Remix Honda Thread

Huh, did not realize that.

j.LK as a sweep beater doesn’t work on the tip of the shoto sweeps - you have to land a bit deeper for it to work. So basically, you can’t do jump -> sweep beater lk from fullscreen, you have to take a step forward first.

I find it mostly useful when bulldogging, right after blocking a fireball, because then I have no charge anyway and I’m not at fullscreen so its sweep-beating power is much better.

Pretty sure that isn’t how it works at all.

Pianoing doesn’t help with rapid button moves.

You have to actually press, FP FP FP

At least that’s how I’ve been doing it. I tried piano hands before, never came out for me.

I’ll try again later today.

Oops…I see where I messed up. Hitting any punch button doesn’t count toward doing a rapid tap special move in ST. That’s a CvS2 thing.

You’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way of quickly pianoing :lk:, :hp: and then rapidly tapping :hp:. My Chun-Li playing tells me that’s a whole lot easier to do from a jumping attack followed by the :lk: and then the HHS.

You don’t have to jump in at all.

I just press lk with my thumb while pressing mp/fp with my middle finger right after hitting lk.

It only requires 3 taps so it isn’t too hard at all. On a pad, it really is hard though =\

i haven’t been in this thread a whole lot but…my gosh, forward/back RH is my best friend when facing Guile or sometimes shotos.

Its a good range sweep that goes under guile’s sonic boom and trades (i’m almost certain in your favor too)

alright, just wanted to share it, i’m sure most of you fellas know this already anyway

i can win at least 10 matches in a row just by chipping with HHS because it moves you forward and using HB works too its almost too easy to build a meter really honda is great:lovin:

Oh so you’re one of the players giving Honda a bad rap… :wgrin:

any good air-air normals? Getting pwned my jumping roundhouse shotos and mk guile’s :frowning:

Close :mk:, close :hp: and close :hk:. Shame on you for not having a Sumo Headbutt charged! What are you doing? Moving forward??!!! :slight_smile:

He asked for air-to-air, not ground-to-air.

Jumping jab is your best air-to-air choice, it’s especially useful to escape Blanka’s crossup jumping short dance.

Honda isn’t too hot at air-to-air in general, though, so avoid these situations if you can.

EDIT: thanks Thelo. I’m trying but sometimes there are just some games where i’m off REALLY off. Its defnitely the cold weather right now. My knuckles and fingers hurt pretty bad and using the 360 controller is THAT MUCH harder with aching hands.

There are times where i’m jumping around without any intention at all + slower reaction times and stuff. Its just me, i hate being uncomfortable it truly knocks down my game several notches

I just needed to know an air-air move that can atleast trade

So what have we learned at my expense, boys and girls?

Reading is fundamental…especially before you post!!!

Really love your work against Sirlin’s Fei Long, by the way. :slight_smile:

So I asked this one a while ago and after talking with Mr. SNK online he said he’s having trouble with this one in Remix as well. Anyone else? Does it only work against certain characters?

^^Post #403

Yet another lesson at my expense. Don’t repeat my mistakes, youngins!

I think you are having an off day FreshOJ! That’s a response to a different question I asked about canceling LK into LP/MP/HP HHS… :wgrin:

I’ve tried for a long time to get headbutt, close s.lp headbutt and all that but they never work =\

Did they used to? I never played ST very much. What about the far s.fp link? Or was it close s.lp far s.fp?

Pretty sure I saw it in a video once.

Time to redeem myself…I hope. :sweat:

In the TZW Volume 7 Combo FAQ, Honda does cl.:lp:, cl.:mp:, cl.:hp: on…somebody…probably Fei Long. You can also go from cl.:lp: to cl.:hp: and cr.:lk: to st.:r:+:hp: (that is the punch sweep, right?).

Keep in mind there are some distances where a Shoto Jump Roundhouse will beat you no matter what you do. That’s why it’s nicknamed the “L.A. Ryu Uppercut”, since players in L.A. used to use that shit allll day long and it was almost 100% anti-air in the right situations. If you Block a Fireball and he throws another one and you Jump over it, Ryu and Ken pretty much get a free Jump Roundhouse on you and there really isn’t anything you can do about it. The only thing that might work, like Thelo suggested, is an early Jumping Jab so your arm is sticking out by the time Ryu starts to Jump. But even that will lose if they distance it and time it right.

  • James

Neutral jump fp steering->slaps works doesn’t it?