I don’t even know if you’re able to combo with jump in, two light punches, into a standing light punch on small characters. If so shun me for this worthless scum of a post. <3
Well, if you are trying, I assume you know it to be possible, and then I can only guess 1) you are not renda-canceling* the jabs fast enough, giving too much time for the other character to get pushed back by the time the 3rd jab would become active, i.e., get offensive hitboxes; or 2) you may be doing the jabs too late after you land. To get them as soon as possible, the button press needs to happen one frame or two before Boxer lands.
*rapid-fire attack cancel into the same attack
sup my fellow Rog players, minus blitzfu.
A better hit confirm is simply cr.jabx2 -> super using renda canceling. Skip the standing jab. This is a great way to land the super, it works on both big and small characters, and most importantly works on crouching opponents.
combo at 0:42
Boxer is too good in hdr! damn that affirmative action, the NAACP were probably breathing down Sirlin’s neck during development.
How do you do this? I’ve gotten it out a couple of times by mashing but not sure exactly what’s going on. Is it just cr jab x2, then super motion then jab again? Or something else?
Charge Back -> c.Jab, c.Jab, Forward, Back, Neutral+Jab, Forward+Punch (any). The last two punches must be done quickly… I personally roll Jab into Fierce :).
edit: well mine includes the standing jab, I haven’t tried the ducking jab x 2 into super…
Awesome. Pretty situational but still awesome.
How do you go about executing this? Every time I try, I either land a st.jab into super or the super comes out late.
I’ll post up how when I get home from work today :D.
Unless someone beats me to it. :lovin:
I am not gifted with good execution, and honestly I can only execute the cr.jabx2->super combo about two-thirds of the time, if that. However the way I do it is simple. I do cr.jabx2, then immediately piano all three punches (actually starting from fierce, then strong, then jab). However, the piano is not a slow piano. It’s basically pressing all buttons at once, with the fierce button 0.001 second earlier than the others. This seems to trigger the kara-whiffing that allows the super to connect.
For those curious of what it looks like (well, it’s just cr.jabx2 into a super), Tsuji shows why this combo could be useful by landing it in the Boxer mirror match against Kurahashi. It’s from the X-Mania Gaiden (Insanity Starting Over) DVD series. [media=youtube]4KDaavn_IBA"[/media] Start watching at 3:00 if you just want to see the super combo. Although Kurahashi wasn’t crouching in that instance, I believe it would still have worked if he was crouching.
Notice in the above match, in the very first round, Kurahashi was crouching on wakeup hoping to eat the jump-in and reversal headbutt. Unfortunately for him, Tsuji anticipated this, and punished with a cr.jabx2 kara canceled into straight jab rush. The technique should be the same for the super combo. Bye, bye, bison! :clown:
After ducking jabs very very quickly do the forward back forward and Kara cancel or piano all punches and it’ll land. Messed with training mode and it works well :).