Remix Honda Thread

I’d rather have O. Honda’s standing fierce chop. Like I said earlier, I’d give up stored ochio and fireball-immune jab torpedo for that and walking jab slaps.

Is there a difference between LP, MP and HP Ochio? HP seems to do the most damage, but they all have the same range as far as I can tell.

I made my comment on your YouTube page. :slight_smile: I have a request, though…

Can you do cross-up roundhouse, close strong, crouch short XX Fierce Hundred Hand Slap, Fierce Ochio Throw and see how much damage that does? :smiley:

Sorry…couldn’t resist. :slight_smile: That FAQs gonna get done yet, I tell you! :slight_smile:

Yes – according to the Yoga Book Hyper it’s 26, 29 and 31 respectively. (Thanks to SweetJohnnyV for looking it up for me again :lovin:)

Sure, I’ll give it a shot.

It does around 95% but it appears to have a higher chance of dizzy, which is nice!

I have found that the original combo doesn’t work against everyone. If I had to wager a guess it probably works on the same people the 4-hit punch link combo does. I also think the above will also work only on the same select few. I noticed when connecting that short (in OJ’s suggested combo) it was at MAX range. It’s at about the same distance the third short is in my post. That also happens to be the hit that whiffs on some characters.

At least we have a way to fuck up Guile once we get in… :nunchuck:

So this might be old news to some of you, but I’ve recently discovered how awesome neutral jumping :lk: is in a couple of matchups. Basically this move stays out forever and has a giant hitbox, so it’s both good at stopping air attacks and landing safely on advancing ground attacks -> ochio. Think of it as a greatest hits of forward jumping :lk:'s awesome ochio setup, jumping :lp:'s excellent anti-air hitbox, and the :d:+:mk: splash’s longevity which allows you to option select between anti-air and anti-ground.

My favorite use is probably in the Honda mirror. Get just past :lp: HHS range, and jump up :lk:. It beats buttslams, advancing hands (which often leads into ochio), and often either stops headbutts or flies right over them (which leads into you HHS’ing them for free), so it shuts down a lot of enemy Honda’s options. I like doing that on the enemy wakeup sometimes, when I know the enemy wants to attack, or when I’m behind in life and need to do something that won’t trade hits.

It’s also fun to use against Fei Long, just out of his flame kick range, because it eats both chicken wings and rekkas, and flame kicks will likely whiff.

QFMFT! He sent my Honda back to the minors the other night. Great find Thelo.

You know it’s funny, I actually started getting a feel for the range of it tonight in my practice session even before you posted this. I think I may have picked it up after it stuffed a bunch of my wake up Sumo Smashes and Sumo Headbutts… :lol:

Hi guys, I don’t actually use Honda myself but this guy asked for advice after some player matches so I thought I’d try and find some stuff out for him.

We played 7 matches where I used Blanka and he was Honda and to be it short, I won all of them with some perfects. To be honest he didn’t seem that bad, (in fact I just realised he’s ranked 80ish) but just had no idea how to deal with my cross-ups.

I’ve been working on this match-up after madpossum destroyed me several weeks ago when I was still new to Blanka. I find that if I play patiently and just get an opportunity to jump in without getting repelled then once I start crossing-up then nearly every Honda I’ve played hasn’t been able to reply consistently and effectively. So what is a Honda supposed to do (other than not to get crossed up in the first place)?

Thanks in advance for any answers.

To escape the crossup :lk:s, if Honda has a lot of frame disadvantage, block -> ochio works okay, but as soon as Honda has enough frame advantage, his best bet is to jump :lp: before Blanka lands his next :lk:. Jumping :lp: is an excellent anti-air and will knock Blanka out of his dance, which is all Honda needs to get back to holding :db: and :lp: headbutting every single Blanka approach.

These seem like sensible suggestions, however I’m still having trouble with Blanka’s crossup :lk:s.

It seems that he’s already left the ground for the next jump by the time I recover from block/hit stun, so when I try to mash out an ochio it tends to result in HHS instead. It may be lag or poor timing on my part, but I really struggle to get ochios out on jump-happy fast characters like Blanka, Claw and Chun Li.

I tried jumping :lk: also, but one of two things would happen: he’d hit me on the way down from his jump and cancel my jump, or I’d just kick in the wrong direction. Again, either lag or poor timing on my part.

It’s something I really really want to jab-headbutt, but trying to maintain your charge through crossups this fast and frequent seems like a fairly difficult and unreliable solution.

Any other tips on this situation? Blankas are quite rightly tearing me apart once they realise I’m weak to it!

Yeah, the thing is, on the first couple of Blanka’s :lk:s, you probably have to block the :lk:s because you’ll be at a severe frame disadvantage. So the idea is to input the ochio in negative edge, just in case Blanka goes for the throw, then if he goes for another :lk: you can block it again.

Theorically, with perfect execution, you could do that safely all day: block, try a negative edge ochio in case Blanka tries to throw, loop back to block. But after a few :lk:s (usually two), you’ll have just enough frame advantage to pull off the jumping :lp: relatively safely because Blanka will usually try to :lk: as late as possible to retain frame advantage himself.

The later Blanka does his :lk:, the less frame advantage you’ll have (tougher to ochio), but the more likely your jumping :lp: is to succeed because it won’t be stuffed, and vice versa. So bottom line: against early :lk:, block & negative edge ochio works; against late :lk:, jumping :lp: works; when in doubt, stick to block -> ochio.

And yeah, as tempting as it is, :lp: headbutt is not a real option once you’re being crossed up.

What about using a reversal sumo drop as an escape mechanism? That seems to work well when I do it online against average Blankas. What can a good Blanka do to punish you when you do that?

Bite you earlier. :wink:

You need a down charge to do the sumo drop, and you won’t have it if you block the :lk:. Plus yeah, Blanka can bite you before you get charged anyway.

I’m talking about doing a reversal sumo splash on wake-up before the cross-up hits you. I used to do that all the time against cross-ups in SSF2 on Xband years ago, and I seem to remember it either hitting cleanly (LK) or going through the cross-up and putting enough space between my opponent and I to prevent further cross-ups (HK).

Admittedly, my memory might be foggy since I’ve been away from SF2 for 13 years, but it still seems to work that way in HD Remix. I’ve only been playing it for a week or so, but I came across a couple Blanka players who tried to cross me up on wake-up and sumo splash seemed to still be a good counter. I’ll have to pay more attention from now on to see if my mind is playing tricks on me.

Oh yeah, on wakeup, that move is excellent and will get you out of everything, including Blanka’s crossup dance.

(Incidentally, damn, how many names does it have? Buttslam, sumo splash, sumo drop, butt drop, sumo smash…)

The funny thing is that nobody uses the real name, Super Hyakkan Otoshi. Of course saying that is a mouthful and would probably make you sound pretentious, so maybe it’s not that funny.

I’m sure this has been pointed out before (probably multiple times), but I really miss Honda’s old standing fierce. I’m not used to people immediately jumping at me when I move forward because standing fierce used to be great anti-air. I also miss his old crouching fierce sweep and walking slaps, but I do like how MP and HP slaps propel you forward. Honda’s definitely a different beast than he was pre-SSF2T. I didn’t play much SSF2T so this is a new experience for me. I’m learning a lot from the videos you guys are posting, though.

man i have a problem… i usually controll vegas from the corner and turtling but i get raped because of ONE situation.

what do i do when Vega does a walldive on the wall behind me when im mid-screen (so i loose my backwards charge).

seems i can escape with my lp buttsmash and go trough vega with my invincibility frames .but it usually leaves me wide open. is the best option to block …or is there a normal that could counter the walldive ???

You can jump :lp: to beat the dive if you’re fast enough, but I usually just escape with the :hk: buttslam.

If the enemy Vega likes to use your wall to walldive, make a habit of often doing jumping :lp: when it’s relatively safe to do it, to intercept him before he even gets to your wall. Jumping a lot in general will counter a surprising amount of walldives because Vega will ram his body into yours, giving you a free hit. I also like to jump on Vega with the :d:+:mk: splash as an option select anti-air + anti-ground, it covers a lot of Vega’s options including his pesky opposite wall walldives.