Rock Shinkuu Nage resets and tactics
Simply for the sake of bieng thorough, I’ve decided to go over some of the more common Shinkuu Nage resets in the corner. Some of these are common resets you have probably seen in random Otaku match videos. Corrections might need to be made some of these, feel free to do so.
Rage run shift–>Shinkuu Nage–>Rasetsu, juggle with a late crouching forward–>Rage Run shift–>Shinkuu Nage.
Popular Otaku reset. Fairly fast, difficult to react to. It’s biggest problem however is that there is no optional mix up or variation to beat an opponents counter to this reset. After your opponent sees the reset after 2-3 times it can be reacted to and beaten in the same way every time. When combined with other resets however you can extend it’s life time slightly.
Rage run shift–>Shinkuu Nage–>Rasetsu, juggle with a early crouching strong–>Fierce Reppu Ken
Another random Otaku reset. When timed correctly(low strong hits as early as possible while still bieng cancelable) your opponent lands on the fierce Reppu Ken somewhat late, making it possible to get a slight amount of frame advantage after it. The maximum amount of advantage I’ve been able to get out of this situation is +3 I believe, as I was able to link a close standing forward after it on large crouching characters, although it was very difficult. The amount of advantage seems to vary greatly depending on how early you juggle with crouching strong. After the Reppu Ken is blocked you can ether Shinkuu Nage right where your standing or counter hit low jab linked into low roundhouse. For low jab to be affective in this situation however your opponent must land on the reppu ken as late as possible, otherwise Chun li or Bison can counter this with their own low jabs rather easily. Unfortunately, after you land your opponent is somewhat out of range for Rock’s faster normals against most characters(They will hit some larger crouching characters, but who cares), like close standing short or forward and crouching strong. This makes your options limited as far as what you can do in this situation, which is why I think I often see Otaku go for forward or roundhouse Crack counter in this situation to beat counter throw attempts, which is rather risky. Honestly probably one of the worst variations at your disposal. If anyone has anything to add to this that might make it better feel free to mention something.
Rage run shift–>Shinkuu Nage–>Rasetsu, juggle with a early crouching strong–>Rage Run Save
Simplistic set up with a variety of variations. Rage Run Save moves you directly next to your opponent and recovers just before your opponent touches the ground, puting your opponent into a 50/50 situation. Your free to go for any standard mix up pattern, verifiable meaty crouching short linked into standing fierce–>jab Hard Edge(cancel fierce into a strong Reppu Ken if blocked), Rage Run shift–>Shinkuu Nage again, Shinkuu Nage, block for a sec–>fierce throw, or instant low jump roundhouse.
Against mid weights and larger characters you can switch out low short–>standing fierce–> jab Hard Edge for crouching short x 2, low forward–>fierce Hard Edge, which is a lot more flexible. If crouching short x 2 is blocked you can vary up with run up Shinkuu Nage, short run up counter hit low jab linked into low forward–>jab Hard Edge, or a hesitated crouching roundhouse.
Also note that instant low jump roundhouse is generally not very safe, hit or miss your opponent can combo or throw you as you land from it. Most players will react to it slowly the first time they see it however, in which case you can cancel your low jump recovery as you land into a Rage Run Shift–>Shinkuu Nage if they try to throw you when it’s already too late to do so. Use with caution, mostly as a round ender when your opponents life is low.
Rage run shift–>Shinkuu Nage–>Rasetsu, juggle with a semi late standing jab
After the standing jab you can run or walk up and do any standard mix up pattern. This variation is slightly more flexible then other variations however simply because you recover faster and have more time to safely do other types of patterns. Run up crouching short/combo, Shinkuu Nage, Rage Run shift–>Shinkuu Nage again, block for a sec–>fierce throw, or instant low jump roundhouse are all ok patterns. You can also cancel the standing jab into a Rage Run Dunk, which will hit just as your opponent lands, which is somewhat convincing in running grooves as you need to run into range after standing jab for certain combos. Some players use the extra set up time you do a semi late low jump roundhouse, then as they land ether cancel the recovery into Rage Run Shift–>Shinkuu Nage to beat a throw attempt or land and go strait into a Shinkuu Nage if they just sit and block.