts through the opponent, Shift XX 360 throw leads to mind games, especially when in corner.

Run up sweep works well when you want to get in, don’t do this all the time though, people aren’t stupid and will try to hit you when you are running.

just some side notes

random jabs: i do this a lot and i eat rc funky kick from ken all the time. and it seems like ken’s the only one who really hurts my random jabs. but it’s not really that important.

i rarely use s.rh, i think i should more cuz sometimes my c.fierce gets snuffed by certain attacks like sagat’s j.rh. s.rh would probably have been more useful.

qcb+lk: imo, this move shouldn’t be used at all, rock has enough mind games already. plus this move has kind of a low risk/reward benefit. occasionally it comes out for me when i try to do c.fwd xx deadly rave, and negative edge the move out. :confused:

qcb+mk: i’m not sure if it’s that useless, it seems kind of beneficial to A-rock. i.e. normal xx qcb+mk, activate. saw it in a vid :confused:

qcb+hk: no comment, already been discussed a lot.

run/sweep: sometimes i find myself doing this like 3-4 times(often times blocked all 3-4 times) in a row cuz 1)they look for my jump ins, 2) my random elbows got punished due to poor spacing. outside of those, i can’t really find a way to get in.

QCB+MK, Activate. I saw that in a vid too.

As hard as it is to admit it, I dunno how to get in either, I find ways but I don’t know what I did to get in, sorta like Im not paying attention to what Im doing. I should pay more attention and think about what Im doing.

Raging Storm as anti-air, must be done when the opponent is at the apex of his jump, either that or Blanka, Mai, and Vega get free jump in’s because of their quick falling speed while jumping. Not sure about charging the super. When I have done a 360 throw and cancelled it in the corner, I tend to do raging storm more than Shine Knuckle, is the damage the same or what, I never tested this.

Shine Knuckle can be comboed into or used as a punisher from full screen if someone throws a fireball or does a laggy move. The Repukken trick doesn’t work anymore, people have better ways to nullify the fireball.

Neo Deadly Rave, comboed into, and rarely, used to blow through an expected attack. If you catch someone blocking, you can chip them out because at the end the blast does lots of chip, if connected you can also forget about the blast and do a different follow up such as s.fierceXXhard edge.

qcb+mk, activate: must have been from video opera

raging storm: a nice simple mixup for it. since after that rock neta all have been released, everyone looks out for s.short xx 360. if you got them knockdown in the corner. do stand there and do nothing till they get up, do s.short, and block until you see them jump.^^

shine knuckle: i’m not sure why, but c.shortx2, s.short xx shine knuckle is a lot easier to hit confirm than c.shortx2, s.short xx deadly rave. that’s the only time i combo into shine knuckle.

deadly rave: i only use this to burn bar :confused: xx deadly rave all the way.

i suck with rock.

random C groove corner combo vs. 60 stun point characters:, land, close s.fp* XX fk run > shift, 360 throw, [hold down], charge PP, early laser, lp rising tackle, land, lvl 2 raging storm, [hold down], fp rising tackle**, (opponent dizzy)…then whatever.

i like too run > shift, 360 throw, [hold down], charge PP, early laser, fp rising tackle. does decent damage and builds your meter.

*run and shift happens while your opponent is reeling back
**do it as low as possible

tested on rolento it does about 8500+ points of damage and builds up almost a full meter, giving you almost 2 meter to play with after using 2 meters in a combo…good stuff.

Sup guys it’s been a while since I posted any Rock strats but it all boils down to good/bad match ups. In my experience I think ROCK OWNS ALL GIRL CHARACTERS, with a slight advantage to Athena,Hibiki and MAYBE K-Groove Cammy. In my opinion K-Groove is like a double edged sword for Rock it can help him a lot, but in my opinion it can really fuck his game up, cause he cant use his best poke Cr.RH.

I’m gonna rate the match-ups as Excellent,Good,Netural,Bad,and Fuck-it.

(on a side note I’m going off of my tourney exp. here even though I’m not a “TOP” player I’ve won a few tourneys in the ATL south as well as placed respectivley in the tournies I compete in, and it’s not rare for me to go to a tourney around here and get 4th place with my “Team Southtown” against all kind of top-tier cheeze balls.

Capcom side

Bison/Neutral- This match-up isn’t all that hard for Rock, just don’t telegraph his reppu-ken. Crack counters work well against Bison cause it’s kind of easy to see a sissor knee, or a psycho crusher.

Blanka/Neutral Contrary to popular belief Rock can win this one, the reason people lose this fight is that they try to fight him on the ground and that might not be the wisest thing to do, unles you are using the SJ RH. I tend to fight him from the air. Remember he can wakeup reverse
his high Crack Counter, for those wise asses that like to RC the electricity after every thing.

Balrog/Excellent- The only thing to worry about from Balrog is his crouching RH which will own yours for free, other than that feel free to pretty much execute whatever you want. Mainly CH.Rh.

That’s it for now guys I’ll keep on updating …

rock cant beat blanka son

WHY? :lame:

care to tell us why?

ive never had a problem playing against Blanka with my Rock.

i think fierce reppukens snuff out rolls cause of the double hit.

That’s the most disgusting screen name ever.

because blanka is fucking broken and rock is not

Let me ask a Question yall play rock but be serious which one is better KIm or Rock

K-rock > C-kim

C/A/P/N/K-kim > any other groove rock.

S-kim = S-rock