Regency fun center 3s players

that doesn’t even make sense…

bla, bla, bla.

enough for the shit talking guys, if people think theyre really PROS they shouldnt stay at home and play people that sucks in console at least dander is right, go to FFA 2morrow, justin wong, vic, pyro and al the other PROS are gonna be there, and lets be honest, they think you suck and i think so 2. so fuck it enough for the bla, bla, bla bullshit and see you there 2morrow.

btw, this is nothing personal Valle, but we play the game to have fun and also to get better but everybody’s got a different way of trying to get better, the way we do it might suck but fuck it we like it, we’ve been improving and at the same time we have fun, you talk a lot of being a champion and whatever, but honestly since you came back you havent win a big tourney, at least one that really matters. to me wining a tourney at ffa counts a lot cause everybody knows the best competition for 3s is there.

well thats it guys have a good day and see you guys at FFA 2morrow.

Words of wisdom that I agree with also he is probably drunk right now so imagine him when he is sober…godly haha

Ay, What time are you guys going to FFA tomorrow and what time do they close on fridays?

Any of you guys going to the Cal Poly Pomona tourney on sat?

Yo lenin, did shogo really fix those sticks today at RFC?

we’ll leave like around 7ish so be there.

btw, nah, shogo didnt fix shit.

cal poly is a go, go, go

Alright coo, but if i dont make it in time… dont wait for me cause i still gotta try and sneak outta work early…

-peace out

um…I think it’s spelled competitively…
too much 3s practice and not enough schooling…

If I got too familiar–I apologize sincerely. Know that my intent isn’t spite. I also don’t want to compromise any future gatherings for the rest of RFC. If you feel I’m a total fucking toolbox of HappyTang propotions then feel free to exclude me, but don’t take it out on the rest of these fucks…

They need the practice.

In an effort to extend an olive branch-

Once again, I’m sorry.

See you guys tomorrow.

LOL!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
omg that was funny :rofl: :rofl:

Anyways Jaime, I beat Yi(2Star W/O Pickles) with Remy in a money match sooooo
THERE IS HOPE that Remy can be top tier … or at least I THINK it’s possible just takes A LOT OF TIME.

I’ll attempt to help in all ways possible(For people attempting to throw a joke into this line please try to have a higher capacity of a brain to invent something more intresting :lovin: :wink:

PS: Ray is now considered “Chico Donkey Mecos” until he can place top 8 at rank bats.

thank you please drive thru.

Psh, don’t try to run away from the fact that my zoning is better than yours.

P.S. For some reason, I almost thought Sanchez knew how to do flash, and spent $3.00 in reserving that address.

Tang(I can’t believe that’s really your last name) my zoning vs your zoning for 7 dollars American.


What say you?

Wtf, where did 7 dollars American come from. You just want me to buy you a 6 dollar burger combo at Carl’s next ranbat.

I’ll money match you for 5, because I don’t just have 2 dollars lying around all the time.

P.S. We must both use Shin-Shoryuken super.

Sorry, but I like to enjoy my day off from work without going to other arcades and fixing their broken stuff for once…I’ll come by soon and take a look at things if the problem hasnt been fixed…shouldnt you guys bother the RFC staff instead of me to fix their stuff anyway? :sweat:

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P.P.S. You’re a bitch for trying to accommodate your wake up super shenanigans by trying to limit my options. Any super. Also, 7 dollars or STFUPPERCUT.

I like the fact no one tries to sweeten the pot for Rich. Tell you what–I’ll buy you a drink and your choice of Burger King meal or 4 slices of Pino’s pizza. We don’t bother the staff cause the results are minimal if any. You are far more qualified…

…And awesome!

Thats not the fuckin issue here. The issue is why the six dollar burger at carls is now fuckin 6 dollars… or close to it.

hey fuck you shogo.

Only fools fall for wake up super. Especially fools that don’t know how to zone.

Only a scrub wouldn’t understand my reasoning for SAII. The idea here is zoning, I don’t want none of that denjin shit. Fireball xx Super, hold 3 secs then send out. Shit doesn’t prove any zoning at all. SAI, damn, I’m tired of MonkeyFace busting out the anti-air fireball super.

Damn stop acting like Ryu has a riot stampede setup.

Fireballs are the ultimate poke. Only a toolbox wouldn’t understand that.

P.S. Speak English.