Remix Honda Thread

I don’t know what video you’re talking about, sorry. Also, sorry I haven’t been posting much or anything, I’ve all but stopped playing this game.

I don’t know if you guys have seen Desk’s combo vid, but he shows Honda juggling after his super with normals. This is probably the same thing as the juggling slaps after super I talked about earlier in this thread. Try it out!


I don’t think I’ve seen desk’s - link goodness please? (nevermind, I found it!)

Here’s Tosaka v. 01 which has the following combo:
X meaty jf. d. MK> s. LP (still “wrong” direction) >close s. LP> s. LP> cr. LP> super - 7 hits

Here’s Tosaka v. 03 which has the following:

X meaty jf. HK > s. LP> s. MP> cr. LP > super - 6 hits

I transcribed these when I was a little less familiar with the animations, I suppose I could always go back and look for myself, but I have a hard time telling close standind jabs and strongs apart as well as crouching ones.


E Honda losing the tick ochio doesn’t honestly matter that much to me, and I used it all the time. You can still do jump in lk butt x tick ochio, and follow it up with either a butt x ochio if they block, buttslam/forward rh trip. Mix that up. If they try to jump on wakeup the buttslam on the way up knocks them down, if they block high the trip gets them… if you think they shoryu, well you know what to do. (walk up ochio if you’re remedial!)

Another cool thing you can do in the corner is use your stand roundhouse, it controls a lot of space and some people anticipating a throw will jump on wakeup… so they get hit.

The major thing I caution against for Honda players is to not simply use the jab hb to kill all fireballs, buttslam and jump overs is still very important for us. A fair amount of shoto players will try to sweep on reaction when they think you’ll jab hb because it will hit us as we land, using the buttslam instead lets us get through the fb and get a knockdown.

It’s much easier to turtle in HDR with Honda. Gief/Hawk has almost no chance against Honda if he is blocking and headbutting. If Gief tries to green hand, wait for it and HP headbutt him on reaction, if he is doing the low jab over and over don’t do anything.

Gief and Hawk have to jump at you or take other risks to deal damage, Honda doesn’t. You can win by hitting them with hands once/headbutt and not doing shit after that. That’s the reason the grapplers/Fei/Cammy mostly suck anyway, other characters have the ability to do some other tactic for damage.

Shinblanka- Honda seems to beat up Akuma simply because every time you hit that little bitch he gets fucked up. If they’re spamming jump fireballs you can HP headbutt under it and knock him down. 3 or 4 clean hits basically is what it takes, if you get him with hands, a couple ochios and a headbutt it is basically finished.

I honestly think though that Honda has Sagats number. Going over the low fbs, and how the highs can’t really lock down really lets us get in on him at will.

I need some serious help guys. I am having big time issues with Honda vs. Honda. I consider myself pretty good with Honda and I can deal with most characters but I lose almost 100% of the time against other Hondas.

Counters for headbutt and HHS spam? General strats?

Thanks in advance

Honda v Honda is one of the dumbest matchups in the game, no doubt about it. Neutral jump roundhouse beats hands, headbutt, and buttslam at the start of the round, so both players are going to try that most of the time. Standing and crouching jab beat headbutt. Slaps randomly beat headbutt. Forward buttslam and late jab headbutt beat headbutt. Jab slaps at a range of like 1 Honda away beats both buttslam and headbutt (well, usually).

Whatever. This matchup is all about randomness. It’s about hands randomly beating other moves, about randomly putting out standing jab to beat random headbutts, about random neutral jump roundhouses to beat whatever, etc. And random damage is really important too; you’re probably gonna trade a lot with the same moves, and there’s no way to guess who’s going to win those trades. This is one of the least skillful matchups in the game, in my opinion.

learn to jab headbutt counter the other headbutts. startup invincibility will save that ass. if you aren’t finding luck with that, jumpback short will stuff headbutts underneath. you have standing jabs to cover as well, and you can jump straight up and try to punish recovery depending on what range you’re at too.

for hhs, at close range, i like the up part of forward buttstomp, (knockdown with crossup potential), but at a range you can try c.strong/c.jab. in general, i don’t think hhs is a big deal.

just try to get the life lead and then sitback. honda has to come to you. jab headbutt people trying to get lucky shots in, jab headbutt jump ins. if they start moving forward, you can try for long range headbutts. if you get a knockdown, get some crossups going, and when the wells run dry, sitback and let them come to you. the more patient honda usually wins, albiet one mistake either way dictates who can be the patient one.

edit: and i agree with ud. honda honda is really fucking gay. people who volentarily put you in this matchup are asshats.


Honda v Honda is about getting one lucky hit in and being the better turtle. If you find yourself losing most Honda v Honda matches you are probably being too aggressive.

ultra, subt, chang and lseelba,

Thanks guys! I had two fights tonight and I won them both. They weren’t pretty but it sounds like Honda v Honda never is. hahaha

A few more then? Strats vs Claw (quick jumps, slide), Cammy (safe drills and spikes) and Dictator (psycho crusher)?


King, I think Honda can still out turtle those characters, since none of them really have the chipping ability Honda does or a fat damage command throw you can sit back like in the old days.

Take this with a grain of salt if you don’t play the way I do. Basically I try to keep my opponents that don’t have a fireball at midrange, and I get a hit and turtle. I try to make my opponent come at me at almost all points of the match, unless I have either a big damage lead or a big damage defecit in which case I try to finish. Your results will probably vary if you like to attack and take my advice. Sorry.

I try to do as little as possible against Vega, the only way he can really do damage without using a (risky) wall dive if you’re crouching and at mid range is to counter poke you. If he jumps you headbutt for free, if he slides you block and then headbutt/Forward+RH sweep. Buttslams are not good if he’s crouching because it’s a free flip kick for him. Close HP the jump ins and wall dive throws you cant headbutt.

I don’t have any experience against a good Cammy in HDR, but her weapons to me don’t seem THAT dangerous over what they were in Vanilla ST. I have been fighting her kind of like ken without a fb. (totally safe DP except to throws)
Cammy same thing, sure she can now do safe drills and such, but you can hit her with a headbutt and force her into the same situation midrange… she will either have to hit something you throw out or do the hooligan throw. If she wiffs in front of you OCHIO.

I don’t know why the Bison match would have changed… jab headbutt seems to own the crushers for free just as in the old days. If he corners crushers past in the corner (some shitty bisons do this), ochio his ass, Anything that he does to get into Ochio range you throw him. If you think he will scissor kick you can do an MK buttslam for a knockdown and then set him up for a forward+rh trip or another buttslam. Usually if you MK buttslam and he crushers he will go right under you… it’s not SAFE but SF is a game of baiting the right moves.

My most hated matchup for sure!!

I love Honda vs. Honda. It’s like playing the lottery. C’mon, headbutt. Big win, big win!

I’m having trouble with fei long. any suggestions?

Turtle, honestly. I’ve yet to play a good fei, but still, this matchup has always been horrible for fei, and now with chicken wing being kinda nerfed, I don’t think his other buffs help him enough. Jab headbutt beats every jump-in as well as chicken wing kick. Just be patient and play defensive.

Also block high more than you normally would, store ochio for any number of fei’s missed moves, and watch out for meaty fierce on wakeup.

holy shit.

i just skipped to the last page, but you honda players need to learn jab headbutt.

that move defines honda. db + wait then jab headbutt. that move basically beats every move in the game at this point.

I also like the new honda vs. ryu matchup.

I almost want to give it 5.5 favour to honda.

all i want to say is the trick to this match is getting super so that ryu stops throwing fireballs

and that the key to using jab headbutt is using it just inside half screen where if you jab headbutt it WILL connect. At this range jab headbutt will destroy the fireball then hit ryu in the FACE.

Headbutts don’t work well against deep crossups. I usually use a sumo splash reversal to escape from those.

Headbutts work fine agains crossups, but it takes very very late timing. The trick is to have hitting invincibility when they actually connect.

you got that right! random Bull@#$%^

Headbutts don’t have invincibility in the back like they did in HF. If you pull off a reversal headbutt against a meaty crossup like 'Geif’s splash, you’ll get hit.