so what happened to all the info in this thread, I was getting ready to study it?
Yeah, that was weird
Looks like VF4 won.
Yeah, sorry I was in a bad mood yesterday and I let something bug me. I’ll put up the stuff. I apologize for taking it down.
Learn how to pressure and anti air without charge, just walking forward makes people want to do all kinds of shit
Whiffed Short Upper -> Headbutt can still catch people all day
A good bait move against a turtle is to keep your TAP charged, and then start walking forward. They will assume that since you aren’t charging backwards, you don’t have a move ready for them. As soon as you get in range, let go of the TAP, and more often than not, you will surprise them with some nice damage
Holy cow! Secrets from SRK Boxer! You’re all lucky I’m not a moderator otherwise I would have deleted that post and kept the information for myself.
That does work sometimes, but usually it will get you fireballed.
After a jab fireball disappears right in front of you, you can also use strong low rush to trade with the second fireball if you anticipate it from full screen.
I forgot where I learned this strategy from but you can do a low rush upper after a disappearing fireball and have enough time to just jump back and repeat to build meter. I don’t think you can get hit during your jump back but if the situation ever arises, then you could just j. short to catch whatever they’re doing. This is an easy way to get super but it’s also easy for the opponent to lightning legs between fireballs and gain super too. Still, I like the match a lot better with super.
As for the walking forward part, I would usually just block the fireball. If they throw a fireball right away, I look for a trade. If they don’t, then I walk forward and get ready to block the next fireball.
probably the best advice in the whole thread, probably.
Against good players, this would never work. Most people that eat TAP are going for a reverse attempt against a rush punch.
If you’re walking forward, your opponent isn’t really thinking reversal. They should instinctively be able to block the TAP.
I use reversals against TAP’s because I can catch them on reaction whenever someone uses one against me from near full screen(I play Fei no projectile lol). Although whenever Boxer is walking forward I think either 1)Baiting me for a turn punch or 2)Hes jumping at me, block or anti air
Those are generally the only two things boxer can do when walking forward its kind of easy to react to when you are expecting it or predict correctly.
Well, any move is reversible in this game. Maybe I should be more accurate. Most people eat the TAP when they’re thinking a rush punch is coming, but the slight delay when boxer turns throws them off, and the TAP punishes their missed SRK for example.
You’ll never TAP a good opponent walking forward. If the person’s any good, you’ll be eating fireballs all day.
Just a simple question, but what’s fei, hawk, cammy etc, fireball motions?
j/k :wgrin:
Silly mathematician and your lack of verb noun agreement. On topic, I was fighting a Claw online and I kept losing pretty badly. I finally won my last match by throwing in random kick rushes. To be honest I only threw them out there to get closer for a throw, but I noticed they kept stuffing his random wall dives before he could really get too far off the ground. Is this a viable tactic against Claws in general? Or is this something I want to use if I know my opponent likes wall dives? Coincidentally, can I use rush punches on reaction to keep Claw from reaching the wall and there for messing up his wall dive?
Kick rush punch would certainly help counter walldives, but isn’t advisable as a general strategy because good Claw’s will utilise their excellent ground game to keep you locked down (see for example, ARG vs. any boxer). The “footsie” battle in this matchup is fairly skewed in Claw’s favor, but you can still utilise cr. Forward and st. Fierce, for example, to at least trade with some of Claw’s attacks. cr. Forward at the right distance is really good for stuffing slides.
As Graham Wolfe says, “if you knock Vega down, start cheaping him immediately”. That’s pretty much the general idea.
Boxer can do a lot of nasty things when uncharged, in fact. He can AA most jump ins with cr.fierce, punish most footsie attempts with his many good normals such as cr.forward when out of range, cr.roundhouse at the exact range (which has more range than many sweeps from other characters), cr.strong, standing fierce by prediction or by reaction, etc. He has many options to beat or trade (which one often does not want to do too often) with most other character moves, and because he has good range and priority on his normals, he also becomes a threat because he can regain his charge while threatening his enemies, get in range for certain attacks or just walk up and throw.
Savalas, if they just block, you got your super bar increase and your piece of damage. As long as it does not get beaten (and TAP has bad priority), it is just fine, IMHO.
Don’t laugh. I’ve forgotten what cheaping actually means in that context. I’ve been accused of all sorts of cheating at this point so it’s hard to get things straight.
Edit: Oh right, I also missed all my safe jump, which means I ate a lot more flip kicks than necessary.
Am I sensing sarcasm?
I wasn’t being sarcastic. I’ve noticed that TAP does a really good job of beating out most pokes due to it’s range and large number of active frames. I’ve used it to try to break my opponents defense (usually decent chip at worst), but I’ve never really thought to walk forward to give up my charge and fool my opponent.