man thanks. ill to integrate that in my matchup vs vega. I was in a match vs ald_one yesterday and i escaped his opposite walldive several times , but your left kinda voulnerable when the buttsmash lands again.
i have yet a question. really good giefs like to tick throw light kick into spd after knockdowns.
when the meaty lk comes out … can i do light kick buttsmash trough it ? (sometimes it seems to work , and sometimes not ). or is the best thing to do block the lk and do an ochio …for random ochio or spd.
Sumo Smash is not recommended against Gief/Hawk. If they block it you are almost always guaranteed to get SPD’d. Most Giefs will try to sweep you outside of ochio range but inside of his SPD range. Piano headbutt before or after the sweep is your best bet. I usually try to reversal.
–escaping wall dives with buttslam can be dangerous at some locations and distances, since Claw can sometimes punish you with sweep; your options against walldive are, in a general order of usefulness, block, buttslam away, jumping jab, standing fierce chop
–Gief’s far standing short has no recovery (literally!), so no, don’t try to reversal it, but do try a reversal fierce headbutt or buttslam against the spd attempt
–do NOT always, always reversal torpedo; jab headbutt is fully throwable, and while fierce headbutt cannot be thrown, all headbutts lose to max-range crouching jabs, lariats, and crouching roundhouses
–your options in tick spd situations are buttslam, fierce headbutt, ochio (if close enough, this is the best option), and block (if you’re out of ochio range and expect he’ll do tick to crouching roundhouse or lariat or something)
–yes, there are ranges and button strengths were buttslam is safe against Gief and Hawk
–if Gief thinks you’re going to do a safe buttslam followed by another buttslam, he can lariat your second one
That’s what I thought. But Short and Forward Splashes can beat both Lariats.
It doesn’t always work if Honda mixes up Short, Forward and RH Splashes. The block stun off the Splash allows Honda to do a Short or Forward Splash with the invincibility to escape the reversal SPD attempt.
haha … yeah im always reluctant to give anti honda and chun strats too blitzfu haha.
thanks tho… look for reversal torpedos instead of missed buttsmashes.
Yes it is, if say Zangief tries to :lp: :lp: SPD and you reversal :lp: headbutt just before the SPD attempt, you WILL get thrown anyway.
Actually all headbutts are technically throwable, I’ve been SPD’ed out of fullscreen :hp: headbutts a few times, which is definitely a :wow: moment! But somehow reversal :hp: headbutt will hit Zangief before he has a chance to SPD, or something along these lines. Bottom line is, always use :hp: headbutt to escape tick throw attempts.
And, uh, I’ve been lariated out of :lk: and :mk: buttslams plenty of times.
Yeah, well Blitz’s statement isn’t entirely inaccurate even still. Honda only gets one chance and one chance alone to pull off a Reversal… otherwise, he loses his charge. IMO, you should always go for it right when you get up, because of the fact that Jab Headbutt can be thrown. Right when you get up, it CAN’T be thrown because of the temporary throw invincibility you get in ST when you wake-up.
Of course, there are times you’ll find yourself needing to Reversal after Blocks. In those situations, I almost always go for Strong and Fierce only, because they can’t be thrown. In fact, even as anti-air, a lot of times, I’ll just use Fierce because it comes out faster. I don’t care if I trade when using Honda. I almost always come out on top after that trade with a nice Meaty HHS afterwards.
I’ve actually been meaning to try a ninja double-reversal attempt trick for a while, but I’ve never had the guts to try it yet. In theory, you could charge :db:, try to :ub:+:lk::mk: for reversal attempt #1, then if you miss that and block a jab instead, slam :r:+:mp::hp: for reversal attempt #2. I have zero real-life data as to whether it works or not, but in theory it sounds good.
I take this to mean I can SPD a Torpedo the split second before it hits. If that’s true, than it’s a better strat than Lariating cuz I’m better with SPDs than Lariats anyway. Next Honda I play is gonna think I don’t know how to block LOL.
Yes it’s true, but it’s very range and strength specific. Usually the Lariats will be stuffed the closer Honda is and if it’s a Short or Forward Splash.
I don’t see why that wouldn’t work. It’s a fact that Honda can retain his back charge when Splashing. Best case scenario: reversal Splash input is dropped and you block the tick, then reversal Torpedo comes out. Worst case scenario: reversal Splash is stuffed and Honda is reset in the air, and you lose your back charge cuz you already did reversal Torpedo in the air cuz you didn’t think Splash would get stuffed.
That’s exactly what I meant to say. Don’t wait for the tick attempt. Just do the wakeup reversal Torpedo. Nothing Zangief has can counter or punish it. Damn Honda. slinks out of thread
Zangief can always stay just out of jab torpedo invincibility range and low jab the torpedo. Of course, that’s basically giving up on the tick throw, but the option is there.
Be careful with using fierce as anti-air. You need to make sure you do it really late because there is so little invincibility. Characters like Blanka (j.LK) and Cammmy (j.MP) will hit you right out of it.
On a side note, we just had the second RanBat for HD Remix at Denjin Arcade in Simi Valley. There were two Honda players in the top 3, myself and UltraDavid. All the matches were recorded in HD, check them out in this post.
Hey I just picked up playing Honda a few weeks ago and find him to be an excellent character for many situations, except for the occasional shoto trouble. <.<
Last night when playing with my usual group I was owning most characters left and right, until my friend picked Chun and started to turtle. I couldn’t do shit! Even trying to counter-turtle he still always managed to get ahead of me in life at the end. Any tips for chun li in general?
Against turtle Chun, my favorite tactic is to walk-up block fireballs, and push her into the corner. Since she can’t rapid-fire her fireballs, she can’t keep you at bay with only them, so she has to either jump on you (Cool, a free ochio!) or run away from you (Cool, she’s trapped into a corner!).
Once she’s in the corner it’s like fighting a 10x crummier Guile, just wait at midrange and buttslam over her fireball on reaction. If she jumps at you, cool, free jab headbutt!
Buttslam in general [media=youtube]hlj4a43DCvo"[/media] against Chun Li.
As if Honda needed any more help in the Cammy match I discovered something kind of interesting today. If you immediately jump forward with :hk: after a bear hug there isn’t anything she can do to counter it. If she tries to reversal Thrust Kick you end up blocking. It’s like an automatic safe jump. At this point I found it best to hug her when she landed, rinse and repeat. If she doesn’t try to reversal and just blocks, tick back into hug or Ochio.
She can get out of it, but if you mix up what you do after the :hk: it’s really just a guessing game for her.
Yeah there are lots of characters you get free immediate jumping toward safe jumps after fierce or roundhouse grab, it’s not just Guile and Chun. I posted an extensive post about this in some thread, either this one or the Honda thread in the ST forum. Off the top of my head:
Smart chuns know how to space you though to minimize sumo splash effectiveness. If you short it, you’ll get thrown. If you don’t cross up, you’ll usually eat a anti-air lightning kick or jump back lk.
Ok, after a few months of using R.Honda, I have to say that the trip-guard jumping LK is better than nothing. I find its effectiveness against shotos negligible, but it just totally fucks up 'Sim and tends to hit DJ’s slide more often than not. It would’ve been nice if it was more useful against Ken/Ryu/Akuma though :sad: