Regency fun center 3s players

wednesday eh? im in

Dander: I sympathize with your viewpoint but you picked the wrong guy to insult. Valle is a made man. And before you could touch a made guy, you had to have a good reason. You had to have a sit down and you better get an okay or you’d be the one who got whacked.


Hey Mt Sac, I’m heading down tomorrow at around 6:30 or 7. You get an early preview of my Proto Urien, even though your Ume Ken will prolly rock me along with the others. Oro’s a different story though… <(._. <) Let’s rock!

All youse fucks better not leave early tomorrow.

I’ll be there around 6 or so–with my associate Vito:“The Mazza of Mozzarella”. Ret’s Lock.

Hi Majestros!

funny that you post this, because im not at all scared.

I actually remember them taping my match with amir.

his sean vs my alex, but I could be wrong. I’m not out to make a name for myself really, just here to prove that Alex (the dude that allegedly taught me the game) is old news and that lenin is here to stay. btw, I think he has a crush on you, so if I do plan on going any time soon, he’ll prolly tag along.


dander- come to AI, i host sessions for beatmania. ror :slight_smile:

Ha so Alex is old news and you are the master Lenin??? crazy <~ fucking awesome!

hi maj, i see what your up to. It was a blast meeting you at evo west.


I’m bringing tournament brackets if none of you want to be decisive about it.


Edit: Whoever gave me negative rep is a scrup.

yea…someone’s been going aroound giving everybody bad reps n shit…fuck them…and fuck lenin, he can’t even though Twelve’s unblockable infinite.

is it gonna be a team or singles tourney?

Ok so winners for tonight were:

1st - Suupaa (Dudley, Ken)

2nd - Dirty Sanchez (Alex)

3rd - Vito (Alex)

4th - Kryojenix (Makoto)

Not sure about the rest of the rankings…not that it really matters.

GGs to all :smiley:

PS fuck Lenin

[media=youtube]W2w_EEc8B2Q[/media] Whomever he is…

Yea…that lenin…he sucks more than he does in that vid though.

There goes ArcadeFire, once again, posting on a thread where he doesn’t know anyone. This time, not only does he not go during peak hours, he doesn’t go at all! Remember when I embarrassed you and scared you off the AI thread? U member? Ah, u member. Then you must member when I ordered you to stop posting. I didn’t just mean stop posting on the AI thread, I meant anywhere! Nobody likes you bitch! Now please go jump off a bridge, but make sure you’re wearing the green ranger’s costume because that would be the funniest fucking thing ever. Doesn’t that excite you? Hurry, go do that now.

LAWL Yer funnay. I actually have to work on the weekends so I haven’t been able to AI in awhile. Hopefully I’ll be there next Friday or so…BTW you did’nt embarass me at all I just stopped feeding the troll. I’ll make sure I play you first since you think you’re on the same level as Valle or Gootecks just cause you go to to an arcade they do so you’re playing Keyboard Commando spouting your crap from behind the saftey of keyboard but it’s okay, you keep doing that.

BTW I’ve met Dander personally. Way to go dumbass :rolleyes:

IT’S SANCHEZ YOU DUMBFUCK. And you mispelled Suupaa. Geezus. I was hoping for more of a CSULB or Cerritos presence today, but still a fun turnout. GG’s to all. Special shout out to Adam for bringing the hate.

Dear Suupaa,

I hope this evening finds you well. I also hope you thank Allah for that random headbutt CLINCHER I whiffed. Good games you fucking fuck.


PS-Thank you for giving me the chance to beast on Jose. He wouldn’t have played me if I won.:tup:

Dude get the fuck out of here, go talk random AI shit at the AI thread.

A) that shit ^^^^ made no sense and was not funny.

B) LAWL is gay as fuck.

C) Fuck you

Go show up to arcades when no one plays.