Regency fun center 3s players

Waking up and randomly tapping forward/down = GUESSING.

wow…another idiot that doesnt understand the technique. read and think before you even say anything jaime. im sure if you’re smart enough you’ll understand the difference. pathetic…


Shut up before I try to hit on you, cause I’m gay.


The trouble with parry->grab on wake up is that it loses to the most random of shit.

Slow attacks, Long range attacks, Kara-Throws, Attacks with Evasion or Invincibility, Well Timed UOHs and jump-ins…

All these options wreck that strategy.

Lenin’s problem stems from the fact that, more often that not, you’ll wake up tap forward and go into cr. RH, cr. MK, or throw upon a successful parry. And I say forward as opposed to just parrying in general because that seems to be the concept of choice for you.

I think it was well illustrated during our last few matches at RFC. I was winning with Remy vs your Chun using the most rudimentary offense possible. Everything I went for avoided standing parries. The funniest thing is the fact that the one time I went for cl. MP with Remy you woke up and parried it despite the fact the it whiffs completely on crouching Chun. A completely unnecessary risk.

Now, I’m not saying to forgo wake up parries totally. As long as it works, it’s a valid strategy. But remember that everything must be done in moderation, or you’ll end up losing to nothing but throws and booms(which happened often). Don’t try to use the sticks at Regency as an excuse. Last time I checked throw techs require no directional input.

Do not take this as an attack on your person, but as something to take into consideration. I’d like to see everyone that plays at RFC improve–This includes you, General.

I’m only asking you to think.

define buffer for me and I’ll leave you alone, because I don’t think it means the same thing to you that it does to me, or anyone else that knows how to play 3s for that matter.

and I only picked chun to prove to you that she takes no skill at all. I did beat you after all right? I didn’t say I’mma practice with her, I said I’ve been practicing because Amir wants me to use her in the next tournament.

Hell, I remember full parrying your chun super and beating your ass with my hugo. congratulations, Command grabs can’t be parried. And you can’t chip this ole’ block.

I play Alex niggah. iIf I’m beating your ass with characters I don’t even know how to use, then you’ve got to assume something you’re doing is wrong. Because I definitely know what I’m doing isn’t right. I kept attacking you when I was using Chun, and and Hugo for starters.

And just to end this on a more pleasing note. I’m not picking on you, I just don’t want all those “siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick” win streaks and Uber combos to go to your head. I’m trying to keep you humble baby gurl. I know the seed we planted will one day bloom into the US and Cambodias number 1 Chun player.

I’d definitely be down for a money match against you but I don’t have any money. :frowning: Reason is, not to be a dick, but if I block down all day, you won’t know what to do. That’s what seperates you from all the good chun li players.

Like Alex said, I’m not attacking you as a person, but you seem to be taking it that way with all those obscenities you’re throwing out. So you might wanna think before you post next time because I’m not the only who’s nerves you’ve gotten on recently, and I know I certainly won’t be the last one to call you out on the way you play.

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you are an hero to me.

In the spirit of competition…

Name the amount. If it’s within reason–I’ll front the cash for Lenin.

Lenin-HI MOTHERFUCKING 5. ASCII pistol is beastly.:lol:



Regarding Remy… A lot of people underestimate Remy, but despite his major weakness in dishing out damage, and his near instant stun meter, he has a great keep away, and as illustrated by the masterful Pierrot, he can mix those LOV’s to be at different speeds and control a jumper, and if that fails with a parry, you can always risk a off-beat timed sMP, or worse, a partitioned sMP to a flash/ex flash kick. (kind of a rare close sMP circumstance, close sMP with remy against a jumper is a shitty thing and it really hurts if you know this char)

Another thing remy has that people don’t realize is close keep away pressuring. I’ve had opponents cornered to points where if they wouldn’t interrupt parry my cMP cornered, I’d just dish a LOV, and not quit with the pressure. If its not someone like ken, that sMK is a good additional pressure when used properly. These bizarre pressures are not expected by people who play against a Remy.

I’ve had times where I’d corner like a Urien and never let them leave that damn corner. Remy has great returns and a good anti early jumping sMP… sMK beats a cRH and this can scare a trigger happy cRH shoto. Even with all that stuff, Remy takes great skill to use and people who dog him out usually are underestimating all the work and ‘behind the curtains’ charging that hes doing 99% of the game. Remy needs safety space for a reason. It is not really because someone is scrubby as a player, its because, if Remy gets zoned, it can be a real bitch to bounce back. If Remy gets in that naughty zone against a Urien, its unblockable city. Bouncing back with him is a bitch.

As far as the money matches ideas… The true players to me are the ones who are respectful to other players and aren’t afraid to offer friendly advice when it is needed. No need to leave with bad blood, it hurts you more then anyone.

I think if anything, we should be happy we are so lucky to live in a area with such solid players. Cali has some of the sickest players in the US. Everyone I’ve played at AI was nice and its cool to be able to improve your game with other dedicated fans. No need for the mud slinging. Why do you think people shake hands after matches during a tourney? I’ve made a lot of new friends by playing other people who have this interest.

Lenin was probably giving you good advice, and you just got mad about it. I say listen to it instead.

sanchez dont even start with your talk man. i think everyone knows that when you win with whoever you play with, you keep your cool. but than when you loose! omg… i respect you, but you still have the nerve to taunt or say whatever or yell whatevever. and its funny sometimes but when someone does it back to you, its like you turn into a jackass. as for playing wise, of course i use the wake up parrys with moderation. i aint fucking stupid. and yes the sticks do fucking suck at regency. try pressing down on the left side and youll see that it doesnt work sometimes. itll go out on you. but anyways enough of this shit. someone fixed the sticks and than ill money match. peace, and yes i do take whatever you guys say into consideration. but try to look at yourselves and than try to judge me and the way i play. and i do look at how i play and my reactions, but some of you dont even do that. you might say you do but you dont. so whatever

The gun is shooting out a penis. OMGZ.

GT, if you’re one of those guys that doesn’t know what to do with Chun when people start blocking low, Lenin is above you.

Where’s my cheese toast!!!

I don’t go to RFC but this post made me chuckle.

I enjoyed eating together like a family. Good times and games, gentlemen.

question- you think RFC is interested in buying a Melty Blood rev.B kit? It runs on Naomi 2 hardware.

wtf? enough of this shit, happytang, please come down to regency wednesday and lets see what happens if you play me. if i lose i lose, but if i win, than that means something. becuase im not a fucking dumb player who loses just because people block down all day. lenin your a fucking idiot for even sayin that one. becuase i remember numerous times kicking your ass. so stfu. oh?! and thats while your were blocking down! FUCKING SICKK!!!

The laughter prevents us from crying. :sweat:

Hug I feel yer pain mang

[/No homo]

Leap-Attack link into SA2 with Chun FTW.

by us meaning you fagats right? so that makes arcadefire a fagat too…

fagat is top tier in CVS2