Remixed Remix Boxer Thread

Jump jab

Jump strong

Jump jab has a much higher hitbox so its probably worth doing that and the active frames are huge. Although obviously it does no damage.

Here is some stuff from other sources I compiled which helped me out a lot. Most of the videos are ST but I still learned a lot from them. I am done with this game.


Vs Zangief
[media=youtube]upxmeTjaXVY[/media] Kakky (10 match series)
[media=youtube]dhnTfP2CUFk[/media] Kemura

Vs Vega (Claw)
[media=youtube]AeIs6lglb-A[/media] Noguchi
[media=youtube]paYSvaCrVdI[/media] Kachu
[media=youtube]bhpz0ncXcuc[/media] Kachu
[media=youtube]tDbUqu1kn0k[/media] ARG

Vs Chun Li
[media=youtube]WG3NaDSMKuc[/media] Otochun
[media=youtube]c8QGXaZo1es[/media] Otochun
[media=youtube]6lYI9Ia8m9M[/media] Otochun
[media=youtube]o0IAlErO7oU[/media] Akishima

Vs M Bison (Dictator)
[media=youtube]reh_MkvmsTA[/media] YuuVega
[media=youtube]Z8lfrYUtY9k[/media] Taira
[media=youtube]Uy2tm9ATMoc[/media] Professor Jones

Vs Balrog (Boxer)
[media=youtube]9bte2zBfgIw[/media] Tamashima (loss)
[media=youtube]4KDaavn_IBA[/media] Kurahashi
[media=youtube]cGu05EBZGrc[/media] The SuperStar

Vs Dee Jay
[media=youtube]reh_MkvmsTA[/media] YuuVega
[media=youtube]qzYGT6_kuok[/media] Kuni (loss)

Vs Dhalsim
[media=youtube]abLB2SFbb-4[/media] Gian (10 match series)
[media=youtube]Uy2tm9ATMoc[/media] Gian
[media=youtube]NhE70LGBuvQ[/media] SinDhalsim

Vs Fei Long
[media=youtube]AeIs6lglb-A[/media] Noguchi

Vs Cammy

Vs E Honda
[media=youtube]FPuQGSGV2ik[/media] Kusumondo
[media=youtube]c8QGXaZo1es[/media] Otochun
[media=youtube]Z0zvoFlNVdQ[/media] Nia

Vs T Hawk
[media=youtube]ay7Z2UKcdQg[/media] NishitenFeiro

Vs Guile
[media=youtube]AJqO8PbP9rw[/media] Suzuki
[media=youtube]q3V5jU16mwA[/media] Kurahashi
[media=youtube]QQwXcQmeO-o[/media] Batayan (loss)

Vs Blanka
[media=youtube]hkNyDrJaC5g[/media] Komoda
[media=youtube]dIwTdCTC-O4[/media] AFO

Vs Sagat

Vs Ken
[media=youtube]uZqLBVppjFY[/media] Aniken
[media=youtube]CpuFVBLbrlQ[/media] Mattsun (10 match series)

Vs Ryu
[media=youtube]6HETDTqExDU[/media] ShootingD

Tsuji Shown Playing


Vs Zangief
[media=youtube]IofhW2n4I2U[/media] Nama

Vs Vega (Claw)
[media=youtube]au4GYscEyMI[/media] Kachu

Vs Chun Li
[media=youtube]Zu2O7ieGkVM[/media] Otochun (loss)

Vs M Bison (Dictator)
[media=youtube]4EGSPgOaees[/media] Six

Vs Balrog (Boxer)
[media=youtube]-H93sTqacno[/media] Daigo
[media=youtube]9bte2zBfgIw[/media] Tsuji

Vs Dee Jay

Vs Dhalsim
[media=youtube]e0oObrC_0eI[/media] BAT
[media=youtube]dxkluI8W3dw[/media] Gian (loss)

Vs Fei Long

Vs Cammy

Vs E Honda

Vs T Hawk

Vs Guile
[media=youtube]GnUsk5gjhTY[/media] Otochun (10 match series)

Vs Blanka
[media=youtube]GJbinUMBhdc[/media] Koike
[media=youtube]CpuFVBLbrlQ[/media] Komoda

Vs Sagat
[media=youtube]zOqQ0oziBRo[/media] Justin Wong

Vs Ken

Vs Ryu
[media=youtube]-H93sTqacno[/media] Daigo

Tamashima Shown Playing
[media=youtube]F98p0yNnb1I[/media] Muteki


Vs Zangief

Vs Vega (Claw)

Vs Chun Li

Vs M Bison (Dictator)

Vs Balrog (Boxer)

Vs Dee Jay

Vs Dhalsim

Vs Fei Long

Vs Cammy

Vs E Honda

Vs T Hawk

Vs Guile

Vs Blanka

Vs Sagat
[media=youtube]Q_E3n0hZZug[/media] John Choi

Vs Ken

Vs Ryu
[media=youtube]xe8XwAN2K14[/media] averagejoe

The SuperStar

Vs Cammy
[media=youtube]A3MYhq-o0pE[/media] Isaji

Vs Dee Jay
[media=youtube]ra8yL8UOkDY[/media] DoS


Vs Cammy
[media=youtube]Z0zvoFlNVdQ[/media] Minaduki

Combo Into Super
[media=youtube]tDbUqu1kn0k[/media] Vs Ryu
[media=youtube]GnUsk5gjhTY[/media] Vs Guile

? ?cr.Jab x 2 xx Super: charge down-back, jab jab, towards-back-towards, jab~fierce. You’re cancelling the ducking jabs into standing jab, but then you kara-cancel the standing jab into super.
Also: cr.Jab x 2, f, neutral, b + Jab, f + Jab?

SF2 Turbo Guide Wiki

Balrog Guide Wiki

SF2 Super Turbo Tier List

SSF2T HD Remix Balrog Changes and Insight

This is kind of random, but I was browsing Youtube tonight to watch some of DarkSydePhil’s Balrog Madness HDR videos. I couldn’t find any of them. So I googled DSP on Youtube, and turns out his Youtube account has been suspended. How lame is that? He may be a whiny little bitch, but he made his videos entertaining at least.

Nice post CzarFighter. I think Shiki’s Boxer is really good too, but a lot of his vids aren’t labeled with him as a player in them. I think and are the two channels with a lot of Shiki’s vids. He uses yellow Boxer.

I especially liked Shiki’s Boxer against Gian/KKY @ Dhalsim in the recent Danisen battles. He plays like Tamashima, but slightly better IMO with more patience.

//EDIT: Isn’t that the second time DSP has been suspended on YouTube? Lol.

alabama man himself has a sick ass boxer also.

While it was not my intent to start something that I couldn’t finish, but it seems like I may have to leave the Boxer thread to someone else. Rather than typing a long essay about why I’m leaving the SRK community and fighting games, I’ll just keep it short and I’m sure you will all understand. It just doesn’t make sense for me to be playing fighting games. I wish you all the best, and I hope you guys can keep the HDR community alive.

So I’ve been playing Ken players lately that like to fire jab fireballs and then use a HK tatsu when you ether try to neutral jump or headbutt through them. Seems to catch me every time no matter how far away I am. Do not like. Any tips?

How high in the air are you when you get hit? I’m thinking that j.:mp: would hit Ken out of his HK in that situation…which is why my Ken maining self hasn’t tried that…unless I see Boxer whiffing a headbutt. But, other than that, I say rush him down from the get-go and don’t let him throw Hadoukens. :). I know…easier said than done…but it works against Ryu, too, right? Projectiles from outside headbutt range are a problem for Boxer. Stay close and hit him before he can hit you.
I wish Boxer could still TAP through projectiles sometimes.

That was on my wish list before we even knew the final change list for HDR. Even if it was just like HF with only Level’s 1&2 that could do it I would be fine with it.

I think if I run into more of that annoying HK tatsu crap again I’ll just bulldog up and take the chip damage. Run-away ken sucks so much :confused:

New question! What do you guys do at the start of the round against really good Sagats? Headbutt seems like such a risk since it wiffs against low tiger so much (worse case being he baits it and 2x cr. MK into fireball dizzy). Neutral and backwards jump HK also seems to stuff Rog’s rushes. Really tricky :confused:

I usually c.MP at the start. Most of the time the Sagat player opens with low tiger shot, which stuffs it and you can combo it into low rush. If he c.MK at the start then the c.MP whiffs and I just hold back, or if I notice a pattern, I use fierce headbutt after the c.MP to hit him out of a follow up low tiger shot, tiger knee, or tiger uppercut.

I’'d say the best opener would be to just hold down back for the first few seconds, but if you’re feeling ballsy just go for jab headbutt. If he low tigers, you whiff, but you can c.MP -> low rush him before he recovers. If he tiger knees, you have priority. If he tiger uppercuts, you still have priority. But like you said, the worse case scenario being a whiffed headbutt being punished with a 2x c.MK into low tiger shot.

If Sagat blocks your fierce headbutt, you’re gonna eat cr.MK->tiger knee if he’s competent. If you notice a pattern where he jumps backwards, then that’s punishable with (well-timed) kick rush. Seriously, punish him if he does shit like that.

As mentioned above, cr.MP should trade with his extended limb when he tiger shots, so you can try that. Rushing at the start of the round can work sometimes, but usually they’d be pressing cr.MK/cr.HK at close range which will definitely stuff rushes.

Wow this thread needs some Gill resurrection.

Question: What the hell do I do against Ken players that pretty much live for that jumpin lp, tatsu, throw/SRK shit? Blitzfu was doing it to me almost for free over the course of like 15 matches. For some reason I can never counter throw him after the sequence (assuming he was going for throw instead of shenanigan SRK) and obviously headbutt wiffs because it is way too easy to safe jump it.

Hate hate hate hate that.

the jump lp tatsu has mad frame advantage. have you tried taking the hit to hold charge and head butt the throw or dp? thats a pretty big gamble as well cuz if you take the hit he might just combo into cr lk into crazy kick. but at least you can take the risk to try to get out of the loop.

GGs BTW. In my defense stud, if I don’t use Ken’s Knee Bash loop, Balrog players will usually destroy me. I can remember countless battles where I never got an opportunity to do the loop, and it usually didn’t end well for me. Just ask Geneijin when he beat my Ken 3 straight games at MAT. The loop is definitely Ken’s best ticket to victory against Balrog IMO. If I get a Balrog player in the loop, I’m gonna ride that baby to victory, f*** that. LOL

The best advice I can give is to never let Ken get you into a Knee Bash. Easier said than done, but there are some options if you find yourself in the loop. PAPERCUT’s suggestion is pretty good, but you can also:

-reversal throw, if Ken can throw you, you can always reversal throw, always, if Ken is constantly winning the throw battle, maybe you need to improve your reversal throw timing

-if the Ken player is mixing up between throws and SRK, you have to guess which one it’s going to be and reversal throw or block accordingly

-you could also go kamikaze-style and just reversal Headbutt everytime to build meter, once you have Super, the safe jump is still safe, but you can get Ken off your back and continue to RTSD

The Jab Headbutt is the best one if you can get it as a reversal everytime as it’s hard to punish but also hard to throw because it recovers so fast, I’ve had so many throws whiffed cuz I didn’t compensate for the farther pushback from the Jab Headbutt.

If you want something technical to try, you can go for the throw and then cancel the throw whiff into a special or super. TAP will keep your hitbox from extending for a while, Buffalo Headbutt and Super will give you invincibility frames immediately following your throw attempt. It won’t be very helpful if you can’t time a counter throw, though. You can also use this on offense with your own tick throws.

I do take the hit occasionally but I almost always get combo’ed for it. Usually a dizzy too.

First, as always, GGs. This wasn’t a whiny post, I fully expect people to abuse stuff that works. I was just racking my mind yesterday as to how the hell could I counter that without super. I felt as helpless as when I get constantly TOD’ed by good Bison players over one knockdown. I play ken players that use this, but I think you are the only one I’ve played that is content to ride it for the entire match. That’s why I kept switching to Honda (even though it’s a way worse fight, you have to respect dat Ochio!) lol. The kamikaze approach seems interesting, but I think I’d be out 60% health at least assuming I didn’t get dizzied for a few pixels of meter.

If I have super I’m usually content to burn my super to get out of that situation. I’m pretty good at getting it out against safe jumps too. The huge problem is that when a ken player of Blitz’s caliber gets me in that situation, I’m almost always not close to having meter. Also, it seems I’m completely locked in blockstun due to the damn frame advantage for the duration so I don’t know how I would be able to use TAP. Maybe a surprise dash upper would work?

So yeah, the obvious answer is to not get knocked down, and I’m usually really good in these matches, but damn, one knockdown and it’s ken loop hell :looney: I’ll keep working on it.

If you are in block stun, there’s no way his Shoryuken or knee bash could possibly hit you. You get at least one frame where you can do whatever. If he’s on the ground and not throw invincible, you’ll be able to throw him. If he’s not, then you’ll get a whiffed normal. You can cancel that normal into a special move within the first few frames. If he’s far enough away, canceling into TAP will mean that your hitbox doesn’t extend for a while (conveniently enough until after the hitting frames of a jab SRK end), which could make a SRK whiff. (Admittedly, this is about as good as countering the SRK with a jab, but it lets you still go for the throw beforehand.) If you use your super like this then, unless he did a strong SRK, you’ll be vulnerable after he is and hit him out of it instead of just chipping him. Not to mention that a good enough Ken could just DP you in the middle of your super and put you back into that situation. Dash upper doesn’t work very well because its startup moves your vulnerable hitbox really far forward.

No, that wasn’t a whiny post at all, and I never thought it was. I feel you on that. Yeah, Ken’s Knee Bash loop is tough to deal with, no doubts there.

The kamikaze approach is only feasible if you’re close to getting meter and have a healthy lifebar. But yeah, I was just throwing options out there. I’m not exactly a Balrog player.

Ken’s Knee Bash is not that much more difficult than Hawk or Gief’s safe jump setups. In fact, Hawk and Gief are tougher for Rog to deal with cuz they can at least outrange his throws, but Ken can’t. Also, Ken and Ryu have a really tough time dealing with Rog. I can’t express to you how frustrating it is for me to zone Rog with Hadokens, his Jab Headbutt is impossible to punish from almost any range, his Rushes are too damn fast (and this really rapes Ken in particular with his slow HDK startup), his Super is friggin amazing, Rog’s got it all. I was only trying to explain my motivation to abuse Ken’s Knee Bash loop, and Ryu’s safe jump throw/SRK game.

But yeah, reversal throw is the best bet. If I was a Rog player, that’s what I’d be banking my money on.

How do you land the c.jab, c.jab, s.jab xx super after a jump-in against non big characters? Most of the time my s.jab whiffs and the super gets blocked.