Actually it was a lot like that. Do u know the exact notation?
that combo is sentinel only im sure, if its not its hard as hell on others, i only tried hulk though…
but air tag in sentinel with UP,S… H xx M.Rocket punch, wait, L,H xx M.Rocket punch, L, M, dj up fwd, M, H xx fly, immediately hit L,M,H xx M. Rocket punch, wait, L,L,M,M,S…otg rocket punch xx plasma storm.
hyper sentinel force whiffs so, use plasma storm, over 950,000 or so
Okay so we all know that :h: cr.:h: xx hyper sentinel force doesn’t work. However, if you have a teammate with a beam hyper, you can combo using a crossover combination (:a1: + :a2:). You’ll use at least 2 bars, and possibly a third, but if you have 2 bars you can convert a full screen spit into a 500k damage combo easily. If you use Dante his hyper will keep going after the drones hit and you can actually dash up and get a little more damage with j.:s: but hitstun deterioration is extreme so you probably can only do something like s. xx rocket punch
After any rocket punch xx Plasma storm combo you can link a snaback if you want, or a s.:l: to reset them. You can actually do Plasma Storm -> Plasma Storm from the right height but I’ve only managed to do it once.
These are my current Sentinel combos. Are there any ways I can improve from them damage wise?
Mid-screen: [(j.:h: j.:s:) (j.:s: land ) (cr.
)] :s: jump j.:h: fly xx j.:l: j.:h: unfly j.
DJC j.
j.:h: j.:s: land Rocket Punch OTG xx Hyper Sentinel Force -> :h:
raw :s: : 736,200
(j.:h: j.:s:) : 799,300
(j.:s: land ) : 787,300
(cr.) : 627,800
Corner combo: [(j.:h: j.:s:) (j.:s:) (cr.)] :s: jump j.:h: Rocket Punch
j.:l: j.
JC j.
j.:h: xx fly j.:l: j.
j.:h: j.:s: land Rocket Punch OTG xx Hyper Sentinel Force -> Rocket Punch
or :h: [xx Plasma Storm ]
raw :s: : 782,400 (957,600 with Plasma Storm)
(j.:h: j.:s:) : 836,400 (1,011,600 with Plasma Storm)
(j.:s: ) : 815,700 (990,900 with Plasma Storm)
(cr.) : 664,110 (839,300 with Plasma Storm)
Can’t get this to work on Zero midscreen…hopefully it’s just me having problems with a very tight link due to a smaller hitbox.
Anyways I got an alternate finisher for him in the corner. After the relaunch I do:
:h: :s: v TK :l: Rocket Punch xx Hard Drive
Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm
800,500 dmg (barely enough to kill him)
Yea, a lot of combos in this game seem to work a little differently against Zero.
Original toan combo… It works on midsize characters with some minor adjustments
corner only
S, M, RP, L, H, S (relaunch), L, M, HxxFly, L, M, H, S, land, RPxxHSF 810,700 one meter
but see, I don’t understand this combos hit stun deterioration. It does nice dmg for only one meter, but sometimes guys just hit-stun out about mid-way.
I’ve been working with this combo a lot, but never got it to work ingame.
Fir, I tested your combo, and it seems the hitbox of the opposing char is highly relevant. In any case, I’ve found it easier to do when I do the initial air M xx L RP almost as soon as I get out of the ground, and I have to mash L to hit after fly, I suck at this, I prefer doing after the relaunch: M, M (jc) M, H, S. Anyways, no one in high level just eats a ground S, combos usually start with frypan, I have to check how much hitstun decays considering that. Comments?
yeah I was mashing the L to get it to come out also if I get could the timing down for the L after L RP that would be great. Personally, this combo is risk/reward suited to me. As you said, the hixbox to opposing characters are factored (bigger they are the easier it is). There’s major increase in hitstun, and timing value.
though I’m not particularly efficient with Sentinels jc combos, that does seem a bit easier to do than the fastfly I put up.
It frustrates me that I never get to find out this stuff by myself. Maybe I’m not openminded enough to experiment outside the box?
Can I get the notations for this combo? Is it corner only? Looks so sick!
After the hit when you enter after the AE: M, M, L RP, L, M, M RP, L, M, jc, H, fly, L, M, M RP, L, M, H, S, land, L RP, QCF+PP.
As far as I know, Rocket Punch combos are corner only, yes. That makes it a tight corner only, because they have to be flush against the corner for Up/Down TACs to not cross them up.
I’ve been playing around with Sent’s TAC a lot today. It’s pretty flexible, because as far as my tests have gone, there’s 0 hitstun decay between a TAC, and when they hit the ground.
I’ve been using this, on most average size enemies(Cap. Am, Taskmaster, etc)…
AE - L-H -> M RP, L -> M RP, L-M^M-H -> Fly, L-H -> M RP, L-L-M-(slight pause here)M-H-( S or AE).
It varies a little depending on if you start with AE Up or AE Down. I usually start up, but if I start down, I leave a tiny pause after the AE hit, and then leave out the first L. But because of the 0 hitstun decay, and the fact that his RP’s adjust their height, I would wager the combo will work on anyone, with a little adjustment here and there. And it builds such ridiculous meter, even AE’ing up.
does anyone know how to break over 1 million with sentinel with 2 meters and no xfactor? A lot of people say it’s their bnb but they’re not really telling me how. I’m just experimenting with sentinel, so I have yet to break 850k midscreen.
I’m away from home right now, so I’m just guessing here, but try this out and see what results you get:
j:h:, j.:s:, s., s:s:, sjc, j:m:, j:m:, j:h:, j:s:, land, QCF+:l:, QCB+:atk:+:atk:, QCF+:atk:+:atk:
This will always work in the corner. It works midscreen if you wavedash into the last super.
Sometimes you can get medium or heavy Rocket Punch inbetween the two supers at the end, but it whiffs sometimes because of hitstun, so I’m not 100% sure if it will work here.
I know this won’t get you 1M, but its my BnB and does a nice amount of damage.
If you do find a way to get 1M, be sure to let us know here.
I don’t really know how you’d hit the 1m mark, without three meters or some beyond-BnB execution requirements, AND a corner, but I’d be interested to know if you find out.
My best guesses would be…
1.) 3 meters, 1062k dmg, "HSF Relaunch into HSF + Plasma Dome, done by cutting out excess normals"
j:h: -> j:s:, / s:s: /\ sj:s: / QCF+:l:, QCB+:atk:+:atk:, s:s: /\ j:h: j:s: / QCF+:l:, QCB+:atk:+:atk:, QCF+:h:, QCF+:atk::atk:
2.) 2 meters, 1046k dmg, "RP link into HSF and Assist-extension relaunch"
This is using Dante’s Jam Session, so you’d have to find a way to incorporate your own assist into allowing Sentinel’s s.S /\ jH->S, which would otherwise fail. That, and Non-Aerial Exchange rocket punch links are definitely not BnB.
j:h: -> j:s: / s:m: -> s:s: /\ sj:h: xx QCF:l:, sj:l: -> sj:m: /\ sj:m: -> sj:h: -> sj:s: / QCF:l: xx QCB:atk: :atk:, s:s:+:a2: /\ sj:h: -> sj:s: / QCF:l: xx QCF:atk::atk:
Amusingly enough, #2 has a net gain of 0 meter, and doesn’t require any going in.
Alright, corner combo time
S/jH/M rocket punch/jL/jM/double jump/jM/jH/Fly/L/M/H/S/TK L rocket punch/Hard Drive/cM/L rocket punch/Plasma Storm
Some times I like to link 2-3 Hard Drives on the end to make sure the plasma storm kills.
Combos after a H command grab.
Easy-H command grab->jH/jS/S/Insert fly combo here/Finnish with hardrives or HSF into plasma storm (depending on the combo you get 700K-1Mil)
Hard-H command grab->jM/M rocket punch/jL/jM/double jump/jM/jS/S/jH/M rocket punch/Hardrive/Hardrive/Hardrive
DHC Trick Fail Chars
So there are chars where DHC tricking into Sent plain whiffs.
You still wanna hurt’em so rather than DHC trick with your point char do your basic launch combo into an Air exchange-Sent->Fly combo->then take them to the corner with TK L rocket punch->hardrive and either throw another Hardrive into a plasma storm or end it with a plasma storm.
Ammy and Tron Bonne come to mind where this is useful. This doesn’t do as much damage as the DHC trick but it still does 800K-1Mil depending on how damaging you can make your combo pre-exchange. Also for extra hardrives down exchange give a whole bar but don’t get predictable.
Remember in the corner that if you exchange down or up you can do mad damage and build LOTs o meter if you do Rocket punch combos.
Just playing around with DHCing to Dante Devil Trigger, using Hyper Sentinel Force.Doing this does more damage than DHCing to million dollars and lets you build some more meter from assists used after DHC. Here it is:
cM-S super jump H xx qcb+S L-H xx qcb+S H land S super jump M-H-S land qcf+L xx qcb+AA DHC qcb+AA jump S land dfHHH-fH xx A+S S land Akuma dp+M jump (assist hits) S land dp+M xx dp+M Sentinel qcb+L xx H (drones hit) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M xx(before last hit) qcf+AA
Here’s an example of DHCing to DT from an throw:
Throw qcf+L xx qcb+AA DHC qcb+AA d,d+S S land dfHHH-fH xx A+S S land Ryu dp+M (assist hits) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M Sentinel qcb+L xx H (drones hit) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M