I played online today on Xbox. Most of the comp was poor at best. I played tons of Ryu’s and Ken, a guile a Solid Blanka ( one of my only two legit loses; he was VERy good with Blanka VERY GOOD he beat me 3 rounds - 0 ) the other was vs a Ryu. I had one match vs ryu that was very Laggy and didn’t really count. Had 3 guys pull the plug. i think i went about 25-5 with 3 loses with Honda, one of them being a lag loss, one loss vs Blanka one legit loss vs Ryu . The other two were while playing with Dj and blanka. I was using my friends account.
Fun Fact:
Kusomondo only uses Pink/Green Honda
Also speaking of colors they changed Honda’s ST color from Black/Purple to Purple/Purple.
Honda Vs Chun
Is my WORST matchup.
Questions, What beats her kicks? Nothing I do can. It has such high priority.
She corners me a lot and does j. RH which stuffs EVERYTHING i do when i try to anti air her.
What do you guys do against chun?
If you are getting your Jav headbutt stopped by Chun’s Jump Roundhouse, you’re just not doing it late enough. You know it’s anti-air BEFORE he starts flying straight, right? Do it late so he leans forward into Chun, and you’ll never ever even see him go into the straight position.
- James
Hey everybody. I need some help on knowing when to Ochio Throw. It doesn’t matter against who, I just need to know some Ochio Throw basics (if there are any) because I never use it, and I want to because it’s pretty powerful.
All thanks in advance.
I’m having trouble against dics who use psycho crusher constantly… it seems like none of my moves beat it (i either tie with losses on damage or i lose cleanly) and I can’t afford to take the constant chip damage. I have trouble catching the dic because the pcrusher goes through me and i cant keep him on one side…
Pretty late short buttstomp. Learn the timing, you can hit him out of it clean on the way up most of the time, with an occasional trade.
Try to stand so when he comes out of the fierce crusher, he is trapped in the corner. You don’t want to be totally in the corner, just a bit outside of it. Then you can hit him with HHS or whatever you want, and he’s trapped in the corner, so you can jump on him for some oichi throw fun. If you’re in the middle of the screen, it’s not fun being dragged around. Sometimes, you can HHS upon coming out of it, but sometimes you can’t.
Just hold back to block it then when he goes through you hit forward and hp and honda will headbutt him from behind. if you mash hp too much you’ll get a handslap which should still hit him anyway
main use for ochio throw is storing it and grabbing out of blockstun. You can store your ochio by doing the motion for it then just holding down back if something gets close enough to you and hit punch it will come out pretty much instantly.
Honda standing jab beats jab psycho crusher, doesn’t even require precise timing.
Thanks. I’ll give it a try when I have access to my PS3.
I’m having a hard time doing Fierce HHS for a short amount of time (One Chip) then stop for a command throw. It feels like a 50/50 for me. Any advice?
Keep in mind the Fierce HHS -> Ochio trick only works if the HHS hits, not if it’s blocked - HHS hits have less pushback when they’re not blocked.
That trick DOES NOT work on noobs, I had already forgotten about that trick because people will just spam some button and hit you in between the slaps, so I just continued doing the slaps and they’ll eat 3+ hits from the slaps, fuck…I’ve dizzied people with the slaps, how sad is that. But yeah, against a good player, it usually works or you end eating a dp.
Still, that trick is good shit. I have to remember to bring it back to my arsenal.
Don’t forget Akuma’s red fireballs also beats out Honda’s Super.
honda can fullscreen punish red fireball with j.rh on reaction. look for horse stance and then jump at him at any time. midscreen you can butt stomp, which is good if they are trying to make you eat chip on wakeup. it’ll make akuma’s think twice about using it, so you can get a bit more flexible with your jab headbutt/super without worrying too much about red fireballs.
^I’m pretty sure that’s only if he does fierce red fireball, which has huge recovery. I got popped like that by Honda players a couple of times while doing fierce red fireball, so now I just do strong, and it hasn’t happened since. Strong red fireball has two hits, so it beats both jab headbutt and super.
I’m having more trouble with Sim then anyone now. Is there any way to get in on him? One guy kept spamming jab fireballs from full screen and if I tried to jump, headbutt, or sumo drop past it he would do standing fierce and hit me back then repeat the process. Can someone help me with this matchup?
today i played hd-remix for the first time…
of all the new stuff i saw honda seemed the most overpowered to me.
hand slap deals so much damage its insane…
Last second MK Sumo Drops against fireballs are a good way to get in. It will usually beat or trade with 'Sim. Once you get in, don’t let the bastard back out. Jab headbutt helps immensely here until the 'Sim player gets smart and starts using Yoga Flame. Keep pressure on him and make sure to store for ochio if he starts sliding (because you know he’s going for that noogie).
Edit: Apparently Jab Headbutt goes through Flame. God Honda rocks now!
That’s funny because all versions of HHS actually do LESS damage than in ST. I think you just see it a lot more because it is easier to do.