Regency fun center 3s players

lol, which worker are you? I know who drew it, even got it on tape, I don’t know his name tho lol, it was funny.

Jaime is a NARC.

Anyone showing up today? Like around 1ish or so? I’ll be there 'till 4ish. HOLLER.

Hey ray how goes the pwnage in 3s.

-Mike (one that play SvC Chaos)


who is Only Yamazaki I think is jonny???
AND who U THINK DREW IT???DAAAAA maurisio.

naw Only Yamazaki ain’t johnny, fuckin johnny already has a srk accnt but he never fuckin posts…

gg’s to the guy in the hat today. hehe good shit with hugo. I like mirror matches with him. btw i was cracking up at the picture that says no turtles. good shit to whoever dit it:rofl:

GG transformer man… my name is adam. That’s a good ass Q. And I’m still fascinated with makoto’s invincibility…AWESOME!

I wish I had the l33t drawing abillities that that foo has, I specially like that he likes to draw Remys as well ;D, oh and Greed wants to know when regency is getting Street Fighter Ex 2

I’m about to head out to Regency in about half an hour (!:30pm) so if anyone’s up for some 3s comp be there around 2pm or so. :china:

GG’s to IL720’s and everyone who showed up later.

It’s a shame they washed off the 3S PLAYERS Remy of the window. That picture had heart!

My 12 is TOO BEAST. Ray can attest.

EDIT-SFEX2 is the game of kings.

i’m the asian guy whos always playing guilty gear and watchin u guys play 3s. the chinkee one wit spikey hair.

so david, whats the status on KOF11??? and whats the word on new games huh???

tourny this wednesday will start a little earlier than the last one, its gotta be before 7ish, around 6 or 6:30, so get ready to kick some ass

Hey greed, is Zangief in ex2? His 720 in the first version was awesome. Instead of the suplexes he two kick ass back breakers. Anywhos I’ll be there tomorrow earlish if anyone is down

The 'Geifer is in fact in EX2. Complete with a stomping super and an awkward to land back throw!

As for the tourney-Any real reason for earlier start? Or is it just 'cause?

it seems becuse on the last one we had to do it in a rush because of the time maybe this wednesday there will be more people and we dont want the same shit to happend so whoever’s going, try to get there a little early so we can start asap aight fuckas latez.

tourny tonight mothafuckas, gogogogogogo.

be there around 6 or 630ish.

Regency’s Weekly Tourny Results

10 people joined the tourney this week. :sad:




We had more people last week but fuck it, remember, next wednesday will be our third weekly tourny :tup: so fucking make sure your there by 6 pm so we can start early, so anyone who read this is invite it.

Once again, entry fee its only 2 bucks but we might go whit 5 fucks next week, so if you guys think thats cool, let me know, if not, fuck it, 2 bucks.

See you fuckers next week :karate:

YES!!! finally placed 2nd! a new personal record:nunchuck: :clap: