Remix Honda Thread

Guess I’m using mp slaps after ochio then

MP slaps have less net pushback as well, so when I’m facing a cornered Guile or Deejay, I often use the MP slaps because it more reliably leaves me near them.

MP slaps are also easier to do anyway.

HP slaps, on the other hand, setup the awesome HP HHS (hit) -> ochio maneuver, in addition to their greater reach / damage, so which one you want to use depends on the situation.

Oh god I love that hp slap->ochio >:|

Why ochio instead of either hold since they set up his post throw tricks?

Because you can store the Ochio while you are doing the hands and it’s nearly instant when the hands stop. Really hard to react to.

Well that makes sense

Are there any tricks to doing negative edge ochio after the slaps? Or are you at even frames after it so theres no risk to throwing out a punch by accident?

When I hold the punches to get the negative edge, it extends the slaps =\

Does anyone use the jumping MK tripguard thing with any success? I have yet to get it to work right when I need it. Plus I tend to fuck it up a lot and accidentally do a splash (down MK in air).

Are you supposed to hold downback after you do the jp.MK to insta-block a sweep? Or is it supposed to hit them out of the sweep now?

Do you mean jumping short (

OMG. Is it LK that got the tripguard? I feel dumb :confused:

Hmm yesterday vs the cpu, I could have sworn the AI did ochio and bounced off FORWARD.

Happened more than once.

I’m not going crazy am I

Do cross up rh,, xx HP HHS.

Then laugh at the damage.

Also doesnt have trip guard, the hitbox got extended so it now beats sweeps.


Do a late vs a shoto sweep. It beats it. Do a as soon as you jump, you will get swept.

  1. j. LK and j. RH should beat it clean if the timing is right. I’ve also been jabbed out of it tons of times :sad:
  2. This I am curious of two. Anybody have the frame data for Honda’s super or FP Headbutt? Wondering if you can reversal Headbutt after the first headbutt of the super.

From UltraDavid’s post right afterwards:

Also about round openers:

I’ve tried this opener a lot recently. It’s pretty good! BUT! Because it loses to enemy Honda just blocking, then headbutting you when he sees you’re neutral jumping, it’s not exactly S-tier.

Honda opening by just blocking is actually pretty common, so now I mix up my traditional jab hands opening with this floating punch opening about 50/50. I’m still not sure how the two clash, though - is floating punch fast enough to hit the jab hands? Do jab hands retract fast enough so the jab-hander can punish the floating punch with a headbutt? Obviously floating punch beats MP and HP slaps but I haven’t seen it face jab slaps yet…

Travel speed has changed from Super Turbo - but in classic ST, according to YBH here is the frame data

12 Damage per hit
Flash Frame
Invulnerable startup:23 frames
Invulnerable hit: 1 frame
Then it indicated full-screen travel before the first hit as hitting frames.
I am unable to translate any references to the way that the multiple hits work.

Here’s from Akiba’s site:

Flash Frame
Invulnerable Start-up: 23
Hitting Frame: 1 - extended for full screen Travel
delay between next hit: 8 frames
Next hitting frame: 1 - extended for full-screen travel
Air recovery: 12
Ground recovery: 8

So the answer is that according to Akiba, you have 8 frames between blocking the first hit and being able to punish the 2nd. Add in the travel time needed for the headbutt to re-close the distance imposed by the pushback and you have longer to act.

I wish I could find a real source to determine how long precicely block-stun lasts. They we’d know how many frames you really have to punish assuming you are still in point-blank range.

Hey Thelo, do you know a good strategy against Chun-Li? A lot of her moves just flat out beats Honda.

According to NKI…who probably got this from the Yoga Hyper Book…IIRC, block-stun lasts 11 frames for light attacks, 16 frames for medium attacks, and 21 frames for hard attacks and special moves. (I really hope I remembered that right. I need to check that message he sent me.)

Last night I managed to reversal super the second hit! :woot: So that’s also an option.

Here’s a good start, it’s basically how I play this match. Getting her in the corner and staying up in her grill is essential.

Also if she tries to do her super while you are getting up, Ochio her ass. Last night I had a sliver of health and her super was already out, I did the Ochio on wakeup and threw her for the win.

How in the heck do you cancel the crouching short into HP HHS? I’ve been trying it with LP HHS because of the shorter startup frames and I cant do it.

Can you list the inputs required to do it? Maybe I’m doing it incorrectly.

Fucking j.LK doesn’t do shit to Shoto sweeps. I found a decent Ryu last night who knew how to sweep Honda out of jumping over fireballs so I got ample practice with it. I didn’t hit him out once (trying it early and late) >:|

Useless :sad:

I think it’s supposed to be the butt drop, d+LK

You have to “piano” into it. How many rapid button taps does it take to start it? Three? Five? If it’s three (and I’m thinking it was reduced from “five” to “three” for HDR), then you could piano :lk:,:lp:,:hp:. Since pressing and releasing :lp: will count as two button presses, pressing :hp: should activate it. If it actually does take five button presses, then you’d want to do :lk:,:lp:,:mp:,:hp:.

I can’t take credit for that if it works. That’s straight from the Capcom vs. SNK 2 Combo Systems FAQ. James Chen does it again.

Unless you neutral jump LK, all you get is the “buttdrop”.