Regency fun center 3s players

GG’s to everyone tonight. Shout outs to Lenin, Tony, Ray, 1 Mike, and that Mexican dude who uses Akuma, for being nice. Damn Kyle (Suupaa) and his exclimations before he does wake ups.

Me: Oh yea, EX Tengu Stone bitch! Time to die!
Suupaa: Good, good…
Me (thinking): Good? wtf is he talking abou… OH SHIT WAKE UP SUPER!
Suupaa: Don’t you know who the fuck I am?

Fuck lenin, he can’t even do makoto’s unblockable.

GG’s to all tonight. Special thanks to Valle for showing up and raising the bar for the evening.

WTF nigga why didn’t u call. i went to AI n shit, I didn’t think ppl would be at regency =( oh yea, it was an experience of it’s own.

I encourage all regency players to read my invitational thread…

From the last time I’ve been to regency til last night ( a few months or so)…Seems the competition is the same =/

No improvement…just frustration

Tired of losing so bad?

Wondering why I’m too damn good??

Post up an appointment…

Get results


For the record I am not dead and I will have to start playing there again…good times at regency and for anoy one who can perfect me a round or two gets free food my treat


nothing around there is worth eating for such an easy task


this confidence really makes me want to just jump up out of my seat, ignore my schedule and spend a whoooooooooooooooooole day playing 3s at some random dudes house something like 30 miles away!


I don’t know you, I know of you. You don’t know me, nor do I think you care to, but if all you really have to offer is a spot on your couch/rug/inflatable chair and a few matches on console, then I’ll just stick to chilling with friends, at regency.

I mean, I know you’re good, but you’re making it seem like you beat daigo out of pure skill. And it seems it’s gotten to your head. Though I might be wrong, and it happened before any of that.

see you all at regency on wednesday.

the sticks were actually still ok because they hadn’t moved the machines yet. and uhh…see you guys tuesday!

Listen little scrub…

I have over 10 years of “winning” national tourney experience…
I’m one of the only top players in the country that actually cares about the scene and willing to teach anybody thats serious…

Thats why I’m having these sessions with everybody…

I have the top FFA players practice at my pad all the time…
ken i.amir,gootecks,arlieth to name a few…

You want to stay a scrub at your local arcade forever??lol
Or do you want to do something about it?

My confidence is beyond your level of comprehension…
I believe I can’t lose…thats it.
Maybe one day you will understand, but by the way you guys are playing right now?..not for a while

And where the fuck does me beating Daigo come from??LOL
I beat him 3-1 in a private money game after the tourney.
We both played like shit on the EVO2K6 vid…but the better player came out afterwards anyways…WTF have you done??

What are you mad cause I ripped on one of your regency friends??
You say you don’t know me…yet you seem to be annoyed with me…
Have I done anything to you personally??

My approach maybe wrong on helping you guys out…
But it just makes me wonder why players like you still don’t think they need any help…


weds regencey get together?
whos going?
imma be done with midterms so time for some 3S

Valle is trying to find serious players that want to be the best of the world ( 3S mostly ), here in the US where 3S is the most played 2D fighting game.

And I was complaining that I couldnt find that kind of people ( not mediocre ), but in KOF XI … lol USA suck balls.

Mr. Valle, I’ve been aware of your supremacy at fighting games since Golfland days. I don’t know, maybe it’s how you grew up or it’s just the way you deal with everything, it’s just that you seem very arrogant in your words. With your skill, I bet everybody will respect you if you are humble. For you, seems like being humble = being pussy, at least on the internet. Well, confidence is needed to lead and gain people’s trust but over-confidence is just… arrogant. You seem very nice in person, maybe you just seem arrogant to people who doesn’t know you enough. And as for players like dander or myself who still don’t think we need any help, basically we got better stuff to spend time on. see, I can’t believe I spent 8 mins writing this piece of crap in the middle of my homework. And i’ll probably get flamed by mr.valle saying i’m a random scrub who should shut the fuck up.

The keyword in your reply is “ONE of the top players”. I’m not denying you the skill but even out of FFA or any tournament, Tom, Ken, Ryan and Amir are pretty nice guys…well Ken’s a stretch cause I don’t talk to him much.

And the guy you “ripped” isn’t my regency friend at all, he doesn’t even go there. I’m not saying I don’t need any help, but what I’m saying is, that I’m not looking for it. Your thread has been up there for a while now, and trust me, if someone like you were to put it up and have it stickied, it would come up in some conversation between us here at regency, and it has. We just don’t find it necessary.

Believe or not, not all Top players play like you. So tactics being practiced at your place might only work on someone who plays like you or who is in fact YOU. If you’re telling me that on the same regular sessions you have set up, you cater to both random scrubs and top tier status scrubs(amir, ryan, tom), then you bet your ass I’ll make the effort to be there.

But as long as they won’t be there the same day I’d be scheduled to appear, then I’ll just keep driving my ass up to FFA every friday and other saturday, to diversify my training, with some homosexual chun li’s and pimp hat makotos.

You’ve done nothing to me personally to annoy me, but your approach is extremely condescending, and ignorant to a T. You think my life consists of Roundhouses and crouching forwards? Fuck that, I have 32 kids to teach, and only turn my head to them on friday and saturday nights. The rest of my time goes to them. I can appreciate you helping scrubs like me as a praciticing teacher myself, but the moment you go from seemingly nice guy trying to help, to asshole just because the scene picked up; You get big fat, eat my shit bumper sticker on your car.

You, yourself, said you’ve been playing this game for 10 years and with those 10 years have gotten yourself many a tourney win. I’ve been playing wednesdays and fridays for the last 7 or 8 months and have landed a number 12 spot at ffa, at best. And I use fucking Alex goddamn it. It’s nothing to you but for someone like me, who has worked his mind game all on his own, its a huge success. I’m even at the point where I can almost beat Ryan sometimes. (Yeah I said it ryan :-D) Only to then have someone come to my place of practice and say “joo are of the sax for I are of teh leetxors because I have beenz plahjing 4 TAN YEERS!” Of course I’m going into a defensive pose. It’s got nothing to do with friends. Though if it came to that, I probably would react the same way.

You claim to care about the scene? Then support YOUR local arcade, by attracting more players through games there if you find us lacking the skill to do so. Cause I’m sure as fucking hell your windows aren’t more than 3 feet from corner to corner, and wouldn’t be as inviting as an arcade.

Your support thread is an awesome idea for those who WANT to follow through. But until you hear people yelling for you to help them with their game as you’re driving to work, you might want to keep your support in YOUR thread. Cause this is ours.

By now you must realize that when I say I mean no offense, I really do mean, there’s no offense meant, just a bit commom sense gushing from my face unto thee, sir top tier. Now if you’l excuse me, I have some grading and Phantasy Star Universe to attend to.

If I’m still allowed to, I might make the effort one time to see if your thoughts are worth the ride at one of your sessions. But even if I do decide to go for it, I’ll make my way over to your thread.

and one more thing.

See you guys wednesday. assholes. Let’s throw a tournament, the sticks and shit are working just fine and I think one day’s notice would be good enough. We don’t need 60 people to show up anyway. A good 24 will do.

What sounds better? 3 or 4 dollar entry?

I have to work on wednesday but who knows I might call in sick to go to regency again I havn’t been there on a wednesday in months


:looney: :looney: :looney:

Talk is cheap…

Go to ONE session and find out for yourself…

I teach all levels of play…

Unless you’re too scared to have your game disected,commented, and taped…



