a kim > everything
Kim? dangv cause im not having luck with k kim?
No one has luck with K-Kim… =(
cons, loses the Jd–> sweep knockdown and safe elbows. how big does this affect rock?
2-3 supers with “safe” random supers
-he gets rc jab elbow(which is not as safe as it would have been in K-groove).
-he can break stock when he gets them into the corner and proceed to mixup from there, instead of having to chance people down when he gets raged mid screen(which imo, is where K-rock gets hit by shit most of the time )
-has an addition of RC double reppuken as anti air(for those times when c.fierce/s.rh/high counter isn’t useful ) well RC double reppuken is good for when you dont’ wanna risk trading with something and you dont’ wanna take the risk of an empty jump.
how does N-rock compare to A-rock? i know a lot of people say combofiend needs to drop A-rock, but nevertheless he does well with rock. so what’s A-rock have that N-rock can’t do more or less the same?
Dash is good, better than run imo, because Rock rushes down with elbow dashes and mixups instead of the normal running jabs.
I like the random activate with A…I mean…I got pwned along with everyone else by Combofriend’s random activations. Which is to say that they are not random, 'cause he’s really good, and I’m sure he knew what he was doing or he wouldn’t have done it, but I mean that we didn’t see it coming. He deals a shitload of damage with his custom…and he’s good with resets when the initial attacks are blocked.
Just watch vids…I’d take N-Rock right now, 'cause I haven’t played A-Rock, but if I learned it, I’d probably like A better.
N-rock is pretty solid. If you put him second and he comes in with 3 stocks, just activate right off the bat and your opponents options are EXTREMELY limited. And you don’t necessarily need to burn your meter the first time since you have 3. If you don’t get any openings the first time, activate again and you still have a level 3 ready.
RC jab elbow isn’t worth it IMO. It has great priority anyways and it’s fast enough that not many people will DP it if you mix it up.
Low jump RH is still nice.
I just watched the eccX matches of combofiend and JWong. His rock is sick! Yo, the gaurd break combo he did c.lp(*2) ~c.mk~jab elbow was being abused and jwong did not punish it with rolento or vega that much. How safe is that gaurd break combo?
Why limit them when he can incorporate breaking stock into his mixups and cancel the “pop” into super in a pinch?
IMO it’s probably a better use of your stock to get some axtra damage in on regular hits and combos as well as more guard crush potential. Rock has enough wakeup mixup options and though popping a stock is a nice way to get off a random rage rush or whatever I think he has more efficient options. I don’t know if that’s excactly what you had in mind though.
Although… popping a stock at a safe distance makes it very hard to get any real mistakes out of your opponent since I would assume they’d start playing conservatively and safe. So yeah, both ways have their uses.
Not quite what I had in mind…however
You pretty much nailed it there.
If what Popoblo meant by limiting options was breaking stock to give a “raged” kind of effect, they’ll simply run from you anyway, turtle up, whatever.
No one in their right minds would rush Rock if he’s “raged” right?
So they turtle up, you think this would open the way for grabs right?
Land a short jump HK (it’s gotta happen sooner or later) cancel to shine knuckle, deadly rave, whatever. Empty short jump, command grab mixups, super.
You can play this way, it works.
You just have to work harder.
I’m just saying let them come, Rock’s defenses are solid without supers anyway.
Breakstock when you got the momentum on your side.
You can break stock anytime after you knockdown and still cancel the animation to a shine knuckle to cover safe falls if you wanted. If nothing else breaking stock is a proven “stun” method on its own that could lead to a command grab break super, and you’re in the red so they’ll have to bust their asses even harder trying to get you out of their grill, unlike before when you were out of range.
If I may ask, is rock good in any groove except K? C, maybe?
Hey guys, since i’m using K groove, what strategies should i use? Need some help on using the 360 throw
i did see some videos but i need something orally…
Thanks anyways.
can some1 give me advice on how to handle a A-vega who loves to RC.
Try to get him cornered or when he’s rolling try shifting and using the 360 throw. When he attacks counter them. (he has to attack sometime). After the counter…he’s all yours, lol.
that’s a very crappy matchup for me too. the only thing I’ve come up with so far is to bait the HP RC tumble. it’s very slow so you can jump over and run after. Also, using his counter moves against c.mp would work if you can figure out the timing of their pokes. the LK counter move is a good AA since it’s his fastest option and vega’s jump is stupid fast. Another thing: early low jump hk can catch them off guard, it works well agains someone that jiggles or does a lot of max range poking. However, if they’re charged and waiting for you then it won’t be hard for them to RC you. If this is what they do you can probbably get away with empty low jump straight into JD. Being able to fully JD the the roll move (crystal flash or whatever it’s called) could turn the tables. I’m too lazy to practice it, which is why I lose.
When you guyz discussed about Rocks strats and which groove he’s good in. like Leezy said, one of his best grooves would be N bcuz i use him on that groove. Top grooves for him would be K, N, C, and then A.
S groove? his normals off of his dodges suck especially his close rh. bcuz it’ gets whiffed on a crouching opponet, his standing fierce can get punished when blocked.
P groove? it’s coo to parry here and there. but that damn meter fills too slow.
rocks hard edge is safe from a distance but it can be punished with lv.3 supers and faster normals.
ive tryed that but the combo stops at 2!! the MK donsent link:sad:
only cr.lk x2, cr.mk, fierce hard edge links. a lp hard edge is a pressure string and really hard to punish when timed correctly, like after a far cr.mk or do it at max range. mp hard edge is not safe after a cr.mk, best is to also do it at max range for surprise attacks. it is also very hard to be punished if u time it correctly