Regency fun center 3s players

It didn’t really…go read the AI thread.

Ahaha, funny you should mention that. Last night we were discussing what the fuck Leo was.

He’s ethiopian you fools.

Mexicans play 3S? cuz’ i always thought they only played KOF…

…and Winning Eleven.

dude what the fuck is up with these AI ching chongs posting in this thread, go home

freakin ching chongs

Cerritos up in here now, brah. Word up.


whaddup fooeezys


I’ll be there around 6ish till close. So be there or be Shoo.

Shoo, seriously show up for once. You still owe me a stick.

you son of a bitch u dident even show up i brought my c game and shit doin some cyrus shit all day son

milky way slam

It’s Milky Way Knee.
Galaxy Chop.
Stardust Powerbomb.
Riot Stampede.
Supernova Dive
Nebular Jump
Black Hole Stun

I was seriously super tired yesterday. Anyways you better come today. Bring that Colossus play son!


you guys know that pool hall in bellflower “hard times”? i got my fucking car stereo jacked from there once.

and my dad instantly blamed beaners. fuckin old school ching chong racisim right there.

anyways i’mma cumming soon. you guys are far from ucla

you fuckers are too funny

good shit

Ok today’s results for random wednesday RFC team tourney were:

1st. Sanchez, Cyrus, Miguel

2nd. Leo, Super Scrubby Alex, G Thriller

3rd. Jose, John, Bebop

4th. Lenin, Mike Tea, Teh Mexican Remy of DOoM

GGs to all…except Bebop, he sux

PS Leo buys his shirts at Tarjay

only mid tiers fall for stunguns =(

scrub…that shoryu xx sweep FTW

yo Leo, do you have AIM or somethin?

I was so close… so close…

Super Scrubby Skills didn’t work. I must work harder.

… Pfft, fuck work.

Vicodin, you’re my only friend.

I took Leo’s OCV in the other direction even with my 4-Billion Degree Fever. Then I took Adam’s money at RPS.


You fuckers forgot ASTRO SLASH.
