I find it useful to punish adon’s rising jaguar when you cross him up as you cant link c.mp after.
So cl.hp to cr.mp/mk is bad? What’s the good combo?
Big punishes like a jumped fireball, a blocked HP Shoryuken/Ultra and focus crumples. It’s by far her strongest punish.
I thought it was a max damage jump in combo.
Of course, you have to know you’ll hit the jump in before you even try
It does shit stun too
I dont like cl.hp that much either
fuuuck, lets plug this shit again https://docs.google.com/document/d/18-4L34rMVNAxcw9VGdyZFsjVqF-deBSfeJ_5dFS-EDk/edit?usp=sharing
Noosetester, can you add a “*” to the animation specific combos when they are listed by character? For example on Adon you cant know that the cl.hp, c.hp, H Psycho Sting combo is animation specific on him if you directly go to his character specific.
well I seem to be corrected, that looks good, if complicated and hard to memorise what you can do to each and every character.
put notes on phone, don’t need to memorize though you eventually will that way
by animation specific it means that depending on when in the idle animation the character is hit, the combo may or may not work. I’ll test whether or not the combos work in the more realistic situations (jumpins, punishing uppercuts, fa crumple etc.). if they work in those scenarios the “animation specific” remark is sort of meaningless. if i find that they work in some realistic situations and not in others, i’ll add the * to the by character section to imply that they might not be completely reliable. if they work in none, i’ll remove the character from that combo’s table altogether. i’ll probably do that early next week as i’ll have a bit of a busy weekend.
Need more neutral jump HP combos in the first post. Shit goes through alot of AAs that you don’t think it should.
I found a combo on Adon where you can combo into U2, but im not sure if it worth it. j.lk, c.lp, cl.mp, c.mp, U2. The c.mp hits meaty so the U2 connects. I did the j.lk crossup, so i dont know if you can do it when you land in front of him.
What does c, cr, cs, cl, s, and st mean?
[list][]c is ambiguous, usually people use it for ***c**rouching, but some people erroneously use it for ***c**ose.
[]cr stands for crouching
[]cs means ***c***lose ***s**tanding
[]cl means ***cl**ose
[]s and st mean ***st***anding[/list]
So… someone told me she can link cr. MK off her overhead… is this true? I can’t get it to happen. Not even a jab or anything else.
Is this combo still possible? What motion is he using to get spiral arrow from a forward jump?
EDIT: Nevermind. Figured out how to do the forward jump SA, but Sting won’t connect.
EDIT: Nevermind again. EX Sting works. Can’t get fierce to work.
mp/lp/ex sting have more juggle potential than hp sting
You can combo off of it (not sure if i write it correctly) only if you hit your opponent with the tip of your feet during the last active frames. But cr.mk doesnt work except if some kind of tech i dont know exists. You can combo into cr.lk xx Psycho sting.
Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve played street fighter; 2 years actually. I really like the details provided in this forum but a lot of the terms I do not understand; would it be possible, if it doesn’t inconvenient any of you, to usher me toward a list of abbreviations explaining the input commands. Thank You so so much
check newbie forum for general terms
decapre ones
DCM = Ultra Combo 2
RES = Razor’s Edge Slicer which is slide out of lk scramble