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Controlling space by Ponder/Seth Killian
Reaction Guide by Thelo
Street Fighter Dojo Maintained by zaspacer
HDR frame data maintained by Rufus
Best source of ST hitbox and frame data. by Geo. Has handy links, too.
Combo FAQ by Fresh OJ
I plan to organize the first few posts starting with beginners tactics and end with advanced tactics/character specific stuff. You’ll probably notice somethings are posted in more than one section. This is because I believe that it is hard to learn everything in one go. So I’ll start explaining the general properties of a move in one section, but I might discuss it in a later section in more detail. The idea behind this is that I think there are certain nuances that are easier to understand with a greater understanding of the game. For example, I have two block string sections right now. The first block string section is for very reliable block strings that almost always work. My second block string section involves riskier block strings, but are useful as mix ups. These block strings need to be used with more care, and so more experience is needed to determining when to use them. So I think it is better for newer players to develop a good sense of how to use the first few block strings and get a solid grasp of Boxer’s fundamentals before moving to things like mix ups.
jab = LP = light punch
strong = MP = medium punch
feirce = HP = hard punch
short = LK = light kick
forward = MK = medium kick
roundhouse = HK = hard kick
Joystick Notations:
d,b,f,u (down, back, forward, up)
or the “num pad” notation
789 | ub u uf
456 | b n f
123 | db d df
General information Stuff that’s good to know and can be used almost all the time. Also, thanks to Rufus for the awesome screen captures!
Played ST but New to HDR?
Skip to here for Boxer’s nerfs.
Standing Normals
I’ve included pictures of Boxer’s more commonly used normals to give you an idea of where his offensive and defensive hit boxes are.
St. jab - Fast and repeatable. Boxer’s whole arm is invincible during the attack. This would be a great poke if it didn’t wiff crouchers. That said you can repeat it to stop Honda’s headbutt/super and Blanka balls.
St. strong - Good fast anti-air normal. As an added bonus it will catch people who try to jump away from throw attempts.
Cl. fierce Help! I know you can combo into this against certain characters, but I don’t remember what the combo is or who it works on. Also, does this have a use otherwise?
Far fierce - Slow but good poke. Has about half a screen range and can really catch people by surprise. Great for creating space against certain characters like Honda and Gief. Note that the following characters have to block Boxer’s far Fierce even while crouching.
Far fierce will wiff on the rest of the cast if their crouching.
St. short - I don’t use this.
Cl. and far forward - I don’t use this
Cl. and far roundhouse - I don’t use this
Crouching Normals
Cr. jab - Fast and repeatable. Does not have the same invincibility as st. jab, but it won’t wiff on crouchers. Good for block strings and tick throws.
Cr. strong - Boxer’s best overall poke. Like with st. jab, Boxer’s whole arm is invincible and it has a decent
amount of range. It’s cancelable to boot. Great for general counter poking, controlling space, and block strings.
Cr. fierce - Another good anti-air normal. It’s slower than st. strong, but you can keep a down charge and it seems to have more active frame. If anyone can help me flesh out when to use st. strong over cr. fierce that’d be great.
Cr. short - The animation looks a lot like cr. jab, but it’s not repeatable, and the hit box extends from the top of boxers arm almost all the way to the ground. Can be used to counter poke an opponent who is wiffing low pokes, but you’re better off with cr. forward.
Cr. forward - Another good normal for Boxer. I think Boxer’s fist is completely invincible, it has decent range, and a good amount of active frames. It hits low, too. This is great for counter poking a opponent wiffing a low poke right in front (Guile’s cr. forward) of you or Vega’s slide. Also good for as a meaty attack, tick throws, and block strings.
Cr. roundhouse - Again, I think Boxer’s fist is invincible during this attack. It knocks down. Has okay range for a sweep. I’ve found it’s good to throw out as a poke or in a block string to keep your opponent wary of your low attacks (and thus keeping them from trying to jump or walk away).
Jumping Normals
Diagonal j. jab - I don’t use this.
Neutral j. jab - I don’t use this.
Diagonal j. strong - I use this when I’m jumping in and I’m trying to keep TAP charged. It’s a good jump in, but if you’re not charging TAP, j. forward is better.
Neutral j. strong - I don’t use this.
Diagonal j. fierce - I use this if I’m jumping over a fireball or another move and I want to try to punish at the same time. It’s also a good jump in, much like j. forward.
Neutral j. fierce (aka float fierce) - Has the weird property where you can control Boxer in the air for a bit. This makes jumping over fireballs a lot easier. As far as I know, this is the safest way to get around fireballs, though you can’t keep a charge nor do you go very far.
Diagonal j. short - Great for safe jumps. It has a lot of active frames so it’s easy to get them to overlap with your opponent on wake up so long as you time the jump correctly. I think it should stay out for the duration of the jump if you hit short just as you’re falling from the apex of your jump.
Neutral j. short - I don’t use this.
Diagonal j. forward - Almost exactly like diagonal j. short, only it isn’t active for as long but does more damage. Good for jump ins that aren’t safe jumps.
Neutral j. forward - I don’t use this.
Diagonal j. fierce…I mean roundhouse - See diagonal j. fierce. Their pretty much the same move. Lazy programmers.
Neutral j. roundhouse - Useful for when you think your opponent is going to try to reversal throw on wake up or out of block stun. For example, if you land a throw against Gief, cross under like you’re going to go for a cr. forward tick throw. But instead of going for a low forward, jump straight up (and out of the reversal SPD) and then hit him with neutral j. roundhouse on the way back down.
Straight Rush (Jab, strong, fierce) - Fast and it has lots of range. The front part of Boxer’s fist is invincible. The only problem is that this move wiffs on crouchers. Additionally, the fierce version will knock down on hit. Good for an occasional poke, trading with fireballs (especially shotos), and combos on standing characters.
Low Rush (Jab, strong, fierce) - A little slower than his Rushing Straight, and it has less range, but all three strengths knock down and they have to be blocked low. Just watch out for people who like to jump since they can jump right over the punch and hit you in the face. Great for a low poke and block strings.
Kick Rush (Straight: Short, forward, roundhouse. Ground: Short, forward, roundhouse) - Both Straight Kick Rush and Ground Kick Rush have the same animation, there are subtle differences that I’m not fully aware up. Please help me with this. I do know that Ground Kick Rush knocks down on hit, while Straight Kick Rush does not. That said I usually use Ground Kick Rush. Kick rush has a lot of uses so I’ll take more time to explain them. In the ground game, Kick Rush is a great poke against opponents that walk back and forth a lot, like a Gief trying to get in on you from 3/4 of the screen away. Most of the time they’ll either block it or get hit and in both cases you’re safe. You can also wiff it to get closer to your opponent after a a knock down, or in a block string. After getting close you can mix up with several options. Wiff, throw, wiff headbutt, wiff super, wiff cr. jab block string, or wiff wait punish. I found the differences, but I’ll update later.
Buffalo Headbutt (from now on I will just call it Headbutt) (Jab, strong, fierce) - Completely invincible on the way up and decent range. Use to avoid fireballs in certain situations. If your opponent is in range, this is also Boxer’s best anti-air. Also good for Headbutt (though a fireball) Super (through another fireball). This move has been changed from ST so that it is now more easily punished on block or wiff. It’s easy to abuse this move on newer players, but experience players will combo you every time.
Additional MP headbutt weirdness. Basically it seems that MP headbutt is better for dealing with crossups.
TAP (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8/final)- Has a lot of uses, but they are pretty situational so I’ll save TAP discussion for later in the Situational Stuff and Character Specific sections.
Staying Charged!
I was originally thinking of putting this in the Situational Stuff section since it can be technically difficult for new players, but at the same time it’s very important and should be one of the first things a new Boxer should learn. What I’m talking about is keeping a down charge while using Low Rushes and keeping a back charge while using Headbutts. Boxer is fortunate enough to be able to execute his Low Rush with df. None of the other charge characters have the ability to use their back forward charge move and still keep a down charge. This works to Boxer’s benefit since he can execute a Low Rush or a Kick Rush with db (charge), df + p or k. If you execute a rush punch in this way, you maintain a down charge. This means as soon as you recover from the rush punch, you can go immediately into a Headbutt. The same goes for Headbutts if you execute them with db (charge), ub + p. This is useful for wiff Kick Rush, Headbutt, or Headbutt, Super.
Pretty much hands down the best super in the game. Most of the time it’s safe on block except on Gief (he can reversal SPD you). It has 5 hits, each of which do chip damage, and they will usually all connect if the first one does (unlike DJ’s super). It has a lot of range. It does a ton of damage. And most importantly, it blows through fireballs. This really shuts down a lot of options for your opponent since the risk of eating a super on punish or even random super is worth considering. Activating super with punch starts the super with a straight punch while activating with kick will start the super with a uppercut punch. I believe the super defaults to straight punches for the next three hits, unless you are holding a kick button down (this includes charging TAP). The last punch corresponds to whatever the first punch is. Uppercuts will wiff on crouchers, so if your opponent is on the ground, DO NOT HOLD KICKS OR CHARGE TAP WITH KICKS. The uppercuts have a better chance of juggling, though. So if you hit your opponent out of the air, hold kicks down.
Also, beware about using super to chip an opponent in the corner with just straight punches. The super will sometimes lag between hits (leaving larger than normal openings for opponents to reversal out). This will occur most often between the 2nd and 3rd hits. If you sense your super will lag and that your opponent will try to counter with a DP, try switching the next hit to a kick to stuff any DP as the uppercut will switch the hit box. Thanks to Boggleminds for this.
Basic Block Strings
(J. forward,) cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. strong, Low Rush (cr. jab does not combo into cr. strong)
(J. forward,) cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. strong, Kick Rush, throw
Cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. strong, Low Rush Thanks to DJreign for showing this to me. You can pull this off without any “pre-charging”. This is great for pressure on wake up. You can easily mix this up with tick into throw.
Cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. strong, Kick Rush, throw
Cr. forward, link into cr. strong, Low Rush
Cr. forward, link into cr. strong, Kick Rush, throw