Regency fun center 3s players

Anyone know if Regency is happening on Saturday nights?

First of all, excellent games tonight (Wednesday) there were some good matches out there, most which I got on tape.

Just so you know, the download limit has past for the videos I posted earlier…for the regency people, I could give out CDs with the vids on it…i have hundreds of blank discs so it wouldn’t be a problem just let me know.

Unless anyone knows where I can upload vids without size and time limit as well as DL limit, i’m not sure what to do, anyone know of anywhere I can upload them? Wish I had my own server but I don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I’ll wait to upload the new ones until I figure out what to do to make everyone happy…

jaime your doing some good shit dog whit the vids keep up the good work, ggs to everybody this wednesday, and just to let everybody know we might start some kind of a weekly tourney starting next wednesday you know it wont be a big deal just like a buck or two to get in will play round robin dependig of how many people will enter so bring a homeboy or something, this wont be to prove whos better than who this is just to have a good time and talk a little shit while we’re playing so post and let me know at what time we should start the tourney.
p.s turtle mike said that he will be in it every week.

Damn…watch out cries jk…he didn’t do that well today…but I guess it’s good it kept the games more varied without the same person versus everyone else. I’d be up for the tournaments, and of course I’ll be there to tape them :p: seriously needs tripod

Oh great. Admiral every week. Why dont we just call the tournament “LETS SEE WHO CAN HOLD DOWNBACK ON THE STICK HARDER”? I think 6 or 7pm is a good time for Wednesday tournies.

Expect more Urien shoulder checking and ShoryuCannonings.

And Jaime, I think it’s pretty cool of you to tape our matches.:tup:

Good shit last night. Like we were sayin, too bad you didn’t get those wins of yours on tape, Jaime. I’d take a CD off of you of future matches if you can’t find anywhere to upload them. If you keep doing that though, I’d start charging a small fee ain’t nothing for free.

As for those weekly tournaments, I’m down. I just won’t stay too late since I got to get up for work at 5am.

Only fools I recognize is Ray (assuming you’re the carnal with the beenie), Iwst99 (Jaime?), Jose and Sigh. Who was the dude with Oro? There are a lot more fools I don’t know.

My name’s Irving if I haven’t introduced myself to you.

his name is john, theres also more guys, Alex(gree) plays Q and alex, robert (ping pong) plays Q and remy vitto (pizzerino) plays alex and oro, theyre all cool and forgott to manttion the super di dupper turtle mike. :sweat:

All right, cool. I was diggin those Oro wins, John (if you read this). I plan on coming around at least once a week so in time I’ll match those names/characters with faces. Thanks hombre.

i’m the yellow Q aka Dick Tracy Q… lately i’ve been messing around with alex, maybe when i have more confidence i’ll use him regularly instead of practicing on random scrubs and on JJ :lol:

sup fucking dildos, whos going tonight, (sunday)

your dad loves dildos :arazz:

:lol: jk, not me cause i just got back from work…

Congrats Ray on making top 10 at NCR in singles.

Oh, and props for handing Two2Tone his ass (i guess he’s a Q player). And just for the record, you can beat Q cuz i own you all the time with my Q.

and you’ll never get a standing 720 on me. :wgrin:

but anyway, congrats on top 10.

sup you guys, talked to one of my friends from camelot and said that he’ll be runing a little tourny tonight (monday) at regency so if you guys wanna go i think it will be like 5 bucks to get in or something, so Jaime just in case you go take your camera and record some of the matches, aight see you fuckers there tonight.
by the way, thanks J.R, but go fuck yourself anyways, faggot.

What the fuck? I could have made it!

What’s the status on the wednesday business? Are we starting this shit next week? I think we should.

Lol, yea you missed it, although we didn’t do any actual tourney…some people didn’t show up or whatever we just did casuals, anyways I’m not sure about wednesday, let’s see what everyone else on here says…

i most likely cant make the wednesday tounrey due to finals…

anyway good shit for tonite. btw i request the clip of ray getting pwned and the various clips of my gameplay, man i could not have fucked up that capture any more… :confused:

fuck you man, Jaime dont give this fucker shit, lol, yo alex we’re gonna start the wednesday tournys this week so get your ass here on wed. it will problably be like 3 bucks to get in and 1 buck per person out of those 3 bucks will go to jaime cuz you guys know hes recording all that shit and the fucking tapes aint free, so you guys know now. anyways gg’s to everybody tonite.


This is the only week I get a Wed. night shift. Looks like I’ll have to say I need to use the bathroom… and not come back for three hours.:wonder:

yo ray Dave says you wanna play some cards… I went last week and won 300…when we goin?

Looks like I’m out this week. :tdown:

I underestimated the power fuck thrusting of finals.
