I’ve played stealthysocks’ Balrog before…D-E-A-D-L-Y.
What normals beat Chun’s Lightning Legs outside of Cr. strong range? I’ve used far fierce to beat it 2 out of the three times I’ve actively tried and paid attention, but I’m not sure if I just got lucky.
Edit: Other than jump-ins, too. I’m just looking for extra options.
I was under the impression that the legs were pretty much invulnerable.
Probably right. Desperation makes me do all sorts of things.
Chun Li is vulnerable only on her body, and not on her legs. But in HDR, her mid section is even more vulnerable than ST. If you check Yoga Book Hyper, I think Boxer’s st Fierce or Straight Rush has the best chance of hitting Chun Li when her red hitbox is low to the ground. Of course that takes good timing and some luck, but yeah, Boxer can hit her out of her Lightning Legs, but only using his ranged attacks and not from up close, unless you’re charged for the Buffalo Headbutt. Once Rufus gets Chun Li’s pics up, you’ll be able to see the difference for HDR, or you can check training mode with hitboxes for yourself.
Desperation can be a good thing some times. = )
The legs are invulnerable to any of Balrog’s normals. But a Buffalo Headbutt will go right through her lightning legs.
Since there was discussion, here’s a composite of Chun’s Lightning legs hitboxes:

You’ve got to hit the body or head. The easiest thing is to jump, buy that can be risky.
Thanks a lot Rufus! I’ll take some time over winter break to set my turbo on and see if I can use normals to poke through LL and let you guys know what I find.
So I used the turbo on my HRAP 2 to test Boxer vs. Chun’s Lightening Legs. I forgot to test dash punches, but I tested cr. strong, far fierce, and jump-ins. Cr. strong seems like it will never be able to hit Chun. Far fierce will only hit 1/4 of the time. Jump ins are 100% relaible if you get the spacing right, which is pretty easy. If Chun is mashing out LL like a moron, you can jump right over her blurry legs and tag her with j. mk or j. hp/hk.
GGs last night 1hitparry! Really close match in every game. Did you see the weird thing last night where I ochio you out of your super? It was right in the middle too.
GGs, Dood! It’s great to finally play you. And yeah, I hate it when I get ochioed out of super. It’s happened to me before. : (
So, I had a decent match against a Gief player today and I learned that I can anti-air jump ins from far away with far fierce. I have no idea what made him jump in the first place (threat of low rush?) I always traded, but it kept Gief out really well. I also learned that you really shouldn’t throw out TAP unless Gief is wiffing something like cr. jab or cr. roundhouse. If Gief jumps, you’ll sail right under him and be in a world of hurt. This is all probably old stuff to the veterans, but I thought I’d try to keep contributing to the thread.
I ment to post this for advice A LONG time ago (as you can tell from the date of the video) but, any is appreciated.
That’s just nasty. Bisons who did nothing but crouching MK/scissors in ST was annoying as hell already, but with the advent of HDR’s nerf to Rog’s jab headbutt, you get raped if he blocks it. It looks like after he turned his game up near the end of that first set he was constantly putting you in block strings probably waiting for you to wiff headbutts. The only way I usually stop this is to apply my own block string pressure forcing him to fuck up. It looks like you were actually doing that quite well in the beginning. But yeah, that and more throw shenanigans are needed to stop that nasty bison play.
Hey guys, the Gief match up is giving me trouble. I kind of want to rewrite what I have in the character specific part because I don’t feel like it’s good advice. Here are some note that I think are better for fighting Gief as well as notes for a new Guile entry. Let me know what you guys think please!
Gief Match up:
Medium range (just out side of Gief’s sweep)
-Wiffing cr. strong will counter poke Gief wiffs a sweep.
-Cr. fierce or headbutt should work as anti-airs against jump ins. (though lately I’ve been having poor luck with headbutt. Is this just my reaction time?)
-Don’t get too comfortable, Gief can sneak in the running throw
Long Range
-Know the range of low rushes so that you can beat lariat. I used to try Kick Rushes, but those didn’t seem to work as well.
-You might have to use far fierce as an anti-air depending on how far Gief is. You might trade in Gief’s favor, but anything to keep out is good for Boxer
-If Gief is wiffing cr. jab or sweep, throw a level 1 or 2 TAP but…
-Do not throw out random TAPs. This is one of my biggest problems. I don’t know why I do it. Don’t be stupid like me.
Close range
-I don’t know? I’m pretty much hosed and will lose 50% life against a good Gief. x_X
After a knock down
-Safe jump short, cr. jab, cr. jab, cr. strong, low rush always. Right now I feel like this is your best option 9/10 times because assuming you don’t get SPDed, you at least get free damage chip and you push Gief back a bit giving you more room to make a tactical retreat when the time comes.
-If gief isn’t lariat happy, you can use far strong after a well placed low rush to push Gief even further back.
-Any advice on TAP? This just gets me into trouble more often than not with Gief since he’ll jump right over.
-Know when you can safely headbutt through a sonic boom.
-Sometimes if Guile walks too close behind his sonic boom, you can headbutt through the sonic boom and hit Guile. I’m not sure if this works on better players, probably not.
-If Guile is wiffing cr. forward right in front of you, counter poke with your own cr. forward.
-You generally need cr. forward as a counter poke more than you need TAP (long standing advice from top players like Graham Wolfe, not my own)
-If you didn’t know, you can easily punish Guile’s Somersault or Somersault Justice with cr. strong low rush if he’s lands in the right range. If not just go for low rush if you have a charge, or sweep if you’re in range and don’t have a charge.
-It’s easy to abuse tick throw loops against Guile since he’s a charge character and only has two techable throws
-It’s good to know when you can throw out a low strong to ether beat or trade with a sonic boom to get better positioning. Remember Guile is restricted by his charge time.
Against Gief, I tend to forget about TAP since st. fierce has a lot of the same utility. I do use it sometimes but I can’t recall when. There are just some moments where it’s definitely right but I can’t think of it right now. If I had to guess, it’s against the cr. jab. I’ll try not to use rush uppers in the beginning and stuff lariats only with the low rush in the beginning so if they start that cr. jab business, then I let loose a 5 or a 6. Then they usually do a lot less of that and either go for reaction lariat or sweep. I personally have more trouble with the sweep so it’s kind of a pick your poison thing.
On knockdown, I actually get SPD’d out of low jab x2 sometimes. A gimmick I like doing on knockdown is jump in short, low jab, leave a brief pause, jab headbutt. It creates tension like you’re trying to be ballsy and walk up through while it’ll beat panic lariat and SPD. It’ll only work once but if you get SPD’d out of low jab x2, low strong xx low rush, then it would benefit from doing jab jab, jab headbutt. I also try for jab jab, low strong xx low upper, headbutt but that’s also really dependent on how fast your opponent’s reactions are.
I don’t play against Guile right. I like staying just out of his cr. forward range and play the poking game. Like you said, use your low forward to stuff his low forward but also use st. fierce to trade with sonics. His low forward will stuff the st. fierce so it creates this 50/50 guessing game going on. If you see that he’s hesitant to do something, you could be really ballsy and walk up throw but I wouldn’t risk it. He could also toss out a flash kick to beat st. fierce but that means he’s also getting more trigger happy with the flash kick and you can get some free punishes off it.
I was playing against some local Guile one time and I got my ass beat because he’d throw a sonic and then he’d jump in with j. forward or something and that’d stuff my headbutts or reliably air throw. I’m guessing the best thing to do is to just block it and try to take advantage of Guile once he lands.
Need some ideas vs Chun. What do you do when there is some space between you, Chun has super, and she throws a strong or fierce fireball and walks behind it? I don’t think you can jump forward over the fireball on reaction, it’s too fat and fast if you don’t anticipate it. If you jump straight up, she can super you as you come down. If you jab headbutt, she can super you as you land. If you fierce headbutt, she can super you as you come down if she spaces it right, or she can block and throw. You can just block the fireball, but then she’s in your face with frame advantage. You can jump back, but then you’re just cornering yourself.
You have to get her to spend that super. I’d just walkup block hoping they biff it and take the block damage. She has to hope for the same thing when you get super, except Rog’s super is a lot better/more dangerous.
It’s hard to get good spacing with far fierce, so I’ll use TAP from outside of far fierce as a substitute sometimes. Because of how it kind of slides forwards even after Boxer fully extends his arm, it’s pretty much a sliding far fierce that when used at the right ranges is guaranteed good spacing. The only problem is if your opponent jumps you’re pretty hosed.
Hi every1, I just need help with sagat, if he just spam tigershot and mix low and hi I cant never get past dont know why. If I use headbut I get hit by another tigershot before landing. I tried to do neutral HP and move foward a bit, but it take to much time to get close and 1 mistake and you are again fullscreen. Any videos or advice please.
Also I need some advice for specific throw situations:
-After a TK and he end very close he throw me, does jab headbutt is safe agains a blocked TK?
-After I block dictator scissor kicks and he is very close he always throw me, is there a way to beat that?
-After fei chicken wing is the same with dic, he just throw me. Yeah I headbutt when I can to beat the chicken wing, but sometimes I dont have the charge. And it must be block hi.
-After blanka jumping mk, I think, he throw me.