so am I reversing the motion as he is walking under me so Im actually doing it backwards or am I doing it the current direction and storing it after he walks under?
Wait until he’s actually crossed over to the other side, store dat Ochio before you land, and then reversal throw after blocking the tick, and then butt slam that boxer to hell.
Reversal jab headbutt is throwable, so no, definitely don’t do that. Just do the motion for ochio once he gets to the other side. If it doesn’t work, oh well, either your fierce or strong throw should come out instead.
Yep. Both Akuma and Honda pass through each other, neither taking any damage. Can happen full screen or close. I don’t know if lp headbutt goes through raging demon or not though…would have to test.
Hey all, in preparation for getting this game, I broke out the CCC2 version of ST and tried to do crossups that I used to use in SNES SSF2 (yes, I know…that game). Anyway, did anyone know that jumping fierce still crosses up? If so, has anyone put that crossup to practical use in HD Remix?
Granted, it’s still all about that Ochio Throw and not combos with Honda, but I just wanted to get some insight on this. For those that want to try it, when jumping fierce crosses up, it hits right below Honda’s lead knee (the edge of Honda’s thumb, if you will).
right now I can only beat honda… with honda. What is his worst match up? because honestly I hate playing honda and I need an answer to beat him
Or any other FB char.
I have many troubles against honda too. At least i don’t loose for free when i stumble across a good honda anymore.
Some general things to look out for:
Bait his super, this is very important because he charges his meter so fast. I used to think it was the best super in the game until i learned to dragonpunch (or any other fast special) between the two hits. Sometimes i can’t do it so i wonder if it’s situational or if i screw up my timing somewhat. It seems more reliable when you block crouching. Be careful tho as he can super you from across the screen for THINKING fireball.
A lot of character’s jump straight LK will beat a lot of his stuff, don’t know why.
Don’t be impatient to sweep him out of buttslam. His ass has a gigantic hitbox that will hit you from very far if you do it too early. Wait until he’s done.
Fuck, other than that and zone him if i have a fireball, i don’t have much against the fat fucker. It does help tho.
I think Honda is more broke than Akuma. I don’t think Honda has any bad matchups. People say fireball characters, but Honda can use jab headbutt to get his spacing right, then punish fireball with jump kick, butt smash, or jab headbutt.
Honda doesn’t even need tick ochio to win, so when you throw that into the mix he’s sick.
Can a Honda player please explain to me Honda vs. Vega? It feels like such a hopeless match to me.
Honda vs. Vega is a turtle-off. Get a lead on life and runaway with jumping fierce in the corner.
Jump fierce and strong both win with almost all of his moves in the air. Almost everything you do loses to jab headbutt or whiffs on buttsmashes (walldives, spikes, rollie attacks, etc).
How to get the lead - poke at good times, jumping fierce when he has no charge, bait buttbombs and headbutts and jumping fierce them. Etc.
You can flip kick most of his stuff, so you can bait jumpins and flipkick too.
You can also try jump over forward kick into throw if you know he’s not a super tight player =P
If you’re tired of having your wall dives jab-headbutted by an uberturtle Honda, try getting off the wall that’s on Honda’s side - that will make him lose his headbutt charge. He can still buttslam out of the wall dive, so the ideal thing to avoid eating sumo fat is to cross him up again with the wall dive, so the buttslam misses you and you can punish his buttslam recovery with a slide or something. So if you’re on the right side, you can get off the left wall, then land to the right.
If you do that all the time, though, Honda will start randomly jumping to hopefully stuff your wall dive before you get to Honda’s wall, but he’ll be much more vulnerable while doing that, so then you can punish him with your fast jumping attacks and pokes.
And yeah, flip kick is damn useful.
Good advice in general, I just wanted to add that unlike the jab headbutt, a reversal fierce headbutt is either not throwable or it’s crazy hard to throw it (anyone know for sure?). Yes, it will trade often, but sometimes against crazy Zangief / T. Hawk tick throw setups that actually outrange your ochio, you don’t care about trading.
I’m stuck… I beat chun with the shit. I try to get close and she just pokes me away… I try to bait out her fireballs and I get AA’ed… Even when I lp headbutt I end up eating a sweep…
I just noticed something that to me is kinda odd. It may be old news to some, but when Honda bear hugs Chun Li facing right, he can jump afterwards and get the crossup every time. But when Chun Li is on Honda’s left, it seems random wether or not he can cross up.
I did some experimenting and noticed that this is so regardless of if honda attacks, ie. sometimes he can jump over her immediatly after a bear hug, sometimes he cannot.
I found this is so in classic mode and even in HF (guess I never noticed this before)
So if this is normal, there must be more knowlege out there about this. I can do the experiments myself, but I’m wondering if someone already knows this stuff.
What other characters have random falling properties that affect honda’s follow-ups? What charecters besides Guile are meat for every follow-up imagineable?
Three bad matchups for Honda for you:
Ken, Chun, Dee Jay
Another probable one
Dictator is pretty even for me.
The matchups in order from worst are IMO:
Dee Jay
Not as bad as above, but still bad:
Chun Li
Still beats Honda, but not as bad as the others:
More or less even match:
Slight edge for Honda:
Dictator (as long as Honda gets ahead and can turtle, there’s not alot that dictator can do)
Advantage for Honda:
Claw (again, turtling FTW)
Large advantage for Honda:
Largest advantage for Honda:
T. Hawk
My take on Honda’s matchups, pretty much in order from worst to best:
Bad (3-7ish):
Losing, but not too bad (4-6ish):
Pretty much even:
Edge for Honda (6-4ish):
Honda wins (7-3ish):
Looks like but for a few details, we mostly agree there. I, along with wax taylor have been suspecting that ken can zone honda better than ryu, so you may have something placing him higher than ryu. After playing DGV though, I still think Dee Jay is the most obnoxious though.
And I’ll stick to Honda having an advantage vs. Blanka - I seldom lose to the ape.