any good strats against ken? he seems to be the only guy i can’t take down with honda most of the time
I have been crossing up a LOT with fierce headbutt. If you knock someone down, and time it right, you can have your headbutt hit on the opposite side. It works wonders!
It can’t be done in corners though, since Honda has to be traveling through them.
This is probably common knowledge though
This isn’t common knowledge to me. What situation would you do this from? After a hold back RH trip from far away? After a jab headbutt anti-air?
What do you guys think about the Blanka matchup being pretty much even now? Blanka now recovers after ball so quickly that not only can you not headbutt him back, but he can actually start doing stuff before your slaps can get to him. He can also now knock you out of slaps with all sorts of things, so doing slaps isn’t as foolproof as it was before, and ball into throw/crossup shenanigans are stronger because jab and strong balls look like fierce ones. I’m not sure how to play this matchup anymore, it feels like I need to be a lot more proactive than in ST.
It’s mainly from doing any headbutt as AA. I haven’t been able to hit the cross up very often since the timing is so hard.
It could also be just the person not blocking, but that doesn’t seem too likely.
I will mess around with it more in Training mode and online.
One thing I figured out against blocked psycho crusher is to just super right after it crosses you (just do it forward like always). Honda will turn around and rock Dic in his face.
See I have the opposite feeling, like I should turtle even more because there really aren’t any safe ways to attack Blanka anymore. The only good thing about the Blanka ball is, even though it is safe, he takes more damage during it. I stick out a lot of st.jabs when I anticipate balls coming in and try to wait for him to jump. In between jabs I try to keep charging Ochios, hoping if he does a jab or strong ball —>bite I will be able to hit the button for a reversal Ochio. It def. is a tougher match-up now, safe ball is just so good.
I can see this match up being pretty even though I still give it to Honda.These are some of the things I’ve noticed while playing against Blanka. Like already stated jab is your friend. If he rolls jab. If he jumps at you instant jumping jab beats out most of his air attacks or you can do a late sumo drop or jab headbutt. If he does electricity do forward/back rh to knock him out of it. You’ll either trade, but most of the time it will beat it clean. As for the HHS they can be useful for guard damage and push back, but beware all Blanka needs to do is jab you right out of it. I like to use HHS as a whiff and meter builder. If Blanka tries to tick throw you a Ochio throw seems to put a stop to those shenannigans.
I think the Honda/Blanka matchup is one of the most interesting in the game. To me, it comes down to who makes the other person become the aggressor. If Blanka has the lead and stays far away doing electricity, it forces Honda to walk closer to standing roundhouse. If you walk in to do that, he jumps on your head and you have no charge. That’s the last position you want to be in vs. Blanka.
On the other hand, if Honda gets the lead, he can sit in defensive crouch throwing out the occasional jab if Blanka is far away to stuff the ball. If Blank does some kind of ball or hop to get to biting range, stored Ochio puts a stop to that. It feels about even to me, because the really tricky Blankas will have you blocking the wrong way on wake-up, and things can get ugly fast with that bite.
Here’s a question for online players: does Ryu’s fake fireball drop frames? To me if a Ryu is alternating between slow, fast, and fake fireballs all at a rapid rate, my screen turns into a choppy slideshow and I tend to walk into fireballs because they’re on me before I can see them and react to block. It’s possible I had lag against multiple Ryu’s when this happened, but I don’t think it’s lag, as my connections are usually good. I think the animation on the fake fireball is really abrupt and jarring, making it difficult to react to, even if you’re just trying to block.
Hmm, this is ST Tourneys from ggpo if anyone knows me… but anyways
good games earlier Eggo (if u remember playing me… we had those Honda mirror matches I believe)
I’ve finally decided to start posting on SRK and hopefully will be able to get some competition on par with GGPO’s Super Turbo. My thoughts so far… (if anyone cares )
I feel that Honda’s main nerfs… the non-repeatable Ochio and slightly less damaging (but easier to do) hands… BARELY weaken him… yet…
His jab headbutt- Decent move. Easily punished so not really reliable as the go-to move to use all the time versus fireballs. We now have another move to mix it up in conjunction with jump straight up hp, jump forward (j.short to avoid sweeps) , and buttstomp. Yay.
Super Torpedo - This move is simply awesome now. Be it as an anti-air, as a fireball counter… there is no random hits anymore. Up close… Honda is able to do 3 hits and it’s freaken strong as hell. I think this is Honda’s best buff… so far anyways.
I’ve only played about 100 ranked matches so far… so if anyone wants to add me to play, that would be cool.
I am b33r on GGPO, good to see you on the boards. Go ahead and add me on 360, though I won’t be on it much until I get a proper controller, PS3 until then.
I really agree with the super buff, it’s great vs. a well timed anti-projectile and anti-air. It is still pretty bad if blocked, countered no problem still. It’s nice to be able to deal out guaranteed good damage on hit with it for once.
I’m having problems with this stupid Blanka mixup/trap… It’s where I’m cornered and the Blanka does jump in forward (mk) repeatedly (forcing me to block high) but then mixes it up with either jump in forward, crouching roundhouse (hk) or jump in forward, walk-up throw. The main problem is that I’m forced to just sit there and block high while he spams the jump in forwards… Then when he hits low, I have to switch to blocking low, but he might whiff and jump in again or do the mixup… I bet there must be some easy way out but it’s baffling me right now.
lol Yeah this might sound strange, but sometimes it’s worth geting hit to get out of the corner. When Blanka has me in the same predicament, I’ll charge down and take the jumping mk so I’ll be able to do sumo butt just to be able to get out of the corner.
MiLky: I got to see your Honda in action last night against my bros. scrubby DJ. I was actually calling out everytime you would go for a Ochio throw setup. Anyways I thought he would have a fighting chance considering that your Honda plays almost exactly like mines;with the cross-ups, mix-ups, and Ochio setups, but he got massacred. I was laughing, so hard because all he could say is “This shit is broken!”.
I’d definitely take the hit. He’ll usually hit high and you’ll recover first, hopefully with a stored Ochio.
His super and jab headbutt (and to a lesser extent, better neutral HP jump and safe jumping MK) definitely outweigh losing stored super, ochio loop and HHS priority.
Instead of punishing meaty jumpins with a jab headbutt they now risk a 40% super antiair. God that is so satisfying.
I was wondering something about the stored ochio. If you’re repeatedly pressing a button to make the ochio come out as soon as you’re out of block stun, does the hhs come out instead?
I think that the Ochio throw has priority over all of his specials that involve a punch button, maybe even the sumo drop. I’ve noticed that when I would do a headbutt upclose that sometimes I would do an Ochio throw instead. Even with HHS I 've noticed this also, so it’s very possible to repeatedly press jab and have an Ochio throw come out instead of HHS.
Been playing ST for about 6 years competitively, got REALLY into it around 2005-2006. Honda was a big problem for me (Gief main), but I need something clarified. Honda is now my worst, absolute nightmare in HDR with Gief. Bar none. Honda to Gief matchup is something like 50-1. I do really well online, a lot of good players here on SRK that I’ve played and was able to have lots of good matches with. But Honda, I simply cannot consistently beat him at all.
What I need clarified, is if some of the changes to Honda made him >>>>> Gief than before? AFAIK his headbutt doesn’t have any more priority than before, but I can barely lariat him out of it as much as I can in ST.
At first I thought maybe online was throwing me off, but I played against my bro (Honda main) and I only got off a few lariats to beat out his headbutt. (When I say “lariat him out of it” I mean, performing the lariat the moment that Honda is in my face, to hit with the first frame/couple of frames with the lariat, not just spinning and letting him fly into me.)
St.jab, cr.jab, st.roundhouse, all beat headbutt, but it’s very difficult when Honda is waiting for me to whiff one of those longer recovery attacks.
If I’m all over the place, what I’m trying to figure out is, “What is it about Honda that’s making the matchup feel impossible compared to ST?” Does he recover faster on his headbutt? That much, I know, that his HEADBUTT is the reason I have so many problems. He can headbutt all day, do nothing else but time good headbutts and I simply can’t beat him. If I block it, he bounces waaaay back, and practically has another headbutt charged.
Gimme some tips you guys, right now it seriously is looking impossible for Gief vs Honda. I want to know if you any of you really knowledgeable Honda’s have been beaten clean by Giefs before, and what they did.
Thanks in advance!
The Zangiefs I have had trouble with have been both good and tricky. They get to about starting screen distance, then step in a little bit and do that move where Zangief puts his arms up and grabs you. Sometimes they two in one a low kick into that move, and it’s very difficult to headbutt on reaction to that since it is so fast. I’ve also seen variations like hop into SPD or Super.
Once you’re grabbed, it’s green hand to get close, then some chain combo into super (they built it up from doing continuous lariats earlier). Once a good Zangief grabs Honda, it feels like the round is pretty much over.
That’s the thing though, even if you get Honda down, all he needs is to be half decent at reversal jab headbutt, and he can keep you out still.
I know it’s stupid to say that I’m only talking about playing against good Hondas with fast reaction/ability to reversal on command, but well when I play Hondas online that I school with Gief, I don’t say, “Wow I’m getting much better in this matchup!” In fact sometimes I even hope I fight a headbutt spammy Honda so I can learn to train my lariat timing, or even find out what else works.