Sentinel’s Human Catapult counts as a capture state according to trag’s list.
Yup, just HSF DHC
so its:
Human Catapult(specific version?) > Rocket Punch(???) > HSF > DHC into compatible HC???
No, you cannot hit the opponent after landing the command grab until after you DHC Sentinel out otherwise they are no longer in the special ‘capture state.’
Honestly it’s not that useful for my team because you can get better damage with fly -> :l: Rocket Punch xx Hard Drive (whatever -> Plasma Storm) but I thought I should mention it.
The trick for getting the rocket punch to OTG is to immediately fly, then fly forwards and down a tiny bit. You don’t have to fly too far - you hit them with the very end of the rocket punch. You can’t wavedash up - you won’t make any ground unless you’re near the corner. You can OTG after all versions of Human Catapult midscreen.
[*]800k impractical combo w/ only 1 hyper:
combos on a standing opponent. Once you get them to block everything you can unfly the :h: before it hits and land and command grab or whatever.
[*]Am I the only one who doesn’t like :l: Rocket Punch xx HSF in the corner? It’s so inconsistent - the number of hits is very character-specific and you can’t relaunch and fly combo usually. TK :l: Rocket Punch xx Hard Drive seems much better. Also, landing a cr. or a Rocket Punch after the Hard Drive guarantees you get all the hits of the followup Plasma Storm. Sometimes if you do raw Hard Drive -> Plasma Storm Sentinel leans into the corner and the opponent gets hit from behind you and doesn’t get full hits.
I improved Sentinel’s BnB in the corner. Builds 1.3 bars (you use 1) and does 700k off cr.
cr. :s: ^ :l: Rocket Punch :l: :h: v :s: ^ :h: xx fly :l: :h: :s: v :l: Rocket Punch OTG xx Plasma Storm
If you omit the fly combo part you still get like 698k. You want to do the first Rocket Punch pretty late, you want to jump forwards immediately, and it seems to help if you kara-cancel j.:h: into the rocket punch. After the relaunch you can neutral jump before the j.c and it might be more consistent. The flight combo link is actually hard at the end, but like I said you can omit it.
Off just raw launcher you can do
:s: ^ :h: xx :l: Rocket Punch :l: :h: v :s: ^ :h: xx fly :l: :h: :s: v :l: Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm - I think 850k?
Oh I get it, so you Human Catapult > HSF > DHC into compatible HC.
That combo is basically his double jump + flight BnB.
You can slightly delay the input of HSF from a RP L to make all the drone hit in the corner.
My sentinel game is rusty and my inputs are bad to being with. You tyink you can get a video of this up? If so I’ll add it to the main post.
Is the timing of or :h: after a launcher character dependent?
After a human cat :h: i can normal jump double jump etc no problem. With super jumps keep overshooting or undershooting.
Damage: 1,251,800 +
Can start from 1 meter but requires an Air Tag
Hit confirm j.S (aka The Frying Pan) land Storm Typhoon Assist s.S (launcher) sj.S (typhoon hits to bring them back up) S, land TK (Tiger Knee motion) Air L Rocket Punch xx Hard Drive, land s.S (launcher), sj.H, d+S (Ground Bounce Team Aerial Combo to Magneto), (He comes out with sj. M) sj.H, Air Dash df + H land s.H xx L Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest xx DHC (cancel before tempest hits for hit stun/scaling reset) Hyper Sentinel Force, s.S, sj.M, M, H xx Flight Mode, L,M,H,S land L Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm
You can alternate after the tiger knee Hard Drive
land c.M xx M Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm for about 840k-855k damage.
Air tag to Sent in the corner… build tons of meter, do tons of damage. there is a lot more potential in this idea I think, this can’t be all you can do with air exchange. hitstun resets, and doesn’t start scaling again until the opponent hits the ground
Okay, first of all it matters if they were grounded when you launched them. Where they get launched is relative to their original position. Secondly, in order for to connect you have to delay your super jump usually. On some characters it is more consistent than others.
However I don’t use j. to start a launcher combo unless the opponent was too high to get hit by j.:h:. This is part of the reason why I start combos with j.:h: xx rocket punch/fly. In an extended combo it does more damage if you leave off the j. anyway. The only other times I use j. in a combo are in a scaled flight combo (j.:l: -> j.:h: won’t connect after 5-6 hits I believe), during an unfly -> double jump combo, or if my opponent is too high for the unfly combo. And I almost never do .
You basically have to learn fly combos with Sentinel in order to consistently convert a launcher into damage. Unfly, on the other hand, is not necessary for consistency but adds damage.
I don’t have a way to record it but I’ll ask around my scene and see if anyone can record me doing it with their phone or something ghetto.
Wow, I did not know that you could do so much off a TAC with sent. My jaw almost dropped when I saw you do a rocket punch combo into a fly combo INTO ANOTHER ROCKET PUNCH COMBO.
I have noticed that off a sideways tag (I think? I’m gonna test this tonight) you can actually do a fly/unfly -> relaunch combo. If you could do 2x rocket punch -> relaunch that would be sick.
Random slightly Better Human Catapult H combo.
jump m xx m rocket punch, falling L, m, st.m,s jump mmhs (that part is hard but you can shorten it if they seem to high in the air) land otg or tk rocket punch into supers and shit. Does I think 700k for a plasma storm.
You can do my raw launcher combo off :h: Catapult in the corner for more damage. Or you can do s. xx :s: -> :l: Rocket Punch :l: :h: v :s: :h: (optional fly xx :l: :h:) :s: :l: Rocket Punch OTG xx Plasma Storm for more consistency.
Okay I found a midscreen combo that does more damage today involving a relaunch. But I’m not really quite sure if it’s consistent. It doesn’t work on MODOK because he’s an asshole. Anyway:
cr. :s: ^ :h: xx fly :l: :h: xx unfly :h: v :s: ^ :h: :s: v OTG :l: Rocket Punch - 667.5K if you follow it up with Plasma Storm. You have plenty of time to dash up and TK :l: Rocket Punch xx Hard Drive too.
Off raw launcher, the same combo does 796.3K with Plasma Storm if you omit the j. at the end (which you can and should in that case).
The raw launcher combo is much easier. Notes:
[]Do the first j.:h: as soon as possible
[]Cancel into fly immediately
[]Delay the j.:l: for a while to let them fall down more
[]Delay the unfly after j.:h: otherwise the screen will shift and you can’t connect the second :h:
[*]This is actually a pretty hard combo so I don’t know if I would use it as my BnB. However, it builds around 1.3 bars in combo so you could convert any cr. into a dead Magneto with Hard Drive -> Plasma Storm.
Did anyone happen to get down the Clakey-D combo on WNF with Sentinel? It was pretty long and it happened after an up air exchange. I think Sentinel did about 17 hits in the air by itself. There were a lot of rocket-punches.
Was it anything like this combo?
WNF only posted him losing to Duhy unfortunately, and he doesn’t get much off besides Tron combos… There was a match where he did the sentinel combo twice though. Can’t remember against who. Cant probably find it when they put up the whole nights gameplay
old school Storm/Sentinel kill you DHC is back folks.
Do any combo with Storm that ends with Hail Storm, but instead of Hail Storm use Elemental rage.
DHC into HSF
Launch after the HSF
Pick a basic air combo with Sent to use.
End with Frying Pan, OTG, HSF.
Should do about 1.05 million
cL>cM>cH>JC>aM>aM>aH>land>M>H>S>SJC>aM>aH>aS>land>Elemental Rage>DHC into HSF>S>aM>aH>aS>land>RP>HSF
The trick here is that elemental rage can hit the whole screen, simply hold a button to make the ice come up from the ground further. Holding no button makes it appear right in front of Storm, Holding a button makes it go 1 size further from L-H
Also this combo can be looped until death on any character, just do a TAC instead of the frying pan to make Storm come out and restart the whole combo.
Basically as I told my friend “DO you remember the infamous Storm/Sent kill you DHC that goes live with 2 meters in MVC2… well it’s back thanks to the DHC glitch”
This was like, the original DHC glitch.
Yup, just didnt see it posted anywhere or see anyone using it, i just see storm players ending combos with hail storm, so i figured id put it up.