Regency fun center 3s players

Wtf is Astro Slash,

The only slash I know about is Galaxy Chop, or are you talking about standing fierce.

lol failed kara-shoryu >_<;

mid tier scrubs want to know:

the true story of the regency 3s machine

Yhey for 8 dollars richer! Anyways, wtf is up with the kara DP’s mang?

A few things that need to addressed-

Our working cabinet is actually the insides of the OLD CRAPPY cabinet stuffed into the shell of our OLD GOOD cabinet. OLD CRAPPY is an ASIA (AKA HONG KONG and shit) cab. Meaning shit like the SRK and Tatsu move name audio clips are replaced with grunts and the like. But, the SA select names are in English.

So yeha, fuck you Reo. Our machine ain’t bootleg. It’s HONGKONGIAN… which might as well mean bootleg. Fuck you anyway.

And is it just me, or is MIKE “EL PRESIDENTE HAT” T. getting beastlier? It must be that hat. Shit is pimp.

haha… you can borrow the hat if you’d like… but ill need it back for those wed. tourney’s that will hopefully start back up…

anyone know if the rfc comp. on mondays is worth the 30 min. drive from my pad?

I was gonna show up tomorrow, but I’m still kinda sick.

Where’d you buy that hat?

i got it at some skate store at lakewood mall

yeah, that hat is incredibly sexy

got nothing to do… RFC for me today if anyone cares… ill be there around 4:30 … later peeps.

Jesus Cares

alright turn out for a monday… that new SF collection cab. is dope!!.. good shit homies… til wednesday… peace out


and I am slowly but steadily getting my dash up EX Shoulder tackle thing down

I have videos of me doing it. You can tell its me because once done you can still hear me yelling out of excitement.


ill be there wednesday, maybe tomorrow.

Ha, I won’t be there Wednesday, because you guys fucking suck.

I can beat you guys using the pelican stick that has a yellow palm rest.

bitch, I found a way to deduce the negative frames and my alex’s standing roundhouse, YOU have NO chancE.

Man stop talking like you some kind of fucking 3s expert, can’t even use correct grammar when trying to take me down. The day that you beat me is the day that you suck my balls.

Ohhhhh Money Match!

Damn, Lenin must suck a lot of balls.

Console Gaming on December 23rd. Anyone from RFC is invited, but you have to let me know, ROLL CALL that shit. Go to AI thread for more info.

Oh, it’s also an excuse to party, so booze will be involved :smiley:

When are you fucks gonna show up to RFC? I feel like playing in an environment where hold jump back isn’t the UNIVERSAL TRUTH.

Tuesday? Eh? Neh? Yeh?