About the people that said a good player will just fireball you out of your walk… that is totally possible. You have to determine if your opponent is smart enough to do that. But against a lot of players, like Honda, T. Hawk, Cammy, etc, this move works great, especially on wakeup. If you can knock them down, just walk towards them as they are getting up. A lot of time, they will be trying for a wakeup SRK, or whatever move their character has, so they won’t be holding block… The TAP can catch a lot of people off guard.
1hitparry, I’m gonna add you on PSN after a bit… Wanna have a couple rounds tonight?
TAP into wakeup is a solid move that I use a lot. Usually late so the move is just hitting as they get up instead of a typical meaty.
But yeah, if they are on their feet and can throw fireballs, then usually good players have the reaction time to hit you out.
Yeah, I saw that on the old Boxer thread. I used to do that, but I feel like it leaves you open if Chun doesn’t fireball. I’ll try it again and see if I can incorporate it into my game.
When that starts to happen, then I opt to build meter with low rush upper instead. Then, if they don’t throw a fireball, I go for a fierce headbutt instead of jumping back to try to catch something. If you mix it in with the low rush attempts, you should be able to get in eventually.
I don’t know if this is old information, but I’ve been playing around with Balrog in training mode.
Balrog, E. Honda, Zangief and Fei Long have larger hit boxes when they are hit. By looking at the hit boxes, it appears that when they tilt their head back, the hit box for their head moves up. This allows Balrog to land special moves that would not normally hit a crouching opponent.
Some interesting things to note is that E. Honda’s head hit box moves up when hit on the first hit, and he goes to complete standing after the second hit. This allows you to do this combo on a crouching honda:
j.lk, cr. lp, st. lp, fierce straight rush
Also the stand up property allows for this combo to work on crouching Balrog and Fei Long:
j. lk, cr. lk, rush upper, cr. mp
j. lk, cr. lk, rush upper, st. mk
I have only been able to do these combos on Balrog and Fei Long. They are pretty easy to do, and they do quite a lot of damage. I’m still not sure why they don’t work with E. Honda or Zangief.
I made a quick video to show what I mean:
Maybe someone can find some use for this!
Holy crap man good find. I was actually wondering why E. Hondas and Fei Longs didn’t duck my low rush upper when I tried to go for the throw mixup.
Could someone else answer a question about Honda for me? If either Honda gets a bearhug in the corner, Balrog kind of drops instantly and can gimmick Balrog into a knockdown but the same seems to happen when Balrog grabs in the corner. Balrog can’t really take advantage of it though since it usually would end in an ochio but does anyone have any ideas or should I just back off and just settle for an instant overhead or something?
I don’t think its worth it to do a throw loop on Honda, especially in the corner. Theres too much of a risk (Ochio, Bear hug, Butt Slam), and if Honda gets a knockdown on you, its pretty much over.
So yeah, I think using a throw at honda every now and then as a mixup works, but after the throw, its better to back off.
Thanks for the info on “tall” crouchers, Socks. I added it the advanced combos section.
If you land a throw on Honda and you’re near the corner, I’d just back off or meaty TAP. Ideally you want to be as far away from Honda as you can.
Screw that noise! Be a man and go kick that fat mans ass!!!
But seriously, you don’t have to run away from the dude. Just be smart about the matchup. Use a low rush, followed by standing fierce. A lot of times you will catch Honda with the standing fierce as he is trying to jump. And if the fatman wants to do his sumo torpedo thing, just deliver a buffalo headbutt to his ass.
It can be a difficult matchup, if you don’t know what you are doing. But after you play the match more, you will find your comfort zone against Honda.
Low Rush far fierce doesn’t really work on Hondas that like to randomly jab heatbutt. : ( And my comfort zone for Honda is outside cross up Butt slam range because that’s really the only move that messes me up. But when it does, he gets in and it’s practically over. : (
In between the Low Rushes, switch to spamming standing jabs to catch the headbutts. Might not work on Jab Torpedos though, cuz those have insane priority.
Jump back :hp:, spam stand :lp:.
I tried that out last night. It worked like a charm. Jump back fierce make life really hard on Honda especially if Boxer has the life lead.
On a side note, I was playing a Sagat player would would use tiger knee mix ups (juggle on hit, or mix up between throw an upper cut on wiff). 1) How hard is it to punish this online? I swear I used to be able to strong low rush this on reaction or at least by mashing throw, but I couldn’t do that even once last night. I could easily be out of practice. 2) Would it be better to just go for jab headbutt? Might be the best option since it should beat out any of Sagat’s offensive options. At least in my mind.
I was playing around in training mode again. I’m sure some of you know of this already, but when Balrog grabs in the corner, he can do a “cross up” super by rushing under the opponent, then performing a super/headbutt on the other side.
You can fake out an opponent by doing a regular Rush Uppercut, Super, and hit them from the front.
The input for this is quite simple, it’s just do a low rush (b, df + punch or kick, b, punch. You could also do the same input as a low rush --> headbutt (with ub), and a super will come out (if you have meter). If you perform low rush --> headbutt (with uf), your headbutt will come out even if you have meter.
Depending on the character you’re facing, the timing of when to do the low rush is different. On some characters, like Cammy, it’s not possible to cross over.
Here’s a quick video showing it:
Hopefully someone will find this useful!
If Sagat misses a Tiger Knee close up, I usually just grab him.
First sorry if my english is not good, but its not my native lenguaje. Well the problem is that I have a lot of trouble agains sagat that mix low and high tiger shots. At full screen I usually jab headbutt the fast ones and jump the slow ones and duck for the high ones, but the problem is at mid range. I cant do much to get close, if I block 2 wich happen a lot of time, it push me back to my corner. I dont know if I am slow, but I cant jump or headbutt in reaction.
What can I do?
I like to hold a turn punch and wait for a high tiger if I’m a little under half screen. It’ll trade with next tiger if the number is high enough. If you’re not willing to turn punch, you can do a low short upper then fierce headbutt to try to get a limb or jab headbutt to get in a good distance. Sagat is also tall enough to be hit by a fierce if you get a jump in so you can get a lot of stun that way.
Also, that corner super shit is hot. I’ve gotten grabs in the corner and wanted to do something other than meaty TAP.
I know this might be risky, but if you can “guess” the next shot to be a high tiger shot, you can low rush punch early, and it will go right under the high tiger shot and punch him. After you get the knockdown, you can just keep the pressure at close range. However, if you guess wrong, you’ll be hit by either a low tiger, or possibly a tiger uppercut.
On another note, I was playing the other day and accidently performed a crouching fp into super in a match. I guess this would be a cheap, unpractical way to combo into a super.
I can’t say I’ve ever combo’d a crouching FP into a Super before. That’s pretty impressive.