Regency fun center 3s players

bring on the hate

ray…you know i’m not directing any of this to you right? lol

i’ll be at buy.coms tourney in anaheim this saturday/sunday for 3s,vf5,tk5dr,and gears of war…

see you guys there!!!

Oh shit. Morse code.


It’s true. Gay people know everything.

The fuck whit that fuck you Valle.

JK, i know that shit dog, and even if you would you now that i dont give a shit, the only thing that i really dont want is the 3s scene turning like the marvel scene, thats about it, that would really suck. So lets just leave all the fucking drama alone and fuck the rest.

Man you can’t even do morse code. Did you not see the last line was missing?

It said LOLZ.

Ray, he’s talking to me…

P.S. Sorry I thought the last line was just periods…

lol marvel…

i’m helping people improve…not taking scrubs money (been there done that)



waaaay to gooooo justin!

Did you happen to find that at AI? I lost 15$ there a short while back.

You’re like the 5th person to tell me that. Everybody apperantly lost 15 bucks at AI.

Oh, and also, they were at two different locations, 10 bucks in one area and 5 bucks ina different area. I asked the person that was right near it and it wasn’t theirs. I even had people that night tell me they had lost 5/10 bucks…until i made them admit they were lying. So yea.

John is easily the suavest motherfucker of all time. Bitches at Denny’s were all up on his jock. Not to mention Fagnetro2000…

my dick fell off last night.


Well I’m not lying, 15$ is nothing, but I think it probably fell out of my pocket next to the third machine near the token machine. Don’t sweat it. Hahah that was maybe more then 2 weeks back. I thought it was in the back of my friend Johann’s car, but nope. Anyway, I hope that money went towards raping chun’s. haha

If that money was crumbled to shit, it was probably mine. I don’t bring my wallet cause its to big and my pants are to Remy tight and it gets in the way of my third comfort, if the lankyness isnt bad enough. I may have actually brought my wallet that night tho. Anyways, I don’t care. Not trying to deceive you bro.

just wanted to say that, john(long hair filipino) takes 3rd strike TOOOO SERIOUSLY!!!

Oh ok…then I’m happy to say it was NOT crumpled up at all, and it was no where near the token machines…I have witnesses too :slight_smile:

But yea, I even ended up giving someone here one of those 5 bucks cause they swore they lost it…then I got it back when I made them say they were lying…cough sanchez cough It’s not that I don’t trust YOU, I’m just not trusting in general after that lol.

coming from the guy who almost started crying when I said he guess parried all the time.


“I don’t fucking guess parry asshole. I tap forward and down real quick on wake up dumbass.”

Me: :confused: :rolleyes: “that is guess parrying dumb shit.”

G thrillah: Loses I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance… storms out


Fixed motha motha

you know lenin, theres a thing called buffering shit. guessing is different from buffering. ive been working on tapping down and foward plus grab in a timed fashioned so that if you try to do anything i catch it when it comes and punish your ass. dumb shit. oh and i didnt storm out, i walked out because i knew the game was fucking lame anyways cause i shouldve just killed him when i wanted to. oh and just to let you know, i fucking kicked his ass the other day 4-1. since you wanted to talk about becoming better and shit, this wake up buffering technique is my way of trying shit out and not guessing. so stfu and leave me alone, just becuase you dont have anyone else to pick on. fucking fag, “oh imma practice with chun before i go to ffa so i can play with her in the tournament.” if it wasnt for the shitty sticks at regency id wupe your ass with my chun. and i dont care if shes a cheap character. id money match your ass any time.