Kinda boring?? Guile is the most boring Street Fighter character of all time, hands down. That said, good Guiles set up interesting puzzles that you have to try to solve, and that can be interesting on your end at least.
Ugh, HF Honda’s buttslam? I hated that thing. Getting punished for hitting the opponent? I’ll pass. But yeah, I was really hoping that R Honda would have O Honda’s cancelable crouching jab, fierce chop, crouching fierce sweep, and standing sweeps done as toward+forward/short just like the toward/back+roundhouse sweep. In my opinion, those normals plus walking jab slaps (with a more vulnerable hitbox and less damage) plus R Honda neutral jump fierce, jumping short, super, ochio/slaps nerfs, and some slight nerf to jab headbutt would have been ideal.
Yeah, you gotta get thim with the down hit or it’s a problem, but I loved the anti-air properties of the roundhouse HF butt-bomb and I really liked the easy double hits and good dizzy chances when deeply countering jump-ins and doing wake up attacks at contact range. Can you honestly say you didn’t enjoy that?
In a perfect world, I’d have access to both butt-bombs, but now I’m dreaming.
I would gladly pay a small monthly fee to play SF2 Anniversary Edition: HD Remix with customizable characters and regular patches to fix any balances issues that arise. Rather than choosing CE or HF Honda, you’d make a custom Honda from a pool of abilities from every SF2 game, including SSF2T: HD Remix. Abilities deemed more powerful would cost more points and regular patching would mean that buffs and nerfs would be applied as needed. It’d be part SF2, part MUGEN and part World of Warcraft.
Awesome thread and write up… Prior to reading here i was losing about 80% of my matches in rank on xbl. now that has been cut in half and i am far from being were I was 4 years ago… so keep up the good work fellas and thanks for the strats… Oh yeah the crossover splash into Ooichou is hella awesome… most people dont expect that or just I’m playing boons. Having the ooichou stored has been like god send for me… thanks
Another nice tool for Honda to use agianst anyone:
HK footsweep into slaps - Just what it sounds like, throw the footsweep then buffer slaps. Generally fierce vs. chuckers, but use all three to keep someone like Gief guessing. People fall for this all the time because they are used to seeing slaps comeafter a punch.
Slaps into HK footsweep (toward HK) - The idea here is that the sweep has long range and can trip the unsuspecting.
Slaps>f. HK>Slaps - combines the two above and is rather unexpected sometimes. I got this one off Kusumondo.
Slaps>s. or cr. LK or MK>Slaps - This is a variation of double slaps where you add a high-priority low poke incase someone tries to sweep your slaps. Some characters have footsweeps that hit slaps like Gief - this messes them up and gives you the advantage of double slaps. I saw this with Fierce slaps both time - Thanks Kusumondo!
Since mashing is easier now, I see a lot more Blanka players using MP or HP electricity, which HHS can’t break through. Besides standing sweeps, what in Honda’s arsenal can beat that?
The low hit of HHS breaks through it, so if you are at max range, you can hit it.
Also jab slaps beat it, but since they don’t advance, you need to start them in range like you would in hf.
Jumping into slaps is good as is jab or short buttdrop into slaps. Vertical jump into slaps works well also. The Butt-bomb trades with elec these days, (and recovers sooner) so if yer ahead it’s good to do.
I think MP HHS can break through LP electricity at max range but it gets beat by the higher levels. It happened to me a few times today against good blankas.
I find it rare to trade. It will usually trade if the Sumo Splash is crossing up.
Against the better Blanka’s online, I hit their elec all the time. So much so that Decoy for example doesn’t use it against me much. (He does other annoying things)
Butt bomb almost always trades when I do it.
I’ll verify it with some tests though to make sure.
I’ll look for you online and hit you up with an invite and we can check ourselves.
I think Honda counters scrub more than he counters Akuma. Akuma is like numero uno scrub character. even good players are often very scrubby with Akuma because he has so many i win buttons it’s easy to get overconfident.
at his worst, akuma is still a shoto. he does worse than ryu or ken with trades against honda, but a good akuma player should beat you simply by pretending he’s ryu with a teleport. heck, his red fireball even answeres jab headbutt, so as long as he’s not predictable, he can mix up his fireballs to punish a honda trying to get close.
however, there are a lot of bad akumas who try rush you down with air fireballs rather than zone you, and honda can end those players pretty easily. but there’s no real reason this shouldn’t be honda’s worst matchup.
cr. LK, cr. MK, or the HK sweeps. He’s vulnerable up front by his feet when in electricity. These are what i use. If your close, you can do cr. LK then HHS or Ochio