Remixed Remix Boxer Thread

I don’t believe it is possible to do straight rush into super, but I could be wrong. I’ve never been able to do it… I can do the kick rush into super though. It’s a fairly basic move. It works great against fireballing Chun Li’s.

well shit, thats probably it then lol.

-Wiff rush into super
I know Staight Rush will work, too. I’m not sure about Low Rush. I’d test it but I just powered down my PS3. Most people use Kick Rush because it’s the fastest rush (therefore less time for your opponent to react or easier for you to super through an on coming fireball). And I wish I can comment about the charging thing, but I just kind of wiggle the stick back back then forth during the rush animation. (I know that doesn’t help. I’ll try to figure out some stuff over the weekend if I have time).

-Renda cancels
The way I understand the timing involved in a renda cancel is by understanding the renda cancel itself. In order to facilitate special moves, normals can be canceled into specials. It makes it easier for players to execute specials if they accidentally hit a punch or kick button before the final directional command. So much like canceling Ryu’s low forward into fireball, you’re canceling st. jab into super. The only catch is that these renda cancel windows are at the very beginning of the jab, rather than during the active frames. So if you’re trying to do cr. jab, cr. jab, renda cancel into super (this is different from cr. jab, cr. jab, st. jab super. that’s a normal cancel) you hit st. jab as if you were going to do a cr. jab, cr. jab, st. jab combo. But immediately after you hit st. jab you have to hit another punch or use negative edge to exploit the small cancel window. It’s the same idea that’s behind kara throwing.

Edit: I hope this helps. Don’t be discouraged if you’re still struggling. It took me a long time before I even knew about a lot of Boxer’s tricks, let alone perform them.

I think I just have to get into training mode and work it out myself.

thanks for the prompt replies man. You’re guide is killler too btw.

I forgot to mention, you’ll want to use Kick Rush over Straight Rush anyway since Straight Rush extends your hitbox while Kick Rush keeps you relatively compact, makint it less likely you’ll eat a random poke.

Okay, I have the wiff straight/upper rush into super down. Pretty cool technique.

The renda is still a bitch though. I can do Guile’s Renda no problem but this is a lot more difficult. I need a clip of the button presses or something.

And just to be sure, the renda’d s.jab is not supposed to hit right? sometimes I’ll get c.lp x c.lp x s.lp x super(the s.lp will actually hit sometimes)

Edit: Finally started falling into place. sometimes the s.lp hits, sometimes it don’t. Either way it usually connects with the super.

Thanks for the help.

You got it Scott?

Right on, I know its wierd timing, but once you get it, its all like “ah-ha!”. Im gonna send you some really good Rog vids to take a look at (Via FB as per usual).

Dang, you catch on quickly! Congrats, Man. If the st. jab is actually connecting, I would think you’re not hitting another punch input quickly enough.

Good post, quick and informative. Thanks a lot for this.

Can someone describe how to do c.lp x c.lp x s.lp x super motion by motion, the way sonic hurricane does for guile’s super cancel? Here’s what they write for Guile.

Could someone help with with a similar breakdown for boxer? I’ve never been able to get this out except by accident.

Ya, I might need someone to explain something in a few different ways, but once I get it, I’m golden:rock:

Sorry about the double post but is the kick rush supposed to get me closer or something so I can throw because it has as much pushback as the other rushes

I think that is the intention. However, I think that block string was intended for a crouched opponent, as a standing opponent will block the kick rush and be pushed back too far for you to just walk up and grab without a reaction.

Wow I didnt even think of it like that. That kick rush is awesome now haha.

Yeah if you see him blocking the kick rush, then just low rush that shit and keep him honest.

So I tried really hard, I can’t cancel any normals regularly into super on purpose. : (

Start where I did…link from cr.:mp: and work your way up to cancelling off of cr.:mp:. That’s how I started to do combos ending with supers with the majority of the cast.

So I went to a tourney the past weekend. Here’s what I learned.

Try to figure out whether your opponent likes to bait random headbutts or not. I gave a few of my opponents a lot of free damage because I tried too many random headbutts. That stuff works well online, but not at the tourney level. I think you might be able to get away with well spaced headbutt (cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. strong, wiff Kick Rush, Headbutt) since it hit’s later and lands further, but only against certain characters who have less reach. If they’re concentrating on baiting Headbutts, it means they’re less likely to expect walk up or wiff Kick Rush throw, so that option might be open to you. Also, a player told me you can bait out and beat Dic’s super with jump back fierce. Hard to do this one in training mode, but I don’t doubt it. Didn’t really learn much at the tourney other than that.

After the tourney I studied up on the Dic match up. Extra tid bit of knowledge, since Dic doesn’t have a good reversal move, that means you get a free meaty TAP if you have on charge after a knock down. You might eventually train your opponent to block, setting other options.

Question of my own, does Boxer’s jump back jab deal with Claw’s wall dive and Dic’s headstomp? I’ve been having a lot of trouble with those.

Edit: Second question, can you guys Headbutt Cammy’s Hooligan Combination on reaction reliably? I was playing a Cammy player last night I I must have been 1-3 frames off every time. I’d blame lag, but I had network smoothing off and there didn’t seem to be lag anyway… ~

I’m not sure if this works all the time, but if dictator does a headstomp, i’ll try to standing mp him after I block the stomp. If he tried to go for a follow up, he’ll get hit. If he backs away, your st. mp will whiff, but you’ll be safe.

As for the walldive, I feel like I can’t consistently knock them out of the air, so I don’t risk it. Good claws can control it their wall dive to beat any air to air attack. I just try to headbutt them as they approach me, and then I would either try to low rush upper to knock them down while they move towards the wall or repeat the headbutt process until they try something new. If they do a fake dive, you can usually react with a low rush upper to knock them down.

With Cammy’s Hooligan throw, I feel like the timing/reaction gets a bit weird if they tick you and then do it. But after they do it a few times, you’ll get used to it and be able to anticipate it and prepare yourself for it. If you don’t have charge to react with a headbutt, you can always try to go for a cr. hp if you can react fast enough, or just jump back lk to escape.

Boxer has a much higher chance of countering Vega’s wall dive with a jump back Strong Punch. It comes out faster than a jump back Fierce, and it seems the hit box is a little higher as well…

Cammy’s hooligan shenanigans are tough to react to, since she does the move from up close… I can’t headbutt it every time, but after playing someone a couple times, you can kind of predict when they will try it, so you can psychic headbutt sometimes.

Definitely try out the jump back Strong punch though. It’s much better than Fierce.