Regency fun center 3s players

hey ray ouch…

OMG Lenin, are you fuckin stupid? The answer is YES. Dumb shit.

It’s obvious that playing at FFA and playing with Amir every week is doing nothing for our zoning. Boo us. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :confused:

You guys play 3s and ONLY 3s 2-3 times a week at most…regency + FFA on weekends…how long total?? about 1-2 YEARS???maybe more

You enter every “monthly” tournament and dont place…

You guys troll the threads and don’t ask anybody for help…

The problem here…

You guys don’t give a fuck…sad…:sad:

I’ve opened my doors going on 2 years now to help anybody that wants to win…

So far only 1 guy is worth training for the gold…he placed top 8 at EVO worlds2k6 btw…

I can turn anybody into a champion if they show me they want it…

Take a look at yourselves and your accomplishments…how many more years of losing is it gonna take to make your mark??

whatever then…

continue the hate…

good luck :arazz:



anyone going wed? What other days you guys go? It’s kinda shitty do drive all the way out there if noones gonna be around. So weds, just post it up if your going.

everyone goes wednesdays.

so, does that mean

if i can’t place high at tournaments, that means we don’t give a fuck? (about ourselves or our 3s community)

i think that’s a very narrow line of thinking. If you can’t be winners, then we’re all losers, aka haters.

That’s only for Regency people Scott. Everyone else is excluded.
Crouching jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab Ryu ftw.

Wtf is that a combo from Rainbow Edition?

Why’s everyone hating on Alex? All i know is, i’ve played at his house, and I always kick your asses lol.

bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

All i gotta say is that i havent seen any of the guys that consistanly go to Valle’s house win a fucking tourney, dunno maybe Valle’s hurt cause we are doing our console practice and asked another “PRO” for help.

Maybe we suck, but i’m pretty sure that at least 4 guys from RFC that i can think of right now, will rape any of Valle’s pupils

I hereby declare Paul Lee a pupil.

GG’s Cyrus, Edma, Jaime.

Happy Dan! what time do people show up at rfs?

same time dog usually around 630 and up.

lol i love it, see you guys tonight at raygencys :rofl:

I remember over two years ago, before this thread/RFC community existed, I posted in the FFA thread attempting to be friendly. Within about 5 posts someone threatened to put a cigaratte out in my face. Fuck the high level community. I have no social desires to be accepted there. I already have friends that make me feel way better about myself than showing up to random midweek scrub tournaments to try to score $20.

I owned everyone tonight, goodtimes

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dan’s the best around. NOTHINGS ever going to him down. What happened to the headband, dude? We all know that was the source of your power.

I think that what was holding his power back. Its like it was some sort of power restraint, its when he takes it off we finally know his true power.