Regency fun center 3s players

Cerritos will be there in presence next week as I go and challenge Lenin to a money match his alex vs my ryu…what doyou say old palup for it

Yo, Shady. Still good to go tonight?

Edit: And maybe AI if you can? Figure a couple of hours wouldn’t be too bad.

im down, but I rarely carry more than 5 bucks cash anymore, so if you win ill owe you.

but im down.

come to think of it, I owe you 8 bucks for nachos huh? remember that time you payed for mine and I never got back to you?

you should send me your number via pm so we can practice at your pad too!

did you get my stick working?

fuck that game play a real mans game DDR

real men aren’t pedophiles

You’re challenging me?!?! Bwahahahaha! I love how you keep trying to make it out like I’ve said or implied something that I’ve obviously never done, for example: When you said that I equate myself with Valle or Gootecks. If you can find ANY post where I’ve explicitly stated or directly/indirectly implied that I’m close to, as good as, or better than them, I’ll go out and buy and send some ointment to you due to the serious verbal rapeage you’ve been receiving at my hands. When are you going to face the facts and just admit that you’re a total dumb bitch? But, seeing as that will probably never happen, allow me to explain in full what your next potential move is:

A) You’re not going to respond to me directly because you know you don’t have any evidence to back up the bullshit you’ve been saying, but you’ll have the “I wanted to stop feeding the troll,” line to back you up; so it will be ok. (And btw, by referring to me as a ‘troll’ are you suggesting that I’m slow witted or something? You who doesn’t seem to have the capacity to write beyond an 8th grade level? Just checking)

B) You’re going to block me and prove that I was right. :lovin:

C) You’re going to respond, but you won’t mention anything I’ve said (like finding instances where I’ve stated that I’m better than Valle), and you’ll spout off about more stupid shit and try to twist my words again, for example: When you try to make it seem like you’ve been to Regency because you met Dander, even though you’ve never been to Regency. *“BTW I’ve met Dander personally. Way to go dumbass” * Now, any average reader would see this and say, “Well, I guess he’s got him there, he did meet LENIN (not like you’d know his real name) and LENIN does go to Regency. Ergo, the douchebag must have been to Regency, which means Bebop3k was lying before.” What ‘the douche’ didn’t mention was that he met LENIN at ARCADE INFINITY!!! You’ve been caught again you lying fuck! But you won’t reply to this, because there’s nothing to reply. You know you’re wrong, and you won’t EVER reply to that comment directly. And the fact that you wont reply directly to that, or anything else I’ve said, proves that you’re a lying fuckface douchbag…

Are you going to respond now? NO! You know you can’t respond because everything I said was true. And if you do happen to build up the courage to write some stupid incoherent bullshit, it’s going to either fall under A or C, and you know it. You’ve been completely owned in every sense of the word. Then you have the gull to say that I’m a “Keyboard Commando”? Wow, first off, that’s the gayest term I’ve ever heard, and your usage of the incredibly gay “LAWL” and “Keyboard Commando” are really suspicious. Secondly, how the fuck am I the “Keyboard Commando”? I actually go to the arcades during prime hours, play all the good competitors, meet and befriend the people, etc. You, on the other hand, DON’T DO ANY OF THAT SHIT!!! SO ONCE AGAIN, HOW THE FUCK AM I THE "Keyboard Commando’??? It hurts doesn’t it? The cold and bitter sting of reality really fucks you up, doesn’t it? But rest assured, the realization of your idiocy is NOTHING compared to the humiliation I’m going to hand to you when you play me. *“I’ll make sure I play you first…” * Finally decided to back up the bullshit? Fine with me. MM for $500, best 2/3. It’s not that I need your shit money; I just want you to be unable to pay your internet bills. That way you can stop giving everyone headaches.

In conclusion, you’re not going to find any instances where I’ve said any of the bullshit your accusing me of doing, you’re not going to respond without making yourself into a further douche and proving me right, and since you’re such a pussy you’ll never MM me. Then you’ll have some excuse like, “LAWL MMs are gay and you’re just saying that cuz JOO are the one who is scared!” Now read over that a couple times and try to make sense of it. Then look back at whatever you’ve started writing in your response… It’s in there isn’t it! Wow, it’s totally fucking in there and you were going to say it just like that, right? Hahaha, no matter how you try and twist my words, the fact is clear: You’re my bitch. And understanding this you should have followed my directions before and jumped off that bridge, fashioning the green ranger costume of course. Then you wouldn’t have to endure the humiliation I’m serving you right now. Let me give you a list of people that think you’re a fag.

Four Clonez
Tony X
Dander (most likely)
Your family
ArcadeFire (holy shit you hate yourself!)

Pretty heavy list, eh? I apologize to all the Regency guys. I hate to do this shit here on your thread, but this guy honestly needed this. Somebody give me an amen.

P.S. ArcadeFire started a thread about how some ugly girl at his shitty job likes him in General Discussion. If you’re looking for a good laugh and further proof that this guy is a compulsive liar, you might want to check it out. Hate Hate Hate.

P.P.S. If you want to be added to the list of people who hate this faggot or you support not having random people post bullshit on your threads, PM me.

P.P.P.S. In case you wanted to know where all this hate came from, check the AI thread or just go here:

LMFAO @ the list including “god” and "fam"
h christ…

btw, i would love to see the money match =]
shits more like a grudge match.


Yo Lenin you know how I roll money aint no thing like tongith I got perfected by Jose so I owe him some food but yeah puta I will call you up and nah I never got the stick to work…

ArcadeFire (holy shit you hate yourself!)


Oh Shit!!! Look Whos In The Forums Now??? Its Ggggggeneral Thrillah!!! Bitchess!!! Anyways, Imma Kick All You Guyes Ass This Coming Wednesday! And You Can Bet Your Mommas Cookies On That One. And Aye Supaa, You Is Cold As Ice Nigga!!! Haha, And Miguel, You One Big Ass Mexican Haha Aside From Big Ass Baby Ray! Hahahah. Aww Shitt They Gonna Kick My Ass When They See Me Haha. Oh Yeah Aye Sanchez!! You Are Now Promoted To Nasty Nate Status Hahahaha. Peace And See You Wednesdays…

General Thrillah Niggaa!!!

Chill Nasty Nate… That’s my bitch!

General is loudest person on the internet.

Ray hasn’t posted for 2 pages, yet the thread is the gayest it’s ever been?

ray has no internet right now, because his server crashed when I fucked him in the ass last.

and no i don’t mean last night or time, last alone is just fine.

Also note that you have appeared on the last two threads coming from a long drought.

Lack of Ray. Lenin at Maximum Spider Homoshit. You making a return… Only one of these answers explains the Ghostbusters 2 levels of gayness. I’m not answering this question so BebopTresMil can use this chance to note the sole post from ArcadeFire and blame him for the gay.:tup:

HEY AF! How’s a Ballz 3D money match sound? I’ll take anyone on. Except Lenin–his dad made the game. To this day, Lenin continues to play with his dad’s Ballz.

quoted for hilarity :lol:

wow many people got negged


edit* forgot to plug my latest project

you guys are all faggots.

i said it.

dander (lenin) is the best 3s player i’ve ever seen and I’m a scrub.

goddamn I suck at life too.


Just making sure it doesn’t disappear.

I’m never letting you guys touch my computer again :sad: