Edit, thanks for the reply. So strong throw still has more range than fierce throw? I’ll try it out. And yeah, I’ve been trying to piano throws recently.
Yeah man, Strong has more range than Fierce. But to be honest, idk why you are having trouble with the tic throws. It happens to me sometimes too though, where I got poked as I go for it. I don’t know if it’s cuz I’m doing something wrong, or what’s going on.
I’m not sure that’s true in HDR. His throw ranges were changed.
Yeah, MP throw has the same range as HP throw now I think. Still an awesome throw
Yeah, tick throws should be super easy for me (I did them all the time in GGPO, but with the cross under set up). I guess I should just practice them more.
I was playing against an okay Ken last night. I ended up using st. strong to punish SRKs (without a charge). Does anyone else use this? Or do you guys usually go for sweep? Also, I’ve been trying to work on my wake up options. I feel like part of the reason I’m not good at tick throws is because I might be too predictable. My aggressive options are usually cr. jab block strings, cr. forward, or low rush. I’ve tried experimenting with wiffing normals just before they can reversal to bait something, but I can’t seem to fool anyone. Usually I wiff st. jab or cr. jab. Maybe I should try something else?
I’ve found that if you have a TAP charged to at least 4 (sometimes 3), you can do a meaty TAP on wakeup, which they will usually block, but thats the point. The 4 tap will push you far enough into them that you can mash on the Strong button for a grab that they can’t do anything about.
You might wanna give that a try. I will probably be on for a bit later tonight if you want to experiment with it.
Now you know they can always reversal throw or reversal special move that, right? NKI’s video should be ingrained into every throw-hater’s memory, IMHO.
That’s true. I’ve been DPed by Coth so many times (Wait, I think I made that joke already). I guess you have to train them to block on wake up. I’ve also seen Vestax just throw out a naked level 4 TAP into throw.
Separate advice:
You can abuse well spaced meaty attacks on DJ’s wake up. Up kicks will wiff and you can punish with whatever is appropriate.
hahahha, Coth DP’s you? That takes alot of talent
Oh and btw, you don’t NEED to do that TAP on wake up, I just find that it works 90% of the time against scrubs. Any blocked TAP should be able to allow you to grab your opponent.
That’s cause they were psychic and it is your fault, you kept running into them.
I’ve forgotten what it was like fighting HDR boxer. In ST if someone selects boxer, its pretty much time to bend over and say give it to me.
I’m not arguing that. I feel like I’m still too obvious and predictable on my opponent’s wake up. Geese would eat me up like Halloween candy.
You need to bait them out and punish them. Great way to start a throw loop is to bait a srk. I do it to ryu’s on GGPO, harder to do to ken, but boxer has the throw range to do it. Just try it and you’ll get the hang of it. When they are tired of getting baited, you can open up your offense.
So I’ve gotten a lot of milage with bait srk punish with st. strong. I like st. strong because it’s fast enough and it’s hit box is such that it’s a very reliable punish if you don’t have a charge. If you hit them out of the air you won’t knock your opponent down so you can walk forward for an immediate low forward or sweep.
So I tested the throw range on Boxer’s strong and fierce throws. I am 100% sure that strong throw still has more range even though it got nerfed. I tested this with point blank two jabs on Ken, wait, then try to throw. With strong I can reliably get a throw. With fierce I just get far fierce.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been getting grabbed out of my TAP by Hawk into SPD before I even touch him by a few random players on ranked. I didn’t even know that was possible. So risky too!
Yeah that’ll happen. It happens with Gief too. It’s best to just abandon TAP against Gief and T. Hawk. You’re only asking for trouble if you use it against top players.
So I think I’m going to take another break from HDR. I’ve gotten to the point where I keep asking myself why I keep playing HDR. That usually means I need do other things for a while to refresh my brain. That said updates to the front page will be put on hold for a while, though I’ve been pretty terrible about that lately anyway. Hopefully I’ll return with new ideas and strengthened vigor!
Edit: I lied. There’s one more updated I’d like to do. Hopefully I can put up the rest of Rufus’s images soon.
Awe man, don’t take too long of a hiatus. You’ve inspired the remix remix threads. See you at Starbase soon.
a bit of advice for dealing with claw that i haven’t seen mentioned so far. once you have super you can dash upper under his walldive and go straight into super before he hits the ground or during his recovery. usually this will net you 2 hits off the super and set you up for the wakeup game. keeps claw off the wall when you have meter, which could be good or bad depending on how you look at it i guess.