"Resistance is Futile!" - Sentinel Combo Thread

After playing at winter brawl ive made 2 combos that lead to 1.35 million + damage. They are designed to be able to kill another sentinel as soon as the match starts. Obviously this being the sentinel thread this is a sentinel vs sentinel situation needed although these combos work on all characters there is a slight timing difference when doing them to light and small characters but the inputs do not change for anyone.

c.B > S > a.B > a.C > a.S > land > RP > HSF > XF the second HSF flash screen goes away > a.C > a.S > land > a.C > a.S > RP >plasma storm.

If you are in the air you replace the c.B with a delayed a.C(sentinel has to be falling down when you do the a.C otherwise the other character will come out of hit stun and you won’t be able to land the S.

Also it should be noted that this combo will build about 1.5 meters and will leave your opponent in the corner.

Yes you can mash with sentinel and win but only against players that are not that familiar with the game.(just because you think you know everything doesn’t mean you actually do especially if you are losing to a mashing sentinel player)

A little help. After a launcher im not consistently hitting j.m , j.m. I sometimes only get one j.m then the second one whiffs. Am i doing the inputs too fast or slow? Also seems like timing to land the 2 j.m’s after an air S to launcher is different from just a standing launcher, am i correct?

huh just realized i never put the xfactor combo up. I’ll get it up in a few days. Trag13 has a nice introductory list of combos that I will link to in the opening thread after I ask him for permission, and I’ll add the notation for those combos, the three BNB complex flight combos, 1 command throw combo, and then the xfactor combo.

Try delaying your follow up after the launcher. Different weight classes have different timing but the inputs rarely change.

H command throw (from anywhere) immediate xx flight fly forward l rocket punch, qcf air super juggle pushes to corner land juggle qcf super. 650k dmg for 2 meter from a heavy command throw landed anywhere lol. Worked on everyone i tested it on so far.

To relaunch from midscreen start with either j.C > j. S > st.B or cr.B:

> S > sj.B > (sj.B) > sj.C > sj.S > land > DASH AS CLOSE TO ENEMY AS POSSIBLE > st.RP xx HSF > DASH > (S, plasma storm, st.C)

The timing is strict to connect S from HSF midscreen. After relaunch you can do either one of these combos:

sj.C > sj.RP > sj.air super (damage scaling kicked in. Plasma storm would be a better option)
sj.C > exchange UP (left, right and down whiff sometimes)

I recommend doing the exchange because not only do you build meter this way, but you can also follow up with another OTG super with a character like Storm or Dormammu. Sorry if I confused anyone with the notations but I usually don’t post in forums ^_^. Feel free to add to this combo. I havn’t experimented with flight yet due to hit stun decay and online lag. I also have a few tips for Sentinel vs Sentinel which I’ll share later on.

Hi, this is what I’ve been using. Hadn’t seen this variation yet.

j.:h:, j.:s:, :m:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, dj.:m: (Double Jump), j.:h:, :qcb:+:s: (Fly), j.:l:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcf:+:l: (RP), :qcb:+:atk::atk: (HSF)

Tack on a Plasma Storm (:qcf:+:atk::atk:) at the corner for about 963,000 damage.

Saw Clakey D doing sentinel stuff on the Machinima stream and i decided to go for it and try to make it a little more effective.

:s: -> sj.:m::h: -> :qcf::m: -> (as you and the opponent are falling, the timing is sort of fucked up) -> falling :l::m: -> double jump -> :l::m::h::s: -> land -> :qcf::l: -> whatever hyper combo


:s: -> sj.:m::h: -> :qcf::m: -> falling :l::m: -> double jump -> :l::m: -> :qcb::s: -> :l::m::h::s: -> land -> :qcf::l: -> whatever hyper combo

vs tiny characters like Amaterasu I’ve been doing this air combo:

j.M (early after launch), fly, LLMH, unfly, M, double jump, M, S

What’s the damage output for this combo?

Highest midscreen combo I’ve discovered is anything into launch, wait, j.M, j.M, j.H, fly, j.L, j.M, j.H, unfly, j.M, double jump, j.H, j.S, land, dash OTG L rocket punch, HSF, TK Harddrive xN. On your last bar of meter instead of Harddrive do Plasma Storm. Guaranteed to kill any character without X-Factor or assists.

Harddrive loop is guaranteed to make Sentinel one touch anyone and if you do the above combo you build 2 meters. If you only have 2 meters you can just do Plasma Storm after HSF for better damage.


i dont know what else to call it so forgive me haha. I have a few more clips on my youtube but I like this one the most so I’ll post it here.

another random link: [media=youtube]HrStY9chIFk[/media] combo is at 1:10

only worked in the corner

with fly and ending the OTG with Plasma Storm 793,000
with fly and ending the OTG with HSF 711,300

without fly ending the OTG with Plastma Storm 790,100
without fly ending the OTG with HSF 697,200

Best combos are the ones that will build at least 1 meter or do over 1.3 million damage. Easiest ones I believe are:

Meter building:
(c.M) or (a.H > a.S > land > s.M) > S > a.M > a.M > a.H > fly > a.L > a.L > a.M > a.H > a.S > land > Lrp > super of your choice

  • This combo builds over 1 meter and has multiple ways to extend it.

Instant death even on Sent:
c.M > S > a.M > a.H > a.S > land > Lrp > HSF > XF > a.H > a.S > land > a.H > a.S > land > Lrp > super of your choice.

  • Note you can not have any hits before the S except a c.M OR a.H as you are falling down.
  • This combo can be done as soon as the match starts, there is nothing needed except 1 meter and a LVL 1 XF, it builds the second meter itself.

im having trouble doing DHC trick fly double jump combos using sent on chun-li.
from HSF, im doing:
S (launch) > a.H xx fly > a.L > a.M > a.H xx unfly > a.M > double jump > a.M > a.S and the S always misses as she flips over. ive tried shortening this to the bare bones too and i cant find a good combination.

Any tips? Remember, this is on Chun-li

S (launch) > a.MH xx fly > a.L > a.H xx unfly > a.L > a.M > double jump > a.M > a.S

Try that^

thanks but it doesn’t work. i’ve bolded the part where she flips over.
S (launch) > a.MH xx fly > a.L > a.H xx unfly > a.L > a.M > double jump > a.M > a.S

I found a combo that does 1,007,400 and requires only 2 meters and is corner only
The farthest you can be from the corner is 2 full dashes from your stating point. (Start up training mode and do 2 full dashes and that’s the max range) The combo will take you all the way to corner from here.
The combo is: j.:s:, :s:, sj, :l:, :m:, :m:, :u:(neutral double jump), :l:, :l:, :h:, :qcb::s:(fly), :l:, :m:, :h:, :s:, land, otg :qcf::l:, :qcb::atk::atk:, :qcf::uf::atk::atk:(tk hard drive), :qcf::l:, :qcf::atk::atk:

Also the combo builds 1 meter but if you choose to stop at the HSF you can just do a medium rocket punch. This will leave you with 2 and a half meters left. If you choose to continue the whole combo you only get half a meter

New corner combo that deals over the 1.3 million barrier

Throw towards corner > Lrp > XF > a.H > a.S > land > s.M > s.S > a.M > a.H > a.S > land > Lrp > HSF > Plasma Storm

Have you tried to delay the initial super jump? Input the a.M’s as fast as possible, mash the double jump, cancel the double jump as fast as possible?