There’s nothing wrong with pointing out a players flaws, but there is a difference between constructive criticism and shitting on someone. You don’t have to sugar coat everything, but talking shit to someone isn’t going to help anyone at all. I’m not saying that is what has happened, but it’s just a reminder to everyone. Your goal is to point out someones flaws, and work on them.
For example:
Martin -
Strengths: You play a strong character, and it matches your play style. You can hit people with unexpected stuff.
Weaknesses: Your unexpected nature can be detrimental to your game. Your footsies are lacking, and I would work on better risk/reward on your SPD set-ups.
Strengths: Extremely strong footsies and reaction at the right ranges.
Weaknesses: Overly defensive, which is a great thing in the last pixel of the game. However, you should work on more offensive strategies as well. Just like Martin, work on good risk/reward scenarios for yourself. Personally, I don’t think Zangief is the best character for you, but he is strong, and I would recommend to keep play him until the next game.
Strengths: Strong fundamental knowledge of SF4. Rarely misses up combos, good basic understanding of footsies.
Weaknesses: Honestly, I need to watch you play more in depth to really break down your game. But don’t worry, you aren’t perfect. We all have our flaws.
Strengths: Best player in the world.
Weaknesses: Can’t tech throws. Doesn’t know anything about the game beyond Rufus and mashing the roundhouse button.
Strengths: You have a few tricky set-ups, and you have an unrelenting rush style.
Weaknesses: The number one issue from my perspective, if you play a game based entirely around what you want to do, instead of the openings presented in the match. You’ll go for 3-4 mix-ups in a row, regardless of how the opponent has reacted to the last few. This is definitely a habit from playing online, where reacting quickly isn’t always possible. The best way to play is a slightly more reserved style, especially with a character that has poor rewards for high risk. There are many more points to learn, which I can point out in detail when I watch you play.
I’ll be available this gaming night to sit and watch people, if they ask me to. I will give you my opinion on what you did wrong / right, and hopefully allow you to see things you might not have noticed before.