RENOCREW 2011 (Northern Nevada's Fightin Game Scene)

Tournament will be $5 winner takes all.
We’re starting at 9:00PM, and it will be a single elim bracket, until we can figure out how long running a tournament will take.

Sound good? Rankings will go into effect this tournament.

Starts at 9? Are you still gonna have everyone come at 7:30 pm?

Can we maybe do Round Robin run on 3 stations simultaneously, if this is also going to be for rankings? Though it would probably still take a long time even on 3 stations…

But single elimination = bad for rankings.

I also second that, single is way too hard to judge.

shweet a tournament. I’ll have to miss this one cuz o’ finals. I hope someone records the finals/GF I’d love to see it. I’ll start playing some super round next week… i hope everyone’s had fun fondling my noice stick before I have lol and a thanks to mr ffoxxttrott for pimping that shiz out!

My concern is lag and turn out. If I start at say… 7PM, I’m not sure everyone could show up.
And we only have 2 non-laggy CRT TVs. Unless people are comfortable playing on laggy LCD TV’s, in which case it might be a pretty quick turnout even with double elim.

an entree fee is needed unfortunately, super has been out for awhile now and i know a lot of you are playing rigorously, well i would hope so.
anyways if the tourney was free, people wouldn’t be so inclined to play their very best now would they?
eventually small tourneys would help people get used to clutching games and still handle your game when being pressured or during loud noises and thats what i want to see from us.

a hype ass Reno scene :]

on the side note: Chicken Campbell Soup please drop guy and play t-hawk. t-hawk is way better. i think he would right for you if you have patience, like punishing limbs and of course throwing people for a ton of damage. otherwise play sagat :confused:

Koogy: the englishman is broken. abuse that dam character.

excel: dee jay will do you good just practice your bnb and encourage yourself to play much safer since with dee jay you can turtle alot and control the pace of the game :smiley:

Don’t turtle a lot with Dee Jay, turtle a lot with Guile.

I’m gonna turtle a lot with Scamp.

I think if I designed my own character it’d be turtly and ride dolphins.

Ok, slightly confused. Are we starting at our normal time for game night, and then the tournament starts at 9, or do we all just stay home til 9?

show ya ass up at regular time not at nine mofo.

I’m gonna start at 8pm, casuals start at 7pm

I might not get off work until like 8:30!!! =(

shit dont know if i can make it anymore. Ill try my hardest.

That’s what she said.

Turns out I’m going to busy tonight. Sorry guys! Wanna know who wins the big monies though…

1st place: koogy
2nd place: my cat
3rd place: toaster

Man sucks that I was matched first with toaster. He kept triple kara-ing those uppercuts and I fell for it everytime.

Yay for being the best disappointment in Reno =(