Remixed Remix Boxer Thread

For Cammy’s Hooligan, I like to counter it with cr. fierce. It’s simple and obviously very effective and gets the job done.

True, that works also.

I updated the Gief section with my current strategies (pretty different from what I had originally posted). I think it reads like a bunch of bullets points rather than a flowing coherent strategy section, but at the moment that’s pretty much how I approach the Gief match up.

Hey I’m looking to play against some Balrogs. Trying to learn the matchup so I’m pretty much going to just play against Rog and no one else. I can play on xbox or ps3 so just let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Hey man, your post slipped under my radar. I sent you a friend request over PSN. If you didn’t get it I probably messed up your handle. Just shoot a request at me. I don’t really have a set HDR schedule, but I’d be more than happy to play against you. Also, I would ask KTM for advice. He’s always given me a lot of trouble.

Troyland, I can show you what my Rog has. I believe we played once in a tourney, you play Sim right? I always have trouble against Sim players, but if you want practice, I’d be glad to spar with you. I need some practice against zoning Sim players…

I will add you if your request isnt already there. I appreciate you doing this.

I will add you too.

I am trying to figure out how to fight up close against Balrog and how to get him out once he gets in. I need the repetitions of seeing just Rog so it can sink in on how to play against him.

If you want to stay close, I think drill pressure might be good. At least for me, drills are hard to deal with because cr. fierce and headbutt are relatively slow. If you want to get Boxer out, short slide fierce throw might work.

Hooligan is very spacing sensitive, and the few frames of lag that you can’t avoid are a signifcant factor in its reaction-counterability. You may have better results if you do a low atack kara’d into the headbutt so that Boxer doesn’t stand up.

I tried the kara-headbutt thing. It seemed to work pretty well. I’ll probably start using it against Fei’s Chicken Wing, too. Also, as a request, could you do Boxer screen caps next so that I can post better resolution pictures of his normals? Or could you at least help my unghettofy the pictures I took of Boxer on Honda’s stage? I’ll even put in those little space controlling boxes.

In other news, I’ve been having trouble with Honda (again), good Guiles that sonic boom all day and punch me when I try to jump or headbutt around them, Claw (stupid cross up wall dive turns my headbutts into rush punches). I’ll probably head over to SF Dojo and watch some videos at some point.[/whining]

Having trouble with Honda is normal. I’m sure you already know this, but try to keep your distance as much as possible. If he can get in for an ochio throw trap, it’s game over. There is 2 things you can do against a Booming Guile. The best way is to be aggressive, and make the first move. Try a low rush as soon as the match starts, or even a Buffalo Headbutt. If he throws a boom at the start, a Fierce headbutt will not only go thru the boom, it also has enough range to hit him. If he manages to create some distance between you two though, and spams the booms, try a Jab Headbutt. It goes thru the booms, and still keeps you a decent distance away from him. Chain together the Headbutt with a low rush. It is quicker than 2 booms coming out, so you will have closed the gap immediately.

About Claw’s wall dives… How exactly does his crossups make you do a rush instead of a headbutt?

I’m in the habit of holding down back and using up back to execute my headbutt. So when Claw reaches the other side I get rush punch (I guess because Rush Punch takes priority over Headbutt). I think I might experiment with giving up my back charge next time Claw gives me this kind of trouble. As for Honda, I feel like that match up is about who makes the first mistake and gives his opponent the life lead. Far away, neither Honda or Boxer have the incentive to be aggressive if they are tied for life or have the life lead. They have normals that can keep each other out. Against Guile’s, I’ve come across a few that block and punish Headbutts, use normals to stop rushes, and have sonic boom setups I have yet to figure a way around (cue flashing float fierce sign). Basically they’re out playing me because at full screen I have no clue what to do.

Well if Claws crossup wall-dives are killing ya, and you aren’t getting a headbutt out reliably, I would say your only option left is to block the cross-up.

Learned something new about Boxer mirror just now. First of all, if you’re going to use a random Headbutt, use a well spaced jab headbutt only. Fierce is easily punished. Second, may seem obvious to others, but you can punish a blocked or wiffed headbutt with cr. jab, cr. jab, st. jab, fierce rush. good damage, knock down, and it’s faster than cr. strong low rush.

Really? It’s faster than Cr. Strong low rush? Because Cr. Strong low rush is one of Boxer’s quickest combos, and it deals serious damage as well… I might have to go into training mode and compare the damage of both combo strings.

It’s not as easy to hit-confirm as a multi-jab combo, though.

Well, cr. jab is 2 frames faster than cr. strong, which means you’re that much more likely to punish. It’s really up to player preference, though. I’m sure cr. strong low rush does more damage and probably builds more meter, but sometimes it’s hard to punish with cr. strong online/if your nerves are frayed. Additionally, I think the cr. jab combo might be an option if you’re short on charge.

Also, since we’re talking about punishing only, confirming a combo isn’t a problem here.

Rufus had some of Boxer’s Standing normals captured so I I’ve uploaded those. Thanks Rufus!

I just finished a set against a Sim player. I wish I read the first page because I couldn’t reliably get in because of my lack of practice. I ended up in the corner a lot but I find that you’re at the perfect range to stuff/trade a fireball right after Sim’s low strong because you’re not getting knocked back. I was using the wiggle fierce but it didn’t seem to do much, the Sim player just zoned me out as soon as I landed. It didn’t seem possible to float fierce then jab headbutt right after for a gimmicky knockdown. I ended up using jump short and the blocked low rush mix up when I had a chance or land and try to get that stand fierce in. The match is tough for me because I personally like playing outside of a character’s maximum poke range but characters like Sim fuck me up in every fighter. I’m not suited to be a Balrog player. :sad:

Don’t give up man. Sim is Rog’s worst matchup IMO. Once you get in on a Sim, it’s all over though.