Regency fun center 3s players

ROCKY MUH’FUCKING BALBOA after RFC tourney? Who is down and who is Dander?

Hey I’m down for some Rocky Balboa… Maybe.

Just letting you guys know, a few AI heads will be there Wednesday at RFC. Probably around 8 ish or something. Since school is over, you fuckers, I’ll be there at 8 too. If you guys team tourney, I won’t even need to play because everybody else will be kicking your ass.

Don’t start the tournament early like you used to do with your mom Lenin.

wtf, FUCK AI and I dont care if AI gives head. Y’all a bunch of emos, especially Ray with his controlling girlfriend. You guys fuckin suck, and more than likely none of you will show up to RFC, which is good. Scrubs.

PS Go give Valle some of that famous AI Head.


locky barboa

come with us to ramen you drug addicts


I don’t want to hear about how sad you guys are. We’ll see what happens this Wednesday.

sry man we don’t have that game. this is brandon btw you fuckers and no I didn’t quit.

Talking away
I don’t know what I’m to say
I’ll say it anyway
today’s another day to find you
Shying away
I’ll be coming for you love O.K.

Take on me
Take me on
I’ll be gone
in a day or two

So needless to say I’m odds and ends
But that’s me, stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is O.K.
Say after me
It’s no better to be safe than sorry.

Take on me
Take me on
I’ll be gone
in a day or two.

The things that you say
Is it live or just to play
My worries away
You’re all the things I’ve got to remember
You shying away
I’ll be coming for you anyway

Take on me
Take me on
I’ll be gone
in a day or two

Actually, there’s a slight echo of Take on Me near the end. Should be put in ().

alls I gotta say to raymond is…why?

and I aint doing the tournament no mo.

cause no one ever wants to help.

I had to bribe ray with the promise of a blow job, and the only reason he agreed to that is because I told him I’d let him do it staring me straight in the eyes.

see how I turned that around in the second sentence?

I’m so siiiiiiiick.

so what tourney or no tourney???

Lenin rarely makes sense through the written word. If it don’t make sense: it’s a gay joke. That’s the RFC way.


whatever, stalin

I started the random tourney shit, but now that Lenin took over, he can’t even fuckin fold little pieces of paper with number on it, they always suck and people can’t open them.

PS Fuck AI


am i on team 9 or 6

what time will everybody be there??

Damn, I was just kiding about my previous post… (# 1263)

Some people take shit too seriously.


I just got to say, thanks to Alex for showing up. I was usually the one to talk shit, but now I realize how skilled you are. You’re timing is flawless, your dexterity is incredible, it’s just crazy. I only saw you play for a bit tonight, but, I can honestly I learned some stuff just from watching. I really hope to learn a lot more from you in the future. I can honestly say, you are quite possibly one of the best players out there Alex SANCHEZ.

You should have some console shit at your place where you teach all of us your secret techniques, even make a thread. You’re the best!

Sincerely your biggest fan,


fuck, i didn’t recognize crack without his fro and glasses =/

Hey are any of you regency guys coming to ramen?