Remix Honda Thread

I am getting out thrown with Honda. And I mean A LOT. I thought his throws had priority over most character’s throws, but I’m getting out thrown by Shoto’s, Sagat, Claw, pretty much whoever. What am I not doing? I’m storing Orchi throw and everything and I get beat out by blocked jump kick throw every time, especially against Claw. Though it has happen with pretty much everyone I’ve faced. What throw should I be doing. Which have the most priority? I am trying all 4 throws and I’m getting beat out every time.

Holy hell.

What to do vs Chun?

Thanks for all the input you guys have given me. I’ll keep those in mind as I play honda more. I keep updating that site with matches, so feel free to let me know how I’m doing.

I have trouble crossing up with the d. MK into ochio. I think I try to store it too early, and end up not getting the d. MK. any suggestions?

I have the same problem. Sometimes what I like to do is just spam back hp with ochio stored. If the ochio doesn’t come out, the hands; sometimes the normal grab will come out. it beats out a bunch of stuff.

I had the same problem. You most likely aren’t inputting the motion correctly, or you are too early. I spent some time in practice mode and ended up getting d.MK, d.LP, LP Ochio. I haven’t quite got the negative edge technique down yet, but you should be able to press the other two punches after you press the LP and get 3 chances at a negative edge Ochio.

Try doing the Ochio motion after you press LP, or LK. Personally I would use LP as that makes negative edge easier to pull off. Plus people that are really good with reversals will DP, so you might as well start practicing the negative edge. Dont do what I did and get used to doing it normally – you’ll eat a lot of DPs, trust me. :rolleyes:

Throws don’t have priority. They have range. If a throw is input on the same frame from both characters then you have a 50/50 shot at getting the throw. The game just flips a coin to see who won.

Most likely your throw timing is off. There is usually more than one frame in which both players can throw each other. At that point it comes down to timing and range.

The Ochio has the most range, however get in the practice of baiting out a move and getting in there with the Hug or the Knee Bash grabs. Then walk forward for a tick into Ochio.

I would agree that standing jab is the best. However, I would disagree that the reward isn’t worth the risk. I would say it’s a very good idea to practice the timing of this and use it in mirror matches. If you do it a few times you’ll notice the number of heat butts coming your way will be far less.

If she keeps jumping LK, do standing RH when she lands and that shit will stop real fast.

What about vs fireballs/ up throw shinnanigans?

Is it remotely possiblke that a very close HHS is unblockable? I had it lots of times with Fei, blocking the first hit then getting hit by the next ones as he rushes in with it. It goes like though me. There is no question of me failing to block, I just hold backwards the whol damn time, yet it hits me. Why? :frowning:

There is a part of the HHS where it actually hits low. If you were performing a standing guard then it’ll hit you during this time. How do you know when he’s hitting low? You see his hand aimed towards your ankle area. Try crouch blocking and you should not get randomly hit anymore.

crazyness! :slight_smile:
Tonight I’m going to beat me a Honda


I just saw some of the matches you had in the match vid thread. freaking crazy ass honda! all those tick ohicos.

mad props man

Throw the bitch back! Seriously that will take some practice. Fireball characters still get the best of me. Mix up jumping straight up, with jumping toward short. And be try to be ready for the walk in throw so you can counter with a hug/throw/ochio of your own.

Use the Stored Oicho glitch to your advantage. Technically, no one should ever be able to walk up and throw you with that glitch existing. Do the Oicho motion (but stop at Down/Back), and hold it. Every time Chun tries to get in close, tap Jab. If she’s too close, you’ll throw her with the Oicho automatically. If she Low Forwards, you will either Jab it first or Block it. And remember, if you hit Jab and Jab comes out, it’s STILL STORED. So you never have to let go of down/back. Just keep hitting Jab when she gets close until you have the Jab Headbutt charged. Then, you can Jab Headbutt through her Low Forward OR Throw attempt, if she’s close.

If she does a Fireball and you Block it and she goes for the Throw, again, used the Stored Oicho and just hit all three punches piano-style when she gets close. Since you can Reversal and you have 6 inputs in a row thanks to Piano method, you’ll win that exchange like 90% of the time unless you just time it really badly.

I always say this, but technically, no one should EVER be able to walk-up and throw Honda.

  • James

I do it with T.Hawk :slight_smile:

But yeah, I don’t think I have been normal thrown more than like 3-4 times in st cause oicho lol

Cr.Jabs work really well for me. They stick out forever and I never see them get hit (I’ll usually get a block if I mistime). Plus they cancel into headbutt or sumo smash so nicely that it confuses a lot of people.

Is there ever a time where you should use MP slaps over FP? The only thing really different I noticed is that mp seems to get the low hit more when I tried it out on a training dummy set to always block.

I dunno if it matters where they block or not. It seems to do a ton of damage either way.

I even said I set the dummy to always block.

Watching the dummy block some hits standing and some ducking is a pretty good indicator of this being true I’d say.

Yes, I think FP hands moves you farther forward (and appears faster) than MP hands. Sometimes this is nice when you are zoning out your opponent. Great for matches with Zangief because the mixup hard to block when he’s attacking.

Word, I’ll give that a shot next time.

Appears faster=less startup?

Or you mean less time in between hits.

The difference is only one, MAYBE two hits between strong and fierce slaps on block so I’m looking for any significant difference at all.

No, I mean how quickly and how far he advances.

According to the Yoga Book Hyper, the HHS breaks down like this:

LP: 5 startup frames, 24 hit frames, 13 recovery frames
MP: 8 startup frames, 12 hit frames, 15 recovery frames
HP: 11 startup frames, 12 hit frames, 19 recovery frames