I’ve recorded this combo for the thread however. I cannot get the :h: during :l::h::s: to connect.
Updated the thread with some videos. My execution is shitty so I cannot do the fly combos for you guys. Adn well, i dont really play sentinel either. If you think something you have is a BNB, please list it and put a video or even time stamp a video with the combo, and I will upload it to the main post.
You need 3 bars for this to work best, must have at least 2 bars and in this case Storm must be in the 2nd slot.
Best done from about 4/5 screen or closer, can be done from full screen but the damage makes it not worth it unles you will win the game(Hail Storm hits really weird and does next to no damage from full screen).
You can XF and dash forward for additional hits to make this a 1.3 million damage combo.
You can change the characters around to whoever, you just need a move similar to Hail Storm(hits across the screen in 1 frame) and a beam/projectile super(something fast is best).
I genuinely thought I was the first to find out about this combo but yeah
This should be his bnb for anyone under 1mill health
When I had created the thread I had just picked up Sentinel. Like for two days, and I came here to learn some combos outside of the guide. All I found were some bullshit complaints about how Sentinel is OP. And well, to me its not really fun playing Sentinel. He is really strong and I dont enjoy having a “crutch” like him. so i’ve since gotten rid of him. I mess around in training mode once in a while to see what he can do but yeah. I don’t play him because I dont want someone to say I beat them because I had a Sentinel on my team.
But still, I will update the thread because there are definitely new things to be learned with him.
It does like 620 k off cr. if you end with just :l: Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm.
Corner combo:
This does 660 without the Plasma Storm off the cr..
Level 2/3 Xfactor corner rape combo:
I think that kills everyone in the game without meter regardless of which way you set it up. I’m not sure about the j. xx double jump but I think that’s right.
Off Human Catapult in the corner I was trying to do immediate j:h: -> :s: (groundbounce)-> :s: but the combo I was doing before wasn’t working. So you can do j:h: -> :s: -> :s: -> :h: :s: -> instant air :l: Rocket Punch xx Hard Drive but not the combo I put above. Actually that might do more, I should check that.
I took your ender and stuck it on my air combo and got 1100k.
j.:h: j.:s: (groundbounce) :s: j.:c: xx Rocket Punch :l: xx double jump :h: :s: (flying screen) OTG :l: Rocket Punch xx (slightly delayed) Hyper Sentinel Force -> Instant Air/Tiger Knee Hard Drive -> Plasma Storm. You could probably tack on a :l: rocket punch before the Plasma Storm, I saw someone do that today.
Skipping the Hard Drive does 950k I think?
However this combo is not practical in my opinion because it starts off a jump-in and requires you to start with 2 bars.
Update on the corner level 2/3 Xfactor rocket punch loop: cr. :s: j.:h: xx rocket punch j.:h: xx rocket punch j. xx :h: rocket punch: 1100k easy. Tack on hard drive as needed. You can’t cr. kfc :s: into it, the spacing gets messed up and they fly too high. You’d have to modify the combo. Maybe you can cr. kfc cr. to keep the spacing consistent.
Off :h: Human Catapult in corner: j.:h: :s: (groundbounce) :s: j.:c: xx fly j.:l: j.:h: xx unfly j. xx double jump forwards j.:h: j.:s: -> Rocket Punch xx whatever super - I forget the damage. You can do a j. after the doublejump but I hate that move in air chains because it whiffs sometimes.
Anybody have good combos when your opponent gets hit higher up? I’m just doing :s: lol
cr., immediately call Dante Jam Session assist, cancel last part of cr. into flight, :h: :s:, land, s. :s:, sj :h: :s: OTG Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm - a little over 500k (it might be 400k, I forget, I tested it an hour ago). The damage is very disappointing but this is a good way to combo off Sentinel’s only low in the middle of a pressure string. It also makes the cr. safe if you don’t follow it up. The flight followup is obviously an overhead and you can unfly to do another cr. or Human Catapult.
You can also cancel the cr. into Sentinel Force and it will combo. I didn’t do the full combo off of it though because I didn’t think about it.
I think you can probably land a fly/unfly combo after the launcher but you’ll have to do :h: xx fly :l: :l: :h: xx unfly xx double jump :s: instead of the fewer-hit, more damage version. The Jam Session does 10 hits though so there’s a lot of hitstun scaling. And forget rocket punch combos.
And finally cr. xx flight -> j.:l: combos without an assist but it’s hard and weird and I’ve never tried landing a combo off of it to check damage.
Just to add a little something, you can do the same thing with s.M + Dante. You can also do [(c.L + Dante), c.L xx Flight], which is a tight string.
And yea, it seems like any time you do a Sent normal + Dante blockstring, you have the opportunity to call Drones. If the Sent + Dante string hits, Drones will combo. I believe it’s a better idea to call M drones, because they keep your opponent launched nicely.
Another great thing about the Sent normal + Dante strings is that Dante will usually chase your opponent down if they pushblock, keeping them in blockstun and allowing you to wavedash in, fly in, call drones safely, or whatever.
I’m really still exploring my options after strings like s.M + Dante, or c.M + Dante. I was hoping they’d allow you to fly into a left/right stomp mixup, but I’m not sure if that’ll pan out. It’s possible to do this if your opponent is sleeping and chooses not to pushblock, but it seems like advancing guard really shits on this tactic (and good players are likely gonna pushblock in these situations). Things get alot better for Sent + Dante in the corner, but I don’t know if these sorts of strings are gonna let you run any serious mixups mid-screen.
One thing you might be able to do is hit-confirm into either flight or drones depending on whether the Sent + Dante string lands or gets blocked. Because flight and drones are both quarter-circle back motions, you can buffer that shit regardless. If the Sent + Dante string hits, you can press S to go into flight and get a decent combo. If the Sent + Dante string is blocked, you can press M to summon safe drones, which accomplishes a bunch of goals itself (pushing your opponent to the corner, forcing them into the air, etc.)
Also, thanks to all the dudes in this thread that are posting bigger and better bnbs.
I made a quick video to show a corner variation of your c.M + Dante bnb:
After I made the video, I realized you don’t have to do unfly H that low – when you cancel c.M into flight, fly up+forward, then the unfly H is way less sketchy.
I probably didn’t do the optimal combo after launch (I’m better at stealing combos than making them myself, haha), but I was mostly just trying to show the fly H -> unfly H shit.
Builds a bar and does better damage than the midscreen joint.
When combo’ing someone and committing to XFC instead of doing the ending of L rocket punch>HSF->XFC->combo it’s much better to just XFC the L rocket punch->S->H->fly->L/L/M/H/S->L rocket punch. This builds another bar and should kill everyone if it isn’t enough to kill then you can burn the extra bar for a plasma storm but you aren’t burning another bar considering you built another one from the re-launch.
after one week in the lab my double harddrive turned into:
1M damage needs 2bars to start(build 3rd during combo) no XFC or assists
Off of Dante A assist, there’s possibly more that this works for, you can do j.M > j.M > j.H > land > j.M > j.S > s.M > S > SJC > j.m > j.H > j.S > land > L.RP > HC.
Does only about 500k due to heavy scaling but it’s def a style point combo and can lead to death using lvl 1 XF
Midscreen after a command throw, there are 2 ways to combo that I know of: Like someone said earlier, immediately fly and air :l: rocket punch (OTG) xx hard drive, or Hyper Sentinel Force DHC. You get the DHC glitch off that. If you DHC into a powerup hyper you can dash in and get a pretty good combo, but the HSF will scale it somewhat. You can actually DHC extremely late and the spin state will pop the opponent up and make it easy to combo. I don’t know the optimal height, it might be best to make the first wave of drones whiff and let the second batch hit full.
What’s the best damage you guys can get off :h: Human Catapult in the corner with 1 bar without assist? I keep on hitting just about 700k. I’ve tried rocket punch combos, unfly :h: relaunch combos, and lots of other things and I can’t get any higher.
Speaking of which, this seems like it’s corner only, but does around the same damage as rocket punch combos but easier.
cr. :s: ^ :h: xx fly, :l: :h: xx unfly (wait) :h: v :s: ^.:h: xx fly (I think this works? If not it’s just :h: :s:) :l: :h: xx unfly xx double jump :h: :s:, lp Rocket Punch xx Plasma Storm
The DHC reset requires a cinematic super or special capture/grab state caused by moves like Magnetos Hyper Grab as the starting move.
It works like this:
Cinematic super/Special Move that causes capture state >
Hyper combo that does not come directly from the character you are DHCing to(power up supers mostly but HSF also works and the HC has to be able to be canceled into XF, this is why Hail Storm doesn’t work)
Desk has a complete list/tutorial on youtube, I’d post but I can’t get access to youtube at work.