You can beat blanka’s electricity with jab slaps I think. So using them would be very much the same as in HF. I havn’t had much trouble with some of the best blanka players on remix so far. Also, butt smash trades with the electricity when it doesn’t hit clean, so that is useful also. I like to get ahead with a well-timed headbutt or buttsmash then mostly turtle up like I would do in HF. Just pretend you have HF honda and it’s easier IMO.
I just picked up honda, and I’m having a bit of issue doing fierce slaps on command. Is there an effective move to buffer it from? Often I’ll start mashing fierce after Ochio or a sweep, but if I’m at a certain distance and want to do fierce slaps, I have to whiff a fierce punch, which not only telegraphs my intentions, but ruins my timing.
Also, fierce slaps seems a lot harder to get out and sustain than the others. I can whiff one jab and get jab slaps every time, but sometimes I have to whiff two fierces when I mash fierce in the same exact style - and it often ends prematurely.
If you’re at the right distance and time it right, you can jump with short and Honda can’t headbutt out of it.
If you want to do HHS, you’re always going to whiff one punch. I notice the strong HHS seems to whiff less than the fierce one, and they both move forward a good amount. So I use strong much more than fierce. If you’re worried about telegraphing, you can always cancel the HHS after the first hit to get close, than do a mixup. You don’t always have to sustain it. You can also do the “first hit HHS hits, then Ochio throw” that Mad Possum was alluding to earlier. That works pretty well.
Jab headbutt can hit any jump-in in the entire game if timed right as it is invulnerable on startup. The best the opponent can do is safe jump so they get a block when the headbutt comes out.
Trust me, I hit good blanka’s out of the air all day.
HHS can also come out without any wiffs if buffering. Especially if landing from a jump, waking up, coming out of block or hitstun or comboing after another attack.
Thank you, for knowing what I’m talking about
People keep giving me all this, “Jab this/short that” beats headbutt…but in the long run it will always be way more advantageous to Honda, ESPECIALLY since he doesn’t have to play aggressive in this matchup to win. He can just get some damage in, then play the waiting game and react to every one of my movements, and be victorious.
Just an FYI, I am in no way complaining (LoL) even though I know I sound like I am. I’m just trying to find a very solid strategy in this matchup. Thanks for the input so far.
PSN: crono-CT
Main: Blanka
Looking for some good Honda’s to kick my ass
I’ve known this for quite awhile but it doesn’t seem to be common knowledge so I’ll post it.
VS 'Gief: When you get knocked down and he goes for a crossup bodyslam you’d probably think your only option is to stand up and block and then go for an ochio attempt. I find this very dangerous as if you mess up you are going to get dizzied or SPD’d in this situation.
Solution: Go for a reversal (or as close as you can) sumo splash. You won’t hit Gief but it will get you out of trouble. HK would be preferable, but all three should let you escape/reset that potentially deadly situation. If you get a LK splash, be careful because the 'Geif player will be in range to sweep you if he reacts fast enough.
Nice tip, however if you can reversal jab headbutt, it’s much much safer. Though I assume reversal buttslam is 1000x easier than headbutt considering Gief is jumping over you.
In tournament mode last night, I noticed that (from full screen; e.g., vs. fireballs) Honda’s super knocked down but did not juggle for the second part (Remix mode, speed is set to Turbo 4). This wasn’t a one-time event – it happened against both Ken and Sagat (multiple times, in fact – some players never learn) online, but I can’t replicate the behavior offline (nor have I seen it otherwise online).
Should I chalk this up as an odd side-effect of lag, or is there more to it?
It’s a corner thing. If the enemy is right in the corner, they don’t bounce high enough from the first hit for the second hit to connect because they hit the wall.
- James
I just picked up Honda, and I gotta say, he’s an awesome character. I’m loving all his new toys in Remix, Jab Torpedo through projectiles, easier Slaps, etc.
I had a couple of questions:
What’s a good defense against cross-up crazy opponents? I had a couple of opponents who would cross me up after knockdown, cr.Jab or cr.Forward, and then jump again for the crossup and repeat. They wouldn’t try to come in for the throw, cuz my Ochio was stored and would stuff it, but there was nothing I could do about the repeated cross up attempts, and eventually they would land one by luck or by lag, and then combo.
I know I could just jump kick them, but doesn’t Honda have a normal, non-jumping attack that is a good anti-air? I tried his close st.Fierce, but I keep getting the far st.Fierce (double hands) whenever the opponent jumped. Is there a specific command for the close st.Fierce, like back + Fierce or something? Or is there a better anti-air?
Honda works great against Akuma, but I noticed that I couldn’t Jab Torpedo through his Fierce Red Hadoken. Is it cuz it’s 3 hits or something else? The Splash goes through it fine though.
Any tips would be helpful. Thanks in advance. = )
Good Akuma’s will actually use the strong red fireball on Honda because it hits twice and is faster than fierce. It kills Honda’s jab headbut and even super. I actually think that Akuma is a bad matchup for Honda.
Akuma shouldn’t use red fireballs that often because even if he uses strong, his startup and recovery are so long that Honda can literally jump over and hit him with jumping roundhouse from the other side of the screen. It’s useful occasionally, and fierce red fireball is definitely useful as a meaty, but it’s not that great in playing keepaway.
I agree that Akuma beats Honda because Akuma is just a better Ryu, but in my opinion Honda is actually one of Akuma’s harder matchups because Honda neutralizes the air fireball and can escape demon traps. Buttslam always escapes from meaty air fireball, and forward buttslam hits Akuma out of the air. If Akuma tries to run away with air fireballs, you can do jab headbutt, buttslam, or super to blow through the fireball and hit him. You can also escape from air fireball into demon setups; block the air fireball low and then roundhouse buttslam out. Akuma has to play with regular fireballs and normals and stuff, and because those are still very strong he still beats Honda, but he beats Honda less badly than he seems to beat a lot of other characters.
i have a n00b question. im a decent honda player i guess. but ive never bothered with negative edge , ive gotten pretty good at doing the entire ochio motion every time. only time i store the ochio throw is when i jump in with lk and piano input when i hit the ground , seems to work every time unless im slow and
if i sweep a guy in the corner i usually do the jumping lk into ochio …its pretty easy to piano it.
but i wanna be able to do the c.lp into ochio as well , and its pretty hard to do the ochio motion every time. can someone explain how to do the c.lp into ochio with negative edge ?
ive always thought it was (when opponent is on the ground) store ochio , hold mp and hp down , press c.lp while holding down back,then let go of the two punch buttons and ochio should come out. but i cant get it to come out
Yep. After playing a bunch of Akuma (me) vs Honda matchups earlier today I no longer think it is such an easy matchup. Rushdown Akuma goes out the door in this matchup and welcomes in turtle Akuma.
That’s why I said Honda’s great against Akuma. Compared to other characters anyway. Everytime I see the Air Hadoken from close range, I use the Forward Splash, and if it’s a bit farther away, but still in Jab Torpedo range, I use that.
I don’t know why Jab Torpedo and Dee Jay’s MGU are not allowed to cancel Fierce and Strong Red Hadokens, but I think of the Torpedo and the MGU as having a projectile shield, same as if they threw a projectile themselves against the Fierce Red Hadoken, and every other projectile in the game can cancel it, and so should Torpedo and MGU. But not Ryu’s Super and Dhalsim’s Flame as those will go through other projectiles.
I’ve been trying to escape meaty Air Hadokens with a reversal Splash, but having a hard time pulling it off. Other than that though, it’s good to know that Honda is not a cakewalk for Akuma.
Headbutt goes right through Raging Demon lol…there goes all those raging demon setups.
Honda feels like he does prison naughtiness to Sim these days. Ugh.
Really? Like, Akuma keeps on moving and you fly right through and past him?
What should I be doing against a balrog headbutt grab walk under jab headbutt grab loop? Reversal Butt slam…reversal jab torpedo?