For me, Sim isn’t my hardest match up. It’s about establishing positioning in the first few seconds of the match. After that you can just low rush, fierce, or wait and punish. If you get stuck on the outside you have find a way around his fireballs. If your float fierce was getting punished you might be better off with j. fierce. You actually might eat a kick to the face or two, but it’s worth it for the opportunity to get back in. Worst comes to worst, try to build meter and use super to get back in.
On a separate note, I had some good matches with some guy named Shedinin or something like that and SRK_Boxer. Both players gave me some insight into the Boxer mirror. First off, After low rush, your best option is to just block. Boxer can easily follow up a low rush with far fierce which stuffs a lot of attempts to counter attack. Second, outside of far fierce range, cr. strong is your greatest defense. It stops low rushes and all sorts of stuff. Rely on that to stop your opponent’s Rush Punches instead of Headbutt. In fact, try to keep psychic Headbutts to a minimum and if you have to, use a jab headbutt or a fierce one if range in important. Boxer can easily punish headbutts with cr. strong Low Rush, or cr. jab cr. jab st. jab fierce Straight Rush. If it’s only a psychic Headbutt you risk a 20-30% combo + knockdown. Knowing that, though, you can bait out Headbutts from your opponent and punish. Use an aggresive block string and keep pressuring your opponent, then pause and wait. If your opponent Headbutts, punish with a combo. If not, go back to applying pressure. Any other Boxer players are welcome to add any of their own observations.
One thing I didn’t do a whole lot of in our Rog mirrors the other night was Kick Rush whiff into grab. I was always charging the TAP, which restricts the use of kick rush, as you know, which is why I tried for so many headbutts. Against a lesser player, I can usually just miss the headbutt, and go straight into a grab. As you pointed out, if they miss on the headbutt, you can easily punish with a combo. However, if you are at headbutt range, a better option is the whiffed Kick Rush into grab. The jab Kick Rush comes out so fast that it is hard to react to it, which leaves a crouching Rog wide open to be grabbed.
God I love using Boxer. He can be so cheap sometimes
Yeah, neither of us really used that many throws. I can never really get the timing down, though. Better players seem to poke me out of my throw attempts.
J. strong = Hold up forward at the end the throw to jump immediately after the last hit then use j. strong on the way down. J. strong, cr. strong / J. strong, cr. jab, cr. strong, Low Rush (Gief only). Cr. jab usually pushes opponent out of cr. strong range except for Gief.
Cr. forward = Hold forward at the end of the throw to walk under your opponent then use an early cr. forward as a cross under meaty. Cr. forward, cr. strong, Low Rush/Kick Rush
Cr. Strong = Hold down back to keep a back charge at the end of the throw. Use meaty cr. strong, Low Rush/Kick Rush
Cl. forward = Cr. forward cross under trick can’t really be used on Cammy so you have to use a cl. forward instead. Cl. forward, cr. strong, Low Rush/Kick Rush
I’ll work this into the first page by the weekend. I hope. Also, I need someone to test whether J. strong is safe against Fei’s flame kick and Sagat’s uppercut
Well I can tell you with 90% certainty that J. strong is not safe against Lariat. In my experience, the safest move against a Lariat is a rush uppercut (preferably LK). If you time a headbutt just right, it will beat lariat as well… same with cr. forward and cr. roundhouse.
Ooops, I forgot to label it. It’s the stuff I did like two weeks ago and promised I would compile into an easier to process format. It’s a list of all possible options available after a throw. Some are safe, some are not safe. I have to figure a way to show that information. If only I had like, three dimensions to work with.
So I tested out the J. strong follow ups with SRK_Boxer last night and none of them seem 100% safe. I managed to reversal at least once with each character. The reversal timing is pretty difficult though, so I would still recommend going for a jump in on Boxer, Fei, and Gief.
Quick question, what are ways to cancel TAP just in case you want to start using your TAP buttons? So far, I can thinking of letting go TAP during a jump, during a special move, or being hit. Any other ways to do it?
During knockdown, a throw, a whiffed medium or hard normal attack. And you could also negative edge while doing a Rush. Example: if you’re holding Kicks, do NE Upper Rush, if you’re holding Punches, do NE Straight Rush or Low Rush.
What game are you playing? Negative edge rush punches cannot overlap with TAP in HDR. They were taken out when the TAP input was scrubbed to 2K/2P from 3K/3P. Charge TAP with 2P then try a straight or low rush punch and it will not work in HDR. Then try the same with holding 2K for TAP and then using a negative edge kick rush upper.
In ST this will work fine but not in HDR.
If you’re using 2K for TAP you can use straight and low rush punches (punch command rush punches). And then if you’re using 2P for TAP you can use rush uppers (kick command rush punches).
Edit: just for laughs here’s a [media=youtube]Iidii6sgmjs&#t=8m04s"[/media]. Only works on Zangief, in the corner, and Zangief must be crouching from what I’ve seen.
I’m not talking about holding 2 Kicks and using the 3rd Kick for a Rush. I’m talking about holding Forward and RH, and releasing Forward or RH to do a NE Upper Rush. Or holding Strong and Fierce and releasing Strong or Fierce to do a NE Straight Rush or NE Low Rush or NE Buffalo Headbutt.
Doesn’t work past level 1 TAP. You’re just making stuff up at this point to sound knowledgeable again. Did you even try this out before posting? :lol::arazz::looney:
Hold down jab and strong punches for 2P-TAP for a few seconds…then try to do a straight or low rush with negative edge jab or strong punch. Won’t work. Hold down short and forward for 2K-TAP for a few seconds then try to do a rush upper with negative edge short or forward. Won’t work. Hold down jab and strong punches for 2P-TAP for a few seconds…then try to do a straight or low rush with button down or negative edge fierce punch. Won’t work. Hold down short and forward for 2K-TAP for a few seconds then try to do a rush upper with button down or negative edge roundhouse. Won’t work.
You can only use a rush punch while charging TAP up to TAP level 1 for P or K overlapping. Anything past that and the third button, or two held down buttons being negative edged, will get you nothing. Try this, hold down strong and fierce, and IMMEDIATELY begin mashing jab, stop for second, then start mashing again furiously. You’ll notice that jab comes out a couple of times then won’t come out again if you stop mashing. Why? Because you’ve reached TAP level 2 and for some reason HDR disables the other button at TAP level 2 but not at TAP level 1.
Why does this happen? HDR voodoo inputs and some other weird new property that changing the commands caused? Who knows…
Totally forgot about the TAP glitch past level 1, my bad. I’m pretty sure it worked in ST, which is why I mentioned it. But yeah, I was just trying to think of as many ways to get rid of TAP as I could. Obviously, I’m not a Boxer main, which is why I forgot about that glitch. But technically, even that glitch is still an option to get rid of TAP, as you won’t get a Rush or a TAP, therefore it’s another way to get rid of TAP. There are better ways, but whatever.
Yeah, I usually wait until I block an attack or score a knockdown and use TAP to get closer. When don’t see any of those being a really good option I’ll wiff cr. strong.
Hey guys, does anyone else have problems with tick throws? I can’t tell if it’s Boxer’s shorter range, my timing or both. Whenever I go for a tick throw I usually either counter poked or I’ll wiff a normal. I’m guessing no one else has this problem, but if you do let me know. For example, does cr. strong, wiff kick rush leave me at frame advantage? I have a hard time landing that tick throw setup without a really obvious delay.
Edit: I forgot to mention the reason why I ask is I’m not sure if the problem is online related (doubtful but I want to check) or me related.
Make sure you use strong for throws, it has more range than fierce. I’d consider piano-ing strong->fierce for the throw, but it’s probably not worth it. With cr.strong->kick rush, it depends on what distance you were when you hit cr.strong. Extremely close, and the kick rush will actually touch them. If you’re too close, best to first do a cr.jab or two for the pushback. Finally, the straight kick rush, which doesn’t knock the opponent down, has an extra 4 (or is it 5) frames at the end of its animation. So it’s better to use the down kick rush in almost all cases when you want to whiff rush-> throw.
Incidentally this is why you should always use down kick rush-> super, and not the straight rush->super.