Your most obvious flaw Dee Jay was exploiting in this match was the fact that you never Oicho’ed him when he jumped on you. As Honda, your Oicho should make your opponent deathly afraid to even approach you - learn to Oicho crossups reliably, and half Dee Jay’s game will be gone.
The other flaw was that you went very, very often for high-risk maneuvers, like randomly jumping in or roundhouse buttslamming when you couldn’t even hit him. Against Dee Jay and Guile, Honda must instead be reactive a lot of the time, and wait for his opponent to give him an opening, rather than go charging blindly ahead.
One of your most useful tools should be the reaction buttslam: when at midrange, hold down-back and do not move from that spot. Stare closely at Dee Jay, and as soon as he throws a Max Out, MK or HK buttslam through it. Right after throwing a Max Out, Dee Jay cannot use his upkicks, so you can safely land your buttslam, then follow it with the Hundred Hand Slaps (again, he can’t upkick them because he lost his down charge when he blocked your buttslam high).
This is especially important when facing opponents like this strong Dee Jay, who can upkick your midrange jab headbutts on reaction. If the reaction time of both players is good enough, the first to move in midrange Honda vs Dee Jay will be the loser. Keep your cool, and be the one who reacts.
Edit: Another useful tool is Honda’s super. When you have super, be very attentive to your opponent, and unleash it as soon as he leaves the ground. The super is an excellent anti-air, and properly used a few times, it can intimidate your opponent into never even jumping at all (and if they still jump, well, you get free damage
Can you elaborate on charging the ochio for a crossup? At the point where deejay jumps over his head honda should revese the direction for the ochio and then after deejays mk crossup honda presses jab to ochio before deejay can jab?
So your method is to do the direction for the ochio for the former direction you were facing before he crossed you up or the new direction after he crossed you up?
I use the new direction. If I’m on the left side, and Dee Jay jumps to my left, I input: left, down-left, down, down-right + punch. I do all of this once Dee Jay has already crossed to my left side.
Just want to make sure. First you block the crossup then you go into motion, right. Also is the ochio the only way to escape a deejay crossup or is there another way.
If Chun Li jumps at you with short kick, you can always do a last-second jab headbutt, it beats all jump-ins.
If Chun Li just does neutral jump short over and over, you can knock her out of her pre-jump frames with a well-timed fierce headbutt. Basically you want to catch her as she’s rising, before the kick has a chance to get out.
If Chun Li jumps backwards, just walk-up to her and let her retreat into the corner, don’t try to headbutt it or anything.
Standing jab is decent, but still pretty risky. I normally don’t try to poke fierce headbutts because the reward isn’t worth the risk. The “best” thing I’ve found was to counter jab-headbutt, and even that is pretty hit-and-miss because it’s so fast.
Jumping short is your best bet.
I like starting mirror matches with jab hands (not extended), then I have exactly enough time to jab headbutt any enemy opening buttslams. Sometimes, opening jab headbutt beats this, sometimes it doesn’t.
Slaps beat or trade with super, but they also lose sometimes. It’s random, like everything in this most-retarded of matchups.
You can counter the 2nd hit of Honda’s super on block with jab headbutt or forward buttslam.
I personally think the best round opener is neutral jump forward. It beats buttslams, goes over round-starting headbutts (allowing you to punish after landing), beats or trades with delayed round-starting headbutts, beats slaps and walking normals, beats or trades with jumping toward normals, and has no penalty if your opponent does anything else. The way to beat it if you expect your opponent to start the round with it is to do a delayed jumping toward forward/roundhouse or buttslam.
If the guy does the headbutt immediately at the start of the round, it’ll go right under your jump and you’ll be able to punish with slaps or whatever. If he delays his headbutt, it’ll get beaten or trade with your jump-in unless your kick has already retracted. But you shouldn’t just be doing jump up forward automatically, it should be a neutral jump and you should press forward if you see anything happening or just before you start on your way down from the jump.