Hey instubus
I admit fast rolls are damn annoying (read my previous post), but if he does it as much as what you make it sound like… it SHOULD not be a problem.
Throwing ppl out of rolls is an option, but only safe when they start rolling near you. Too far away and you might whiff a HP/HK if you do it too early, or you wait too long and either tech their throw or eat super/dp.
I think throwing out safe pokes is your best option, by that I mean pokes that cannot be punished when rolled or jumped on reaction (or even simultaneously). You can throw out lk’s and lp’s.
Punish the roll with a combo starting from cr.lp, cus those are fast and you’ll very likely catch them during the roll’s vulnerability stage. You can stick them out like there’s no tomorrow with little to fear.
Things like run-jabs are hard to roll through not only because of the blockstun, but also because the attacker can se ethe roll and then just sit there and cr.lp as you recover from the roll. You could try that.
if you see a roll, you might be better off just punishing with low forward into elbow or super since rock has relatively slow jabs.
to the guy having problems with iori rolling, heres a few more suggestions, zenfire covered most of it…
don’t throw reppukens from a range where iori can easily roll through and hit you. don’t throw out a sweep or low forward if you think he’s going to roll. go to training mode, set the computer on roll into block, and learn when the roll is vulnerable if you’re really having that many problems… or fuck it, just do a 360, that move has a lot of range
Hey guys i’m new at using Rock right now and i using him in one his more generic grooves…P. I really like his mix up and i know that he doesn’t benefit off of a parry very much (or does he?) anyways I really like this guys mix up but i still have a few questions to ask…could you answer them for me:
What is the “Rock Trap” I remember reading in a faq from gamefaqs.com that the Rock trap was basically throwing a bunch of repukens (from full screen) and waiting to see if the opponent does any thing other than block it. The FAQ basically stated that if your opponent does anything but JD the repuken, parry it, or block it, you can throw out a lv. 3 shining finger and it will always hit. Is this true?
Rock’s mixup is astounding! i’ve learned that you can trick a lot of people by doing c.lk, c.lp strings! What are some of your guys better mixups?
What are some of Rock’s better low jumping attacks? Does low jump even benefit him very much? I do notice that if i do: c.lk, c.lk, lj lk, rage run shift…this is a very quick move…but i want to know if his low jump is very good…what are yur guys’ input?
My most important ordeal…What do i do when my opponent gets close!? this may seem like a very newbie like question, however i feel very stuck when my opponent begins to pressure/ rush down my Rock.
I’ve never figured out what the “Rock Trap” that Grolin’s faq was talking about but I think it’s just throwing reppukens until u lvl 3 shining knuckle when they try to retaliate or raging storm on jump ins. Kcxj posted another Rock Trap where you just knockdown your opponent in the corner, and then perform a meaty QCF x HP, and throw if they block, HP rising tackle if they counter.
I’m pretty bad w/ Rock’s mixups, but I dash a lot in P groove, and when I get a knockdown, here’s a couple things I do:
1)dash, dash over body, trip
2)dash, dash over body, c.lk, c.mk xx repukken or hardedge depending block or hit
3)dash, dash over body, rage run shift xx 360, break, HP elbow
4)dash, dash over body, low jump up HK
a)rage run shift…
c)parry low
5)dash, throw
If you can’t tell, I really like Rock’s dash. His low jump Roundhouse is very good, I think slightly worse then Sagat’s. It’s very hard to respond to. When my opponent gets close, it goes into the footsies game. It’ll be a lot of walking back and forth and jabbing, but try to catch your opponent unaware by dashing/running in and tripping, or faking a fireball and dashing up for a throw/combo.
Also, can someone tell me what Zenfire means by okizeme? Is that a move name?
Fullscreen reppukens: you can wait to see them jump or roll and you can catch them most of the time. There’s a post somewhere about how the shining knuckle (not finger :p) was better in beta versions or something and that that trap now no longer works. Probably has to do with the speed and or freeze time.
I am now convinced that run-jabs lead to his best mixups, only if I can learn to dominate run into 360. It’s not that hard but if I try to do it quickly I allways end up doing hard-edge. The reason I think this is best and better than Okizeme is because after a knockdown you have to keep safe-falls, tactical recovery AND wake-up super/dp in mind. But with run-jabs only well timed reversal moves will stuff you.
I only do lj.hk
It’s pretty good because of its vertical reach. I do it during matches where I’m afraid to get my sweep or c.mk stuffed/rolled.
Try to stick a jab in there and gain some frame advantage, from there retake the initiative. If you can’t or they try to counterhit your jab, then perhaps it’s time to stick out a nice Crack Counter to make them think twice about pressuring you. It’s by no means guaranteed or safe, but other than a rising tackle (which is useless against rushdowns that involve overheads) it’s one of the best moves to get you clear.
Okizeme is wake-up mindgames/mixups/pressure or simply post-knockdown offence, I think it originated from the Tekken world, cus that’s where I first heard it.
The whole Rock “trap” thing is so stupid that it works sometimes. There’s a bunch of ways that make it much harder for Rock to punish things with Shine Knuckle on reaction.
Though it still works on occasion, if you can get that far away from your opponent, especially on slow people who can’t RC =P
There are basically 2 Rock “traps”. There is the corner d.repukken then shift/throw/RT/super mix-up, and there is the throw a repukken from far away if they jump/roll shine knuck them (Kamui actually did this to me last regioanl, lol). The d.repukken is -4 after being blocked, so unless your opponent has a 2 frame dp/jab, you can do those mix-ups because your opponent has to perfectly time your attack or throw to punish it, which is hard. It works sometimes, but it just a guessing game really. The throw repukken one works, which is stupid. I hate you Adam, lol.
which is why the trap works so well, it’s hard to time throws since punch throws are 3 frames startup, so you have to land it in a 1 frame almost on time before you get supered/rising tackle/runshifted. kick throws aren’t an option. the only problem is if you do rising tackle and they decide to blcok, you’re kind of screwed…but it’s really hard to resist punishing the point blank double reppuken since it looks sooooooooo punishable. rising tackle works almost all the time if you mix it up well enough during the rest of your rock game.
Does anyone know of good Rocks other than Otaku’s? I don’t think Kichinii’s rock is that great and I don’t play Rock in A. Ino stopped playing rock ages ago, which is too bad, cus I’m sure he could have come up with some nasty stuff had he stuck with him.
Yeah it is hard to get in with him, I also have slight trouble with sagat, by the way I use A-rock.
For a beginner rock player I would say bating the opponent with lp reppukens is nice, i see combofiend do this a lot, he plays his rock kind of simple and so he told me. When the opponent has a level 3 though be carefull of baiting with reppukens.
Dont do them to close to the opponent, and your basically seeing how they react, if they see it and try to jump, s.FK that shit ect…