Regency fun center 3s players

wtf why no one tells me bout a tourney im down to enter. My bitch is gonna rape you guys lol. i think my only comp might be ray. Makoto all the way baby


Who dat?

Iron Mike Ditka.


I meant if he goes to RFC, I don’t know what everyone looks like yet…unless he only comes seldomly.

iam going to show up wed. cool. Replay if u r going. to see how meany people r showing up.

i think i know who ironmike is… but then this is me talking while i’m drunk after my work’s holiday party. i think he’s that dark skinned guy that plays marvel most of the time and by dark i dont mean asain dark or filipino dark like me kinda like asain + maybe african dark you know. he prefers makoto but he can also play Q but not as good as me or not as great as alex can… man i’m so wasted this nite that, i dunno… shit i saw like how many tits tonite?? man i love my work, great food, great coworkers, a not so great general manager but i can’t win them all, oh well… anyway pplz i’m out i think i’ll see yall friday nite maybe thursday afternoon if all goes well for me in class.

edit: btw good games tonite for like the 20 min i was there till i had to go and yes i really really fucked that one match up(yes jaime that’s the one your thinking about)

Which one? There were so many I can’t remember which one…JK :sweat:

what’s up 3s players…

(i think my only comp might be ray)
I hope your good as your mouth

Dude Ill Be There Today I Play Money Matches With Any One So Show Up If You Want To Lose Some Money

I think ironmike is TurtleMiKe. It sounds like it! Lol… Practice mike!!! Whoever the fuck you are… You’ll gonna need that money for tokens coz I’m gonna be there tonight…

dude wrong person. i play with makoto and whoever i feel like it. we can play marvel too for some real money

Oh I know who you are… Sup fool!!! I’m not good in marver but I’m good enough to beat the hell out of you in 3rd strike. Lol… Ray! Do we have a lil tourney on monday or is that tuesday? Coz I missed the last one…

I’m going to have some time (few hours) to kill tomorrow around 11:30/noon after the last of my finals so if anyone is up for some 3s in the middle of the day, cruise by. If no one shows after an hour I’ll just bounce; no biggie.

i’ll try to be there around noon before i head off to work…

I got work @ 2pm. I may show up for a few bouts.

All right the latest I’ll get there is 12:30 since my finals are officially done by 12:15. I’m banking on finishing early though. Either way, see you foolios there.

scratch the thought of me going at noon, i was called in early to help out with some parties. anyway if anyone else is going at night expect to see me…

Someone teach me chun li

dude… who drew that “3rd strike players rule” or whatever on the window? lol, that was funny, but my manager thought it was stupid and almost had me cleanin it off. tryin ta make me work… bastards.